2016-06-21 4 views

jsonデータをtableviewcellsに表示しようとしています。しかし、私は私のプロファイルのhomemodelにjsonの結果を追加する問題を抱えています。私はそうだと言って私の要求マネージャの誤差は変換できません[NSDictionaryの] エラーを修正するには[NSDictionary]をNSDictionaryに迅速に変換できますか?


へ クラスcoreValueHomeModel {

//MARK: - properties 
var total: String = "total" 
var commentId: String = "commentId" 

init(jsonData: NSDictionary){ 
    total = jsonData.objectForKey("total") as? String ?? "total" 
    commentId = jsonData.objectForKey("commentId") as? String ?? "commentId" 

init(total: String, commentId: String) { 
    self.total = total 
    self.commentId = commentId 

//prints object's UserInformation 
var description: String { 
    return "total:\(total), commentId:\(commentId)" 


輸入財団 クラスStrengthHomeModel {

//MARK: - properties 
var id: String = "id" 
var name: String = "name" 
var description: String = "description" 
var color: String = "color" 

init(jsonData: NSDictionary){ 
    id = jsonData.objectForKey("id") as? String ?? "id" 
    name = jsonData.objectForKey("name") as? String ?? "name" 
    description = jsonData.objectForKey("description") as? String ?? "description" 
    color = jsonData.objectForKey("color") as? String ?? "color" 

init(id: String, name: String, description: String ,color: String) { 
    self.id = id 
    self.name = name 
    self.description = description 
    self.color = color 

//prints object's UserInformation 
var des: String { 
    return "id: \(id), name: \(name), description: \(description), color: \(color)" 



インポート財団 クラスProfileHomeModel {

//MARK: - properties 
var firstName: String? = "First Name" 
var lastName: String? = "Last Name" 
var location: String? = "location" 
var title: String? = "title" 
var score: String? = "score" 
var received: String? = "received" 
var given: String? = "given" 
var coreValueResults = [coreValueHomeModel]() 
var strengthResults = [StrengthHomeModel]() 

init(jsonData: NSDictionary){ 
    firstName = jsonData.objectForKey("firstName") as? String ?? "First Name" 
    lastName = jsonData.objectForKey("lastName") as? String ?? "Last Name" 
    location = jsonData.objectForKey("location") as? String ?? "location" 
    title = jsonData.objectForKey("title") as? String ?? "title" 
    score = jsonData.objectForKey("score") as? String ?? "score" 
    received = jsonData.objectForKey("received") as? String ?? "received" 
    given = jsonData.objectForKey("given") as? String ?? "given" 

    if let commentTotals = jsonData.objectForKey("commentTotals") as? [NSDictionary] { 
     for commentTotal in commentTotals { 
      let coreValue = coreValueHomeModel(jsonData: commentTotal) 


    if let strengths = jsonData.objectForKey("strengths") as? [NSDictionary] { 
     for strength in strengths { 
      let strengthValue = StrengthHomeModel(jsonData: strength) 



    firstName = nil 
    lastName = nil 
    location = nil 
    title = nil 
    score = nil 
    received = nil 
    given = nil 
    coreValueResults = [] 
    strengthResults = [] 


import Foundation 

class ProfileRequestManager { 

    func parseJson() -> ProfileHomeModel { 
     var profileValue = ProfileHomeModel() 

     let urlPath = "*********" 
     let url = NSURL(string: urlPath) 
     let data = NSData(contentsOfURL: url!) 

     do { 
      let jsonData = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options: .AllowFragments) as? NSDictionary 

       let profile = jsonData!.objectForKey("profile") as? NSDictionary 

      for profileInfo in profile! { 
//problem here 
       profileValue.append(ProfileHomeModel(jsonData: profileInfo)) 


    print("Something went wrong while parsing json data fetched from the API") 
     return profileValue 



    "success": true, 
    "profile": { 
    "firstName": "Vignesh", 
    "lastName": "Krish", 
    "score": "126", 
    "title": "Software Developer Intern", 
    "given": "4", 
    "received": "10", 
    "commentTotals": [ 
     "total": "4", 
     "id": "8" 
     "total": "3", 
     "id": "9" 
     "total": "2", 
     "id": "10" 
     "total": "1", 
     "id": "11" 
    "strengths": [ 
     "id": "4", 
     "name": "Analytical", 
     "description": "People exceptionally talented in the Analytical theme search for reasons and causes. They have the ability to think about all the factors that might affect a situation.", 
     "color": "9c0000" 
     "id": "17", 
     "name": "Focus", 
     "description": "People exceptionally talented in the Focus theme can take a direction, follow through, and make the corrections necessary to stay on track. They prioritize, then act.", 
     "color": "5c3a6e" 
     "id": "8", 
     "name": "Communication", 
     "description": "People exceptionally talented in the Communication theme generally find it easy to put their thoughts into words. They are good conversationalists and presenters.", 
     "color": "da892f" 
     "id": "29", 
     "name": "Responsibility", 
     "description": "People exceptionally talented in the Responsibility theme take psychological ownership of what they say they will do. They are committed to stable values such as honesty and loyalty.", 
     "color": "5c3a6e" 
     "id": "30", 
     "name": "Restorative", 
     "description": "People exceptionally talented in the Restorative theme are adept at dealing with problems. They are good at figuring out what is wrong and resolving it.", 
     "color": "5c3a6e" 

オブジェクトのようなサウンドは、辞書の配列ではなく、まっすぐな辞書としてシリアル化されています。 NSData(contentsOfURL:)を介して取得したデータの関連するスニペットを投稿できますか? – Palpatim


私はjson形式で取得しようとしているデータを投稿しました –


あなたのデータスニペットはあなたの問題をかなり明確に示しています: 'profile'は辞書です。それを辞書の配列にキャストしようとしています。あなたのキャストを '[NSDictionary]'から 'NSDictionary'に変更してください – Palpatim





let myProfile = profile.firstObject 


let profile = jsonData!.objectForKey("profile") as? NSDictionary 


for profile in profile { 

私があなたが言及したように変更を加えました。それは私にprofilehomemodelにメンバタイプが付加されていないというエラーを与えます –


@VigneshKrish 'ProfileHomeModel'のコードを追加します。 – Code


完了!それは投稿にあります –


有効なjson文字列は、配列または辞書で指定できます。 json文字列の形式がわからない場合は、その内容を操作する前にその型をチェックする必要があります。

do { 
    if let jsonData = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options: .AllowFragments) as? NSDictionary { 
     //got a dictionary, do your works with this dictionary 
    } else if let jsonData = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options: .AllowFragments) as? NSArray { 
     //got an array, do your works with this dictionary 
    } else { 
     //is not a valid json data 
} catch let _error as NSError { 
    //got error 