2016-07-19 53 views

私はpython 3で学校の給与計算機を書いています。ユーザー入力はあなたの名前を要求するか、プログラムを終了することから始まります。開始時に "0"を入力するとプログラムは終了するはずですが、ユーザーが計算した後に入力すれば、印刷されます(レポートの終わりと以前の給与情報)。私はそれを終了した後に給与情報の印刷を停止する方法を理解できません。これは私がこれまで持っていたものです。給与計算機Python

これはコードです: ワン・ストップ・ショップ給与計算

user = str 
end = "0" 
hours = round(40,2) 
print("One Stop Shop Payroll Calculator") 
while user != end: 
    user = input("Please enter your name or type '0' to quit: ") 
if user == end: 
    print("End of Report") 
    hours = (float(input("Please enter hours worked: ",))) 
    payrate =(float(input("Please enter your payrate: $",))) 
if hours < 40: 
    print("Employee's name: ", user) 
    print("Overtime hours: 0") 
    print("Overtime Pay: $0.00") 
    regularpay = round(hours * payrate, 2) 
    print("Gross Pay: $", regularpay) 
elif hours > 40: 
    overtimehours = round(hours - 40.00,2) 
    print("Overtime hours: ", overtimehours) 
    print("Employee's name: ", user) 
    regularpay = round(hours * payrate,2) 
    overtimerate = round(payrate * 1.5, 2) 
    overtimepay = round(overtimehours * overtimerate) 
    grosspay = round(regularpay+overtimepay,2) 
    print("Regular Pay: $", regularpay) 
    print("Overtime Pay: $",overtimepay) 
    print("Gross Pay: $", grosspay) 


One Stop Shop Payroll Calculator 

Please enter your name or type '0' to quit: Brandon 
Please enter hours worked: 50 
Please enter your payrate: $10 
Overtime hours: 10.0 
Employee's name: Brandon 
Regular Pay: $ 500.0 
Overtime Pay: $ 150 
Gross Pay: $ 650.0 

Please enter your name or type '0' to quit: Brandon 
Please enter hours worked: 30 
Please enter your payrate: $10 
Employee's name: Brandon 
Overtime hours: 0 
Overtime Pay: $0.00 
Gross Pay: $ 300.0 

Please enter your name or type '0' to quit: 0 
End of Report 
Employee's name: 0 
Overtime hours: 0 
Overtime Pay: $0.00 
Gross Pay: $ 300.0 

Process finished with exit code 0 


code being executed


文字列を '=='で比較するのを止めます。 – csmckelvey




最初に、いつ終了するかを定義する方法を変更しました。 end = "False" while whileループは実行されます。end = "0"ではなくend = Falseに設定されます。それが言うよう


これは入力「ユーザ」をチェックし、その= 0の場合は、次の行を実行します。



:それ以外の場合は40を入力として、「時間< = 40があれば、」

を動作しないでしょうに「時間> 40の場合を」だから、今のコードは次のようになります

user = str 
end = False 
hours = round(40,2) 
print("One Stop Shop Payroll Calculator") 
while end == False: 
    user = input("\nPlease enter your name or type '0' to quit: ") 
    if user == "0": 
    print("End of Report") 
    hours = (float(input("Please enter hours worked: ",))) 
    payrate =(float(input("Please enter your payrate: $",))) 
    if hours <= 40: 
    print("Employee's name: ", user) 
    print("Overtime hours: 0") 
    print("Overtime Pay: $0.00") 
    regularpay = round(hours * payrate, 2) 
    print("Gross Pay: $", regularpay) 
    elif hours > 40: 
    overtimehours = round(hours - 40.00,2) 
    print("Overtime hours: ", overtimehours) 
    print("Employee's name: ", user) 
    regularpay = round(hours * payrate,2) 
    overtimerate = round(payrate * 1.5, 2) 
    overtimepay = round(overtimehours * overtimerate) 
    grosspay = round(regularpay+overtimepay,2) 
    print("Regular Pay: $", regularpay) 
    print("Overtime Pay: $",overtimepay) 
    print("Gross Pay: $", grosspay) 



悪いことではありません。また、 'end'を取り除き、明示的に' break'でループを終了しているので、 'while True:'を使うこともできます。また、同じ理由でループ内で 'else:'を取り除くこともできます。 'break'が実行された場合、' break'の後のループ内に何も起こりません。 – cxw


ああ、ええ、良い点@cxwは私が少し最適化されていないので、中には、Pythonを使用していない笑 – NicheQuiche


私も同様に作った。ここではPython 3xの私です。

print("Welcome to PayCalc!\n") 
wage = float(input("How much do you make per hour?\n")) 
hours = float(input("How many hours for the week?\n")) 
def as_currency(amount): 
    if amount >= 0: 
     return '${:,.2f}'.format(amount) 
     return '-${:,.2f}'.format(-amount) 
if hours <= 40: 
    weekincome = wage*hours 
    monthincome = weekincome*4 
    print("It has been calculated that if you work {} hours at a rate of {}, you should make a total of {}/week ({}/month)".format(int(round(hours)),as_currency(wage),as_currency(weekincome),as_currency(monthincome))) 
    regularpay = wage*40 
    overtimehours = hours - 40 
    overtimerate = wage*1.5 
    overtimeincome = (overtimehours * overtimerate) 
    print("Regular pay: {}/wk + your overtime rate of {}/hr".format(as_currency(regularpay),as_currency(overtimerate))) 
    print("Hours of overtime: {}".format(int(round(overtimehours)))) 
    print("Total overtime income: {}".format(as_currency(overtimeincome))) 
    weekincome = (40*wage) + overtimeincome 
    #if worked overtime every week 
    monthincome = weekincome*4 
    overtimeonce = weekincome + (regularpay*3) 
    print("It has been calculated that you should make a total of {}/week with overtime ({}/month) if worked {} hours every week.\nIf worked {} hours during one week and 40 hours/wk every other week, you'd make {} for the month".format(as_currency(weekincome),as_currency(monthincome),int(round(hours)),int(round(hours)),as_currency(overtimeonce))) 


Welcome to PayCalc! 

How much do you make per hour? 
How many hours for the week? 
Regular pay: $764.80/wk + your overtime rate of $28.68/hr 
Hours of overtime: 20 
Total overtime income: $573.60 
It has been calculated that you should make a total of $1,338.40/week with overtime ($5,353.60/month) if worked 60 hours every week. 
If worked 60 hours during one week and 40 hours/wk every other week, you'd make $3,632.80 for the month 


Welcome to PayCalc! 

How much do you make per hour? 
How many hours for the week? 
It has been calculated that if you work 40 hours at a rate of $19.12, you should make a total of $764.80/week ($3,059.20/month) 

