2016-07-22 10 views

私はAccess Payment Salary DBをプログラミングしており、毎月14日に給与を支払う必要があります。週末、または休日の場合は、13日、12日、11日などでなければなりません(14日前の最後の就業日)。私たちの週末は金曜日と土曜日です - 平日(dteDate、vbSunday)給与の支払日を計算するVBA


Private Sub PeriodeEnd_Text_AfterUpdate() 

Dim dtDate As Date 
Dim testDate As Date 

    dtDate = dhLastDayInMonth(Me.PeriodeEnd_Text) + 14 
    testDate = LastWorkDay(dtDate) 

Me.PaymentDay_Text = testDate 

End Sub 


Function dhLastDayInMonth(Optional dtmDate As Date = 0) As Date 
    ' Return the last day in the specified month. 
    If dtmDate = 0 Then 
     ' Did the caller pass in a date? If not, use 
     ' the current date. 
     dtmDate = Date 
    End If 
    dhLastDayInMonth = DateSerial(Year(dtmDate), _ 
    Month(dtmDate) + 1, 0) 
End Function 

    Public Function LastWorkDay(Dt As Date) As Date 

    Dim Searching As Boolean 
    Searching = True 

    Do While Searching 
     If Weekday(LastWorkDay, vbSunday) > 5 Then 
     '-- Weekend day, back up a day 
     LastWorkDay = LastWorkDay - 1 
     If Weekday(LastWorkDay, vbSunday) > 5 Or _ 
      Not IsNull(DLookup("[HolidayDate]", "tblHoliday", _ 
           "[HolidayDate] = " & Format(LastWorkDay, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#;;;\N\u\l\l"))) Then 
      '-- The above Format of LastWorkday works with US or UK dates! 
      LastWorkDay = LastWorkDay - 1 
      '-- The search is over 
      Searching = False 
     End If 
     End If 
End Function 

使用しているコードを提供できますか? –


'Dt'はあなたの' LastWorkDay'関数のパラメータですが、決して使用しません。ループの始めに 'LastWorkDay = Dt'行を含めるか、関数全体で' Dt'を使うように設定し、最後に 'LastWorkDay = Dt'を設定する必要があります。 – OpiesDad


こんにちは、助けてくれてありがとう、私はそれをテストしましたが、失敗します。 1日が週末に終わり、週末の前の最後の就業日が木曜日であり、それが休日であれば、Accessプログラム全体がデッドロック状態になります。私はプログラムを再起動する必要があります。しかし、幸いなことに、Daveの提案は以下のとおりです。私のコードがなぜ機能していないのかを簡単に知ることができれば、私の記録にはうれしいでしょう。 –






Function WhenIsNextPayDate() As Date 

Dim dteIn7days As Date 
Dim dteTemp As Date 
Dim intDayOfWeek As Integer 
Dim blnNonPayDate As Boolean 

'I have used the actual 2016 easter holiday dates in Oz and 
'pretended that your pay day was actually the 28th (a Monday) 
'We are imagining today is the 21st of March 2016 and 
'that we would like to know the pay date at least a week ahead 

dteIn7days = #3/21/2016# + 7 

If DatePart("d", dteIn7days) = 28 Then 

    'Keep going back in time until pay day is not Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday 
    dteTemp = dteIn7days 

     blnNonPayDate = False 

     intDayOfWeek = DatePart("w", dteTemp) 

     Select Case intDayOfWeek 

      Case vbSaturday '7 

       blnNonPayDate = True 
      Case vbSunday '1 

       blnNonPayDate = True 
      Case Else 

       '(I imagine you already have a function to test a date 
       'in the public holiday table) 
       'This is to illustrate the case of 2 public holidays 
       'Easter friday and easter monday 
       If dteTemp = #3/25/2016# Or dteTemp = #3/28/2016# Then 

        blnNonPayDate = True 
       End If 
     End Select 

     If blnNonPayDate = False Then 

      'Pay day - thursday 24th March 2016 
      WhenIsNextPayDate = dteTemp 
      Debug.Print WhenIsNextPayDate 
      Exit Do 

      'Keep going back in time 
      dteTemp = dteTemp - 1 
     End If 
End If 

End Function 

こんにちはデイブ、ありがとう、コードは現在動作しています。私が結局何を表示したかを示す主要な質問フィールドを見てください。 –




Private Sub PeriodeEnd_Text_AfterUpdate() 

Dim dtDate As Date 
Dim testDate As Date 

    dtDate = dhLastDayInMonth(Me.PeriodeEnd_Text) + 14 
    testDate = WhenIsNextPayDate(dtDate) 

Me.PaymentDay_Text = testDate 

End Sub 

Function dhLastDayInMonth(Optional dtmDate As Date = 0) As Date 
     ' Return the last day in the specified month. 
     If dtmDate = 0 Then 
      ' Did the caller pass in a date? If not, use 
      ' the current date. 
      dtmDate = Date 
     End If 
     dhLastDayInMonth = DateSerial(Year(dtmDate), _ 
     Month(dtmDate) + 1, 0) 
    End Function 

Function WhenIsNextPayDate(Dt As Date) As Date 

Dim dteIn7days As Date 
Dim dteTemp As Date 
Dim intDayOfWeek As Integer 
Dim blnNonPayDate As Boolean 

'I have used the actual 2016 easter holiday dates in Oz and 
'pretended that your pay day was actually the 28th (a Monday) 
'We are imagining today is the 21st of March 2016 and 
'that we would like to know the pay date at least a week ahead 

dteIn7days = Dt 

If DatePart("d", dteIn7days) = 14 Then 

    'Keep going back in time until pay day is not Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday 
    dteTemp = dteIn7days 

     blnNonPayDate = False 

     intDayOfWeek = DatePart("w", dteTemp) 

     Select Case intDayOfWeek 

      Case vbFriday '7 

       blnNonPayDate = True 
      Case vbSaturday '1 

       blnNonPayDate = True 
      Case Else 

       '(I imagine you already have a function to test a date 
       'in the public holiday table) 
       'This is to illustrate the case of 2 public holidays 
       'Easter friday and easter monday 
       If Not IsNull(DLookup("[HolidayDate]", "tblHoliday", "[HolidayDate] = " & Format(dteTemp, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#;;;\N\u\l\l"))) Then 

        blnNonPayDate = True 
       End If 
     End Select 

     If blnNonPayDate = False Then 

      'Pay day - thursday 24th March 2016 
      WhenIsNextPayDate = dteTemp 
      Debug.Print WhenIsNextPayDate 
      Exit Do 

      'Keep going back in time 
      dteTemp = dteTemp - 1 
     End If 
End If 

End Function 