2017-02-16 5 views




public static Rectangle CalculateBoundingRectangle(Rectangle rectangle, Matrix transform) 
     // Get all four corners in local space 
     Vector2 leftTop = new Vector2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top); 
     Vector2 rightTop = new Vector2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Top); 
     Vector2 leftBottom = new Vector2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Bottom); 
     Vector2 rightBottom = new Vector2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Bottom); 

     // Transform all four corners into work space 
     Vector2.Transform(ref leftTop, ref transform, out leftTop); 
     Vector2.Transform(ref rightTop, ref transform, out rightTop); 
     Vector2.Transform(ref leftBottom, ref transform, out leftBottom); 
     Vector2.Transform(ref rightBottom, ref transform, out rightBottom); 

     // Find the minimum and maximum extents of the rectangle in world space 
     Vector2 min = Vector2.Min(Vector2.Min(leftTop, rightTop), 
            Vector2.Min(leftBottom, rightBottom)); 
     Vector2 max = Vector2.Max(Vector2.Max(leftTop, rightTop), 
            Vector2.Max(leftBottom, rightBottom)); 

     // Return as a rectangle 
     return new Rectangle((int)min.X, (int)min.Y, 
          (int)(max.X - min.X), (int)(max.Y - min.Y)); 

これはMicrosoftのサイトとすべてから来ているので、私はこれがうまくいくと仮定しています。だから問題は私の行列と思う。私は、回転行列だけを使用した場合、回転行列だけを回転させると考えました。 X座標とY座標を大幅に変更しないでください。

// calculate transformation 
      Matrix transformation = Matrix.CreateRotationZ((float)rotation) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ((float)rotation);; 

      //update bounding rectangle 
      rectangle = new Rectangle((int)(position.X - origin.X), (int)(position.Y - origin.Y), texture.Width, texture.Height); 
      rectangle = BoundingAndCollision.CalculateBoundingRectangle(rectangle, transformation); 


Matrix transformation = Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(origin, 0.0f)) * 
       Matrix.CreateRotationZ((float)rotation) * 
       Matrix.CreateScale(scale) * 
       Matrix.CreateTranslation(position.X, position.Y, 0); 






public static Rectangle CalculateBoundingRectangle(Rectangle rectangle, Matrix transform) 

    Vector2 center = new Vector2(rectangle.Left + (rectangle.Width/2), rectangle.Top + (rectangle.Height/2); 

    // Get all four corners in local space 
    Vector2 leftTop = new Vector2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top) - center; 
    Vector2 rightTop = new Vector2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Top) - center; 
    Vector2 leftBottom = new Vector2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Bottom) - center; 
    Vector2 rightBottom = new Vector2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Bottom) - center; 

    // Transform all four corners into work space 
    Vector2.Transform(ref leftTop, ref transform, out leftTop); 
    Vector2.Transform(ref rightTop, ref transform, out rightTop); 
    Vector2.Transform(ref leftBottom, ref transform, out leftBottom); 
    Vector2.Transform(ref rightBottom, ref transform, out rightBottom); 

    leftTop += center; 
    rightTop += center; 
    leftBottom += center; 
    rightBottom += center; 

    // Find the minimum and maximum extents of the rectangle in world space 
    Vector2 min = Vector2.Min(Vector2.Min(leftTop, rightTop), 
           Vector2.Min(leftBottom, rightBottom)); 
    Vector2 max = Vector2.Max(Vector2.Max(leftTop, rightTop), 
           Vector2.Max(leftBottom, rightBottom)); 

    // Return as a rectangle 
    return new Rectangle((int)min.X, (int)min.Y, 
         (int)(max.X - min.X), (int)(max.Y - min.Y)); 

完全に機能しました!どうもありがとうございます! –
