2016-11-22 2 views

私はこのプロットの軸目盛りに目盛線を合わせようとしています。誰にどのようにこれを行うには考えがありますか?私は同時に2つの異なるパッケージ(perspとrockchalk)を使用しているので、私は確かに動作するコードを見つけるのはかなり難しいと思っています。ここで 3次元回帰プロット(perspとrockchalk)で軸目盛りにグリッド線を一致させます

Sample  Coral.cover Coral.richness Water.Temp fish.rich 
r.2002.c.1  59    5    23.90   57 
r.2002.c.2  71    9    33.43   70 
r.2002.c.3  55    10   23.33   55 
r.2002.c.4  58    10   22.14   56 
r.2002.c.5  62    8    26.82   61 
r.2002.c.6  65    10   29.07   64 
r.2002.s.1  86    10   38.76   84 
r.2002.s.2  71    10   30.28   68 
r.2002.s.3  91    6    27.85   89 
r.2002.s.4  63    0    28.03   62 
r.2002.s.5  75    2    31.67   75 
r.2002.s.6  63    2    29.43   63 


mod3 <- mcGraph3(Coral.cover, Coral.richness, fish.rich, 
      interaction = F, 
      theta = -40 , 
      phi =20, 
      x1lab = "", 
      x2lab = "", 
      ylab = "", 
      x1lim = c(46,100), 
      ylim = c(-2.5, 12.5), 
      zlim =c(40, 100), 
      col = 'white', 
      border = 'black', 
      box = T, 
      axes = T, 
      ticktype = "detailed", 
      ntick = 4) 


3D Regression Plot with unaligned axis and ticks



df <- structure(list(Sample = structure(1:12, .Label = c("r.2002.c.1", 
    "r.2002.c.2", "r.2002.c.3", "r.2002.c.4", "r.2002.c.5", "r.2002.c.6", 
    "r.2002.s.1", "r.2002.s.2", "r.2002.s.3", "r.2002.s.4", "r.2002.s.5", 
    "r.2002.s.6"), class = "factor"), Coral.cover = c(59L, 71L, 55L, 
    58L, 62L, 65L, 86L, 71L, 91L, 63L, 75L, 63L), Coral.richness = c(5L, 
    9L, 10L, 10L, 8L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 6L, 0L, 2L, 2L), Water.Temp = c(23.9, 
    33.43, 23.33, 22.14, 26.82, 29.07, 38.76, 30.28, 27.85, 28.03, 
    31.67, 29.43), fish.rich = c(57L, 70L, 55L, 56L, 61L, 64L, 84L, 
    68L, 89L, 62L, 75L, 63L)), .Names = c("Sample", "Coral.cover", 
    "Coral.richness", "Water.Temp", "fish.rich"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

Coral.cover <- df[,2] 
Coral.richness <- df[,3] 
fish.rich <- df[,5] 




## preparation of some values for mesh of fitted value 
fit <- lm(fish.rich ~ Coral.cover + Coral.richness) # model 
x.p <- seq(46, 100, length = 20)      # x-grid of mesh 
y.p <- seq(-2.5, 12.5, length = 20)     # y-grid of mesh 
z.p <- matrix(predict(fit, expand.grid(Coral.cover = x.p, Coral.richness = y.p)), 20) # prediction from xy-grid 

    # box, grid, bottom points, and so on 
scatter3D(Coral.cover, Coral.richness, rep(40, 12), colvar = NA, bty = "b2", 
      xlim = c(46,100), ylim = c(-2.5, 12.5), zlim = c(40,100), theta = -40, phi = 20, 
      r = 10, ticktype = "detailed", pch = 19, col = "gray", nticks = 4) 
    # mesh, real points 
scatter3D(Coral.cover, Coral.richness, fish.rich, add = T, colvar = NA, col = "blue", 
      surf = list(x = x.p, y = y.p, z = z.p, facets = NA, col = "gray80")) 
    # arrow from prediction to observation 
arrows3D(x0 = Coral.cover, y0 = Coral.richness, z0 = fit$fitted.values, z1 = fish.rich, 
     type = "simple", lty = 2, add = T, col = "red") 

### [bonus] persp() version 
pmat <- persp(x.p, y.p, z.p, xlim = c(46,100), ylim = c(-2.5, 12.5), zlim = c(40,100), theta = -40, phi = 20, 
       r = 10, ticktype = "detailed", pch = 19, col = NA, border = "gray", nticks = 4) 
for (ix in seq(50, 100, 10)) lines (trans3d(x = ix, y = c(-2.5, 12.5), z= 40, pmat = pmat), col = "black") 
for (iy in seq(0, 10, 5)) lines (trans3d(x = c(46, 100), y = iy, z= 40, pmat = pmat), col = "black") 

points(trans3d(Coral.cover, Coral.richness, rep(40, 12), pmat = pmat), col = "gray", pch = 19) 
points(trans3d(Coral.cover, Coral.richness, fish.rich, pmat = pmat), col = "blue") 

xy0 <- trans3d(Coral.cover, Coral.richness, fit$fitted.values, pmat = pmat) 
xy1 <- trans3d(Coral.cover, Coral.richness, fish.rich, pmat = pmat) 
arrows(xy0[[1]], xy0[[2]], xy1[[1]], xy1[[2]], col = "red", lty = 2, length = 0.1) 

enter image description here

コメントが理にかなっています。しかし、mcGraph3()にはgridに関するオプションはなく、add = Tを引数として取ることはできません。だから私は変更されたmcGraph3()(これはハックな方法です)とグリッドを描く私の機能を示しました。


my_mcGraph3 <- function (x1, x2, y, interaction = FALSE, drawArrows = TRUE, 
         x1lab, x2lab, ylab, col = "white", border = "black", x1lim = NULL, x2lim = NULL, 
         grid = TRUE, meshcol = "black", ...) # <-- new arguments 
    x1range <- magRange(x1, 1.25) 
    x2range <- magRange(x2, 1.25) 
    yrange <- magRange(y, 1.5) 
    if (missing(x1lab)) 
    x1lab <- gsub(".*\\$", "", deparse(substitute(x1))) 
    if (missing(x2lab)) 
    x2lab <- gsub(".*\\$", "", deparse(substitute(x2))) 
    if (missing(ylab)) 
    ylab <- gsub(".*\\$", "", deparse(substitute(y))) 
    if (grid) { 
    res <- perspEmpty(x1 = plotSeq(x1range, 5), x2 = plotSeq(x2range, 5), 
         y = yrange, x1lab = x1lab, x2lab = x2lab, ylab = ylab, ...) 
    } else { 
    if (is.null(x1lim)) x1lim <- x1range 
    if (is.null(x2lim)) x2lim <- x2range 
    res <- persp(x = x1range, y = x2range, z = rbind(yrange, yrange), 
       xlab = x1lab, ylab = x2lab, zlab = ylab, xlim = x1lim, ylim = x2lim, col = "#00000000", border = NA, ...) 
    mypoints1 <- trans3d(x1, x2, yrange[1], pmat = res) 
    points(mypoints1, pch = 16, col = gray(0.8)) 
    mypoints2 <- trans3d(x1, x2, y, pmat = res) 
    points(mypoints2, pch = 1, col = "blue") 
    if (interaction) m1 <- lm(y ~ x1 * x2) else m1 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2) 
    x1seq <- plotSeq(x1range, length.out = 20) 
    x2seq <- plotSeq(x2range, length.out = 20) 
    zplane <- outer(x1seq, x2seq, function(a, b) { 
    predict(m1, newdata = data.frame(x1 = a, x2 = b)) 
    for (i in 1:length(x1seq)) { 
    lines(trans3d(x1seq[i], x2seq, zplane[i, ], pmat = res), lwd = 0.3, col = meshcol) 
    for (j in 1:length(x2seq)) { 
    lines(trans3d(x1seq, x2seq[j], zplane[, j], pmat = res), lwd = 0.3, col = meshcol) 
    mypoints4 <- trans3d(x1, x2, fitted(m1), pmat = res) 
    newy <- ifelse(fitted(m1) < y, fitted(m1) + 0.8 * (y - fitted(m1)), 
       fitted(m1) + 0.8 * (y - fitted(m1))) 
    mypoints2s <- trans3d(x1, x2, newy, pmat = res) 
    if (drawArrows) 
    arrows(mypoints4$x, mypoints4$y, mypoints2s$x, mypoints2s$y, 
      col = "red", lty = 4, lwd = 0.3, length = 0.1) 
    invisible(list(lm = m1, res = res)) 

persp_grid <- function(xlim, ylim, zlim, pmat, pos = c("z-", "z+", "x-", "x+", "y-", "y+"), n = 5, ...) { 
    px <- pretty(xlim, n)[xlim[1] < pretty(xlim, n) & pretty(xlim, n) < xlim[2]] 
    py <- pretty(ylim, n)[ylim[1] < pretty(ylim, n) & pretty(ylim, n) < ylim[2]] 
    pz <- pretty(zlim, n)[zlim[1] < pretty(zlim, n) & pretty(zlim, n) < zlim[2]] 
    if (any(pos == "z-" | pos == "z+")){ 
    zval <- ifelse(any(pos == "z-"), zlim[1], zlim[2]) 
    for (ix in px) lines (trans3d(x = ix, y = ylim, z = zval, pmat = pmat), ...) 
    for (iy in py) lines (trans3d(x = xlim, y = iy, z = zval, pmat = pmat), ...) 
    if (any(pos == "x-" | pos == "x+")){ 
    xval <- ifelse(any(pos == "x-"), xlim[1], xlim[2]) 
    for (iz in pz) lines (trans3d(x = xval, y = ylim, z = iz, pmat = pmat), ...) 
    for (iy in py) lines (trans3d(x = xval, y = iy, z = zlim, pmat = pmat), ...) 
    if (any(pos == "y-" | pos == "y+")){ 
    yval <- ifelse(any(pos == "y-"), ylim[1], ylim[2]) 
    for (ix in px) lines (trans3d(x = ix, y = yval, z = zlim, pmat = pmat), ...) 
    for (iz in pz) lines (trans3d(x = xlim, y = yval, z = iz, pmat = pmat), ...) 

私はミスをしなかった場合my_mcGraph3(..., meshcol = "black", grid = T)は同等である、(それらを使用してください〜mcGraph3(...))。 persp


mod3 <- my_mcGraph3(Coral.cover, Coral.richness, fish.rich, 
       interaction = F, 
       theta = -40 , 
       phi =20, 
       x1lab = "", 
       x2lab = "", 
       ylab = "", 
       x1lim = c(46,100), 
       x2lim = c(-2.5, 12.5), 
       zlim =c(40, 100), 
       r = 10, 
       col = 'white', 
       border = 'black', 
       box = T, 
       axes = T, 
       ticktype = "detailed", 
       ntick = 4, 
       meshcol = "gray", # <<- new argument 
       grid = F)   # <<- new argument 

persp_grid(xlim = c(46, 100), ylim = c(-2.5, 12.5), zlim = c(40, 100), 
      pmat = mod3$res, pos = c("z-", "y+", "x+"), col = "green", lty = 2) 
    # if you want only bottom grid, persp_grid(..., pos = "z-", ...) 

# note 
magRange(fish.rich, 1.5) # c(38, 106) is larger than zlim, so warning message comes. 

機能が最初彼らは、2D座標に3次元座標とbaseプロットの機能に与える翻訳、換言すれば、baseプロットを使用してグラフを描きます。 0123,で3次元座標から2次元座標を得ることができます。たとえば、x=46, y=-2.5, z=100からx=46, y=12.5, z=100に線を引くとします。 pmatpmat <- persp(...)またはmod <- mcGraph3(...); pmat <- mod$resで取得できます。

coords_2d_0 <- trans3d(46, -2.5, 100, pmat = mod3$res) # 2d_coordinates of the start point 
coords_2d_1 <- trans3d(46, 12.5, 100, pmat = mod3$res) # 2d_coordinates of the end point 
points(coords_2d_0, col = 2, pch = 19); points(coords_2d_1, col = 2, pch = 19) 

xx <- c(coords_2d_0$x, coords_2d_1$x) 
yy <- c(coords_2d_0$y, coords_2d_1$y) 
lines(xx, yy, col = "blue", lwd = 3) 

enter image description here


おかげで、私が探していたまさにです多くのことを(上記のコードを実行した後に、コードの下に使用してください)。私には1つの質問がありますが。私がrockchalkのために行った理由は、私が非常にシンプルに使用したコードを見つけたからです。私が個人的にあなたがちょうど作り出したものの近くに書くのに苦労していたでしょう。この意味で、私は前に持っていたようにキューブを埋めるために点線をどのように追加することができますか?これは主に、回帰平面がボックスの前面に接触する正確な点です。 – user2443444


あなたはそのコメントを無視することができます、私はちょうどコードを実行し、そこにあります。ご協力いただきありがとうございます。 – user2443444
