2017-12-18 14 views


I have been working hard to understand and implement the following tutorial in my client's store...... https://oak.works/blog/technical/2017/03/23/shopify-sections-editor/


  1. making a new alternate page template, mine: page.portfolio.liquid
  2. creating a snippet of the original section's code, just the top part (sans schema), mine: snippet-collection-callout.liquid
  3. creating a new section, using the code (from the article) to render blocks into the section and calling the snippet for settings as shown in the tutorial I think? (BELOW, called section-portfolio-page.liquid)
  4. defining the schema (copy and paste) from the original section collection-callout.liquid to the new section (BELOW, called section-portfolio-page.liquid)
  5. calling the section into the new page template page.portfolio.liquid with {% section 'section-portfolio-page' %}
  6. creating a new page in Shopify admin, "Portfolio Page"
  7. assigning the new alternate page template to page.portfolio and ensuring navigation is there
  8. navigate to the new page through theme editor, which should show a static section that I can enter and customize via blocks.

しかし、私は」:だから私にそれが簡単に取るPLEASE ...これまでのところ、後に多くの痛みを伴う研究は、私は、次の手順が成功につながる可能性が最も高いルートであることを(推測)に決定しましたこのエラーを戻しているので、手順4でスタックされています。

Error: Invalid JSON in tag 'schema'



Here is the original section I am trying to recreate and piece together, for use on a page:

{%- assign collection = collections[section.settings.collection] -%} 
{%- assign isEmpty = false -%} 

{% if section.settings.collection == blank %} 
    {%- assign isEmpty = true -%} 
{% endif %} 

{% if section.settings.divider %}<div class="section--divider">{% endif %} 

<div class="page-width"> 
    <div class="feature-row feature-row--small-none"> 

    <div class="feature-row__item feature-row__callout-image"> 
     <div class="callout-images {% if isEmpty %}blank-state{% endif %}" data-aos="collection-callout"> 
     {% if isEmpty %} 
      {% for i in (1..5) %} 
      {% capture current %}{% cycle 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 %}{% endcapture %} 
      <div class="callout-image">{{ 'product-' | append: current | placeholder_svg_tag: 'placeholder-svg' }}</div> 
      {% endfor %} 
     {% else %} 
      {% for product in collection.products limit: 5 %} 
      <img src="{{ product | img_url: '300x' }}" alt="{{ product.title }}" class="callout-image"> 
      {% endfor %} 
     {% endif %} 

    <div class="feature-row__item feature-row__text feature-row__text--{{ section.settings.layout }} feature-row__callout-text larger-text"> 
     {% if section.settings.subtitle %} 
     <p class="subtitle">{{ section.settings.subtitle }}</p> 
     {% endif %} 
     {% if section.settings.title != blank %} 
     <h2 class="h3">{{ section.settings.title }}</h3> 
     {% endif %} 
     <div class="rte"> 
     {% if section.settings.text != blank %} 
      <p>{{ section.settings.text }}</p> 
     {% endif %} 
     {% if section.settings.cta_text1 != blank %} 
     <a href="{{ section.settings.cta_link1 }}" class="btn"> 
      {{ section.settings.cta_text1 }} 
     {% endif %} 
     {% if section.settings.cta_text2 != blank %} 
     <a href="{{ section.settings.cta_link2 }}" class="btn"> 
      {{ section.settings.cta_text2 }} 
     {% endif %} 


{% if section.settings.divider %}</div>{% endif %} 

{% schema %} 
    "name": "Collection callout", 
    "class": "index-section", 
    "settings": [ 
     "type": "collection", 
     "id": "collection", 
     "label": "Collection" 
     "type": "text", 
     "id": "subtitle", 
     "label": "Subtitle", 
     "default": "Brand new" 
     "type": "text", 
     "id": "title", 
     "label": "Title", 
     "default": "Collection callout" 
     "type": "textarea", 
     "id": "text", 
     "label": "Text", 
     "default": "Use this section to easily call attention to one of your collections. We'll show photos of the first 5 products." 
     "type": "text", 
     "id": "cta_text1", 
     "label": "Button #1 text", 
     "default": "Shop Jackets" 
     "type": "url", 
     "id": "cta_link1", 
     "label": "Button #1 link" 
     "type": "text", 
     "id": "cta_text2", 
     "label": "Button #2 text", 
     "default": "Shop All Mens" 
     "type": "url", 
     "id": "cta_link2", 
     "label": "Button #2 link" 
     "type": "select", 
     "id": "layout", 
     "label": "Layout", 
     "default": "right", 
     "options": [ 
      "value": "left", 
      "label": "Text on left" 
      "value": "right", 
      "label": "Text on right" 
     "type": "checkbox", 
     "id": "divider", 
     "label": "Show section divider", 
     "default": false 
    "presets": [{ 
     "name": "Collection callout", 
     "category": "Collection" 
{% endschema %} 

Here is the code for the new section-portfolio-page.liquid I am trying to save, but getting an error for:

{% for block in section.blocks %} 
<div class="grid-item" {{ block.shopify_attributes }}> 
    {% case block.type %} 

    {% when 'callout' %} 
    {% include 'snippet-collection-callout' %} 

    {% endcase %} 
{% endfor %} 

{% schema %} 
    "blocks": [ 
    "name": "Collection callout", 
    "class": "index-section", 
    "settings": [ 
     "type": "collection", 
     "id": "collection", 
     "label": "Collection" 
     "type": "text", 
     "id": "subtitle", 
     "label": "Subtitle", 
     "default": "Brand new" 
     "type": "text", 
     "id": "title", 
     "label": "Title", 
     "default": "Collection callout" 
     "type": "textarea", 
     "id": "text", 
     "label": "Text", 
     "default": "Use this section to easily call attention to one of your collections. We'll show photos of the first 5 products." 
     "type": "text", 
     "id": "cta_text1", 
     "label": "Button #1 text", 
     "default": "Shop Jackets" 
     "type": "url", 
     "id": "cta_link1", 
     "label": "Button #1 link" 
     "type": "text", 
     "id": "cta_text2", 
     "label": "Button #2 text", 
     "default": "Shop All Mens" 
     "type": "url", 
     "id": "cta_link2", 
     "label": "Button #2 link" 
     "type": "select", 
     "id": "layout", 
     "label": "Layout", 
     "default": "right", 
     "options": [ 
      "value": "left", 
      "label": "Text on left" 
      "value": "right", 
      "label": "Text on right" 
     "type": "checkbox", 
     "id": "divider", 
     "label": "Show section divider", 
     "default": false 
    "presets": [{ 
     "name": "Collection callout", 
     "category": "Collection" 
{% endschema %} 




     "name":"Collection callout", 
       "default":"Brand new" 
       "default":"Collection callout" 
       "default":"Use this section to easily call attention to one of your collections. We'll show photos of the first 5 products." 
       "label":"Button #1 text", 
       "default":"Shop Jackets" 
       "label":"Button #1 link" 
       "label":"Button #2 text", 
       "default":"Shop All Mens" 
       "label":"Button #2 link" 
        "label":"Text on left" 
        "label":"Text on right" 
       "label":"Show section divider", 
     "name":"Collection callout", 




ありがとうございました!私はこれをできるだけ早く試みます。好奇心の邪魔をして、あなたが私の歩みの中で私が正しい道を歩いていると思うかどうか教えてくれますか? – kiefly


@kiefly特にShopifyの開発に「正しい」トラックはありません。あなたのニーズに合うようなコードで、すべての開発者が自分のやり方を持っています。現時点では、あなたの中に 'case 'がある、つまりあまりにも多くのコードを処理するための素人の' for'ループがあります。あなたは 'block.type'をチェックしていますが、ブロックタイプはありませんでした(あなたのコードが動作するために入力した' collection'の代わりにブロック 'callout'を呼び出さなければなりません)。だから、それを要約するために、Liquidの基本的な構文とロジックを学び、後で「正しい」方法を心配してください。 – drip


建設的なフィードバックをいただきありがとうございます!ほんとうにありがとう。それは私に研究を始める場所を与える。私はここで概説した手順が、このチュートリアルで説明している手順と正確に一致するように思えるかどうか疑問に思うと思います。いくつかの部分で私には分かりませんでした。明確にするために、一番上に 'class'の代わりに' type 'というラベルを付けて 'collection'を追加しました。代わりにこれを' callout'に変更する必要があります。 – kiefly
