2017-11-30 13 views


public class Demo 
    public float speed = 1; 
    private List<Vector3> points; 

    private float t; // [0..1] 

    private Vector3 Evaluate(float t) 
     // Find out in between which points we currently are 
     int lastPointIndex = GetLast(t); 
     int nextPointIndex = GetNext(t); 

     // Obviously, I need to somehow transform parameter t 
     // to adjust for the individual length of each segment. 

     float segmentLength = GetLength(lastPointIndex, nextPointIndex); 

     // But how would I do this? 
     return Vector3.Lerp(points[lastPointIndex], points[nextPointIndex], t); 

    public void Update() 
     // Curve parameter t moves between 0 and 1 at constant speed. 
     t = Mathf.PingPong(Time.time * speed, 1); 

     // Then just get the evaluated position for the curve time, but 
     // this gives variant speed if points are not evenly spaced. 
     Vector3 position = Evaluate(t); 





これは実際には静かです。まず、オブジェクトに必要な速度を定義します。たとえば、1秒あたり6台です。つまり、線分の長さが6単位の場合、オブジェクトの開始点から終了点までは1秒かかります。これはまた、その長さの半分(つまり3単位)の線分を持つ場合、オブジェクトを0.5秒かけて交差させることを意味します。だから、あなたがしなければならないことは、あなたのすべての線分の長さを計算し、それを行く速度で割ります。(3/6 = 0.5 = scaleFactor)。 0と1の間の補間の代わりに、0と1*scaleFactorの間を補間します。コードは次のようになります。

public class Demo 
public float speed = 1; 
private List<Vector3> points; 

private float t; // [0..1] 

private Vector3 Evaluate(float t) 
    // Find out in between which points we currently are 
    int lastPointIndex = GetLast(t); 
    int nextPointIndex = GetNext(t); 

    float segmentLength = GetLength(lastPointIndex, nextPointIndex); 
    float scaleFactor = segmentLength/speed; 

    // note that I divided t by scaleFactor instead of multiplication. 
    // That's because Lerp always takes an interval of [0..1]. So, we 
    // adjust the curve parameter instead. 
    return Vector3.Lerp(points[lastPointIndex], points[nextPointIndex], t/scaleFactor); 

public void Update() 
    // Curve parameter t moves between 0 and 1 at constant speed. 
    t = Mathf.PingPong(Time.time * speed, 1); 

    // Then just get the evaluated position for the curve time, but 
    // this gives variant speed if points are not evenly spaced. 
    Vector3 position = Evaluate(t); 