2009-06-08 6 views



  • 結果、任意のビュースクリプトに含めることができ

    1. :だから、以下のコードを見ることで、あなたは私のようなコードをリファクタリングする方法についていくつかのアドバイスを与えることができますログイン試行が


  • ウィジェットをレンダリングされ、ログインウィジェットがあります

    echo $this->action('auth', 'login-widget'); 


    class AuthController extends Zend_Controller_Action {  
        // This method is invoked by Zend_View_Helper_Action to render the 
        // login widget 
        public function loginWidgetAction() { 
         $flashMessenger = $this->_helper->flashMessenger->setNamespace('login'); 
         $this->view->messages = $flashMessenger->getMessages(); 
        public function loginAction() { 
         if($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { 
          $result = Auth::doLogin($this->getRequest()->getPost()); 
          if($result->isValid()) { 
          else { 
           $flashMessenger = $this->_helper->flashMessenger-> 
           foreach($result->getMessages() as $message) { 
         // This will be changed to redirect either to the index page, 
         // or the page the request originated from if available. 


    * Model for encapsulating the actions that deals with authentication, 
    * such as registering and activating users, as well as logging in and 
    * logging out. 
    * @todo: Refactor this to remove static methods 
    class Auth { 
        * @return Zend_Auth_Result 
        public static function doLogin ($credentials) { 
         $authAdapter = new Auth_Adapter_DbTable(
          'SHA1(CONCAT(?, salt))' 
         $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance(); 
         return $auth->authenticate($authAdapter); 

    /モデル/認証/アダプタ/ DBTABLEビュースクリプトで、呼び出すことによってレンダリング。 ph:

    class Auth_Adapter_DbTable extends Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable {  
        * authenticate() - defined by Zend_Auth_Adapter_Interface. This method 
        * is called to attempt an authenication. Previous to this call, this 
        * adapter would have already been configured with all necessary 
        * information to successfully connect to a database table and attempt 
        * to find a record matching the provided identity. 
        * @throws Zend_Auth_Adapter_Exception if answering the authentication 
        * query is impossible 
        * @see library/Zend/Auth/Adapter/Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable#authenticate() 
        * @return MedU_Auth_Result 
        public function authenticate() { 
         return parent::authenticate(); 
        * _authenticateValidateResult() - This method attempts to validate that 
        * the record in the result set is indeed a record that matched the 
        * identity provided to this adapter. 
        * Additionally it checks that the user account is activated. 
        * @param array $resultIdentity 
        * @return MedU_Auth_Result 
        protected function _authenticateValidateResult($resultIdentity) 
         $result = parent::_authenticateValidateResult($resultIdentity); 
         if(!$result->isValid()) { return $result; } 
         // Overwrite the username supplied by the user and instead 
         // use the name supplied upon registration, i.e if the 
         // user signs in as uSERNAME and registered as Username, 
         // the identity is Username 
         $this->_authenticateResultInfo['identity'] = 
         return $this->_authenticateCreateAuthResult(); 
        protected function _checkAccountIsActivated ($resultIdentity) { 
         if(!$resultIdentity['activated']) { 
          $this->_authenticateResultInfo['code'] = 
          $this->_authenticateResultInfo['messages'] = 
           array('The account has not yet been activated. 
             Please click on the link provided in the 
             activation email.'); 
        protected function _checkAccountIsSuspended ($resultIdentity) { 
         if($resultIdentity['suspended']) { 
          $this->_authenticateResultInfo['code'] = 
          $this->_authenticateResultInfo['messages'] = 
            array('The account has been suspended. 
             If you feel this is a mistake, 
             please contact our support: [email protected]'); 
        * _authenticateCreateAuthResult() - This method creates a 
        * MedU_Auth_Result object from the information that has 
        * been collected during the authenticate() attempt. 
        * @return MedU_Auth_Result 
        protected function _authenticateCreateAuthResult() 
         return new MedU_Auth_Result(

    /views/scripts/auth/partials/logi N-widget.phtml

    // The fetchForm-view helper returns a Zend_Form object. 
    // The form definition (xml) is attached below in the 
    // code box below this one. 
    <div class="box"> 
        <?php if($this->messages) : ?> 
          <ul class="errors"> 
           <?php foreach($this->messages as $message) : ?> 
            <li><?php echo $message ?></li> 
           <?php endforeach; ?> 
        <?php endif; ?> 
         <?php echo $this->fetchForm('user', 'login') ?> 


    // Configuration of the Login form. 'user' and 'login' are 
    // just keys for the view helper to return the correct form 
          <action value="/auth/login" /> 
          <method value="post" /> 
            <type value="text"></type> 
             <label value="Username" /> 
             <required value="true" /> 
              <alnum validator="alnum" /> 
              <strlen validator="StringLength"> 
               <options min="6" max="45" /> 
            <type value="password" /> 
             <label value="Password" /> 
             <required value="true" /> 
              <strlen validator="StringLength"> 
               <options min="6" max="20" /> 
            <type value="submit" /> 
             <label value="Log in" /> 
  • +0

    1、興味深い質問を使用していますが、なぜあなたはない、単純なリダイレクトを発行すると、たとえば、AuthController-> LoginActionの際に非ログイユーザーが保護されたコンテンツにアクセスしようとしていますか?特別な理由はありますか? – karim79


    確かに、私はまだそれをしなくてはいけませんが、ログインを必要とするリンクを最初にクリックすることなく、ユーザーが気に入ったらログインできるようにしたいと考えています。たとえば、ユーザーがログインしていないときにサイドバーにログインボックスを表示するには – PatrikAkerstrand

