2017-12-27 10 views





// Summary: 
//  SQLite implementation of DbTransaction that does support nested transactions. 
public sealed class SQLiteTransaction2 : SQLiteTransaction 
    // Summary: 
    //  Commits the current transaction. 
    public override void Commit(); 
    // Summary: 
    //  Attempts to start a transaction. An exception will be thrown if the transaction 
    //  cannot be started for any reason. 
    // Parameters: 
    // deferredLock: 
    //  TRUE to defer the writelock, or FALSE to lock immediately 
    protected override void Begin(bool deferredLock); 
    // Summary: 
    //  Disposes the transaction. If it is currently active, any changes are rolled back. 
    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); 
    // Summary: 
    //  Issue a ROLLBACK command against the database connection, optionally re-throwing 
    //  any caught exception. 
    // Parameters: 
    // throwError: 
    //  Non-zero to re-throw caught exceptions. 
    protected override void IssueRollback(bool throwError); 