2017-12-24 1 views


<!-- jQuery 2.2.3 --> 
<script src="plugins/jQuery/jquery-2.2.3.min.js"></script> 
<script src="plugins/fabricjs/fabric.min.js"></script> 
<!-- Fabric Script new --> 
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('can'); 
    'object:scaling': function(p){ 
     if (p.target.scaleX < 1) 
     p.target._objects[1].scaleX = 1 + (1 -p.target.scaleX) 
     p.target._objects[1].scaleX = 1/(p.target.scaleX) 
     if (p.target.scaleY < 1) 
     p.target._objects[1].scaleY = 1 + (1 -p.target.scaleY) 
     p.target._objects[1].scaleY = 1/(p.target.scaleY) 


var photoCan = new Array(12); 
for(var j=0 ; j<12 ; j++) { 
    photoCan[j] = photoGroup("User "+ (j+1)); 
var textCan = new Array(12); 
for(var j=0 ; j<12 ; j++) { 
    textCan[j] = textGroup("Textbox "+ (j+1)); 
function photoGroup (text,x,y,w,h) { 
    w = w || 200; //defaults 
    h = h || 200; 
    x = x || 150; 
    y = y || 100; 

    var profilepic = new fabric.Rect({ 
    originX: 'center', 
    originY: 'center', 
    fill: "#000", 
    strokeDashArray: [5, 5], 
    stroke: '#fff', 
    width: w, 
    height: h 
    var text = new fabric.Text(text, { 
    fontSize: 30, 
    fill: "#fff", 
    originX: 'center', 
    originY: 'center', 
    var group = new fabric.Group([ profilepic, text ], { 
    left: x, 
    top: y, 
    angle: 0 
    group.lockRotation = false; 
    group.lockUniScaling = false; 
    return group; 

function textGroup (text,x,y,w,h) { 
    w = w || 300; //defaults 
    h = h || 200; 
    x = x || 150; 
    y = y || 100; 
    var profilepic = new fabric.Rect({ 
    originX: 'center', 
    originY: 'center', 
    fill: "#2e2e2e", 
    strokeDashArray: [5, 5], 
    stroke: '#fff', 
    width: w, 
    height: h, 
    var text = new fabric.Text(text, { 
    fontSize: 30, 
    fill: "#fff", 
    originX: 'center', 
    originY: 'center', 
    var group1 = new fabric.Group([ profilepic, text ], { 
    left: x, 
    top: y, 
    angle: 0, 
    lockUniScaling: false, 
    group1.lockRotation = false; 
    group1.lockUniScaling= false; 

    return group1; 
<!-- new script --> 
$('document').ready(function() { 
    //hide add more buttons 
    //**********************************Important: Show addButtons if already number is specified*********** 
    //vars to get num of elements 
    var photonum = 0; 
    var textnum = 0; 
    //vars to get MAX 
    var phototot = 12; 
    var texttot = 12; 

    // Add more photos 
    $('#addmorephotos').click(function() { 
    // Add more Text 
    $('#addmoretext').click(function() { 
    // Remove last photo 
    $("#removelastphoto").click(function() { 
    canvas.remove(photoCan[photonum-1]);//remove from canvas 
    $('#userphotogrp'+(photonum-1)).remove(); //remove from options 
    photonum--; //subtract the number 
    if(photonum<=1) $("#removelastphoto").hide(); //remove the button if less than num 
    // Remove last Text 
    $("#removelasttext").click(function() { 
    canvas.remove(textCan[textnum-1]);//remove textarea from canvas 
    $('#textgrp'+(textnum-1)).remove(); //remove from options 
    textnum--; //subtract the number 
    if(textnum<=1) $("#removelasttext").hide(); //remove the button if less than num 
    //checked or unchecked photos checkbox 
    $('#addPhotosCheck').change(function() { 
     if(this.checked) { 
     } else { 
      var returnVal = confirm("This will remove the entered data?"); 
      $(this).prop("checked", !returnVal); 
      if(returnVal) { 
       $('#photoslist').html(''); //remove all divs inside list 
       $("#removelastphoto").hide(); //remove remove button 
       for(var k=0; k<phototot ; k++) { 
       canvas.remove(photoCan[k]); //Remove all photos from canvas 
       photonum = 0; //reset value of photo number 
    //checked or unchecked BG checkbox 
    $('#addBgCheck').change(function() { 
     if(this.checked) { 

     } else { 
      $("#myDropzonef").hide(); //*********************************also delete the female files 
    //checked or unchecked Text checkbox 
    $('#addTextCheck').change(function() { 
     if(this.checked) { 
     } else { 
      var returnVal = confirm("This will remove the entered data?"); 
      $(this).prop("checked", !returnVal); 
      if(returnVal) { 
       $('#textlist').html(''); //remove all divs inside list 
       $("#removelasttext").hide(); //remove remove button 
       for(var k=0; k<texttot ; k++) { 
       canvas.remove(textCan[k]); //Remove all photos from canvas 
       textnum = 0; //reset value of photo number 

    function addPhotoField(){ 
    if(photonum<phototot) { 
     $('#photoslist').append(`<div class="well"><div class="form-group" id="userphotogrp`+photonum+`" ><hr><h2>`+(photonum+1)+`</h2> 
      <label for="userphoto`+photonum+`">Photo type</label> 
      <select class="form-control userphotos" id="userphoto`+photonum+`"> 
      <option>User Photo</option> 
      <option>Friend Photo</option> 
      <option>Friend Photo (Opposite gender)</option> 
     canvas.add(photoCan[photonum]); // add photo to canvas 
     if(photonum>0) {$("#removelastphoto").show(); }//show the "remove last" button 
    } else { 
     alert("You can only add upto "+phototot+ " Photos"); 
    function addBgField(){ 
    if(bgnum<bgtot) { 
     $('#backgroundlist').append(`<div class="well"> 
     <div class="form-group" id="bggrp`+bgnum+`" ><hr><h2>`+(bgnum+1)+`</h2> 
     <label for="bg`+bgnum+`">Upload an image</label> 
     <input type="file" class="form-control-file" id="bg`+bgnum+`" aria-describedby="fileHelp"> 
     <small id="fileHelp" class="form-text text-muted">Prefered resolution is 800x420px</small> 
     <div class="form-group"> 
      <label for="userphotos">Show to:</label> 
      <select class="form-control userphotos" id="userphotos"> 
     if(bgnum>0) $("#removelastbg").show(); 
    } else { 
     alert("You can only add upto "+bgtot+ " Backgrounds"); 
    function addTextField(){ 
    if(textnum<texttot) { 
     $('#textlist').append(`<div class="well"> 
     <div class="form-group" id="textgrp`+textnum+`" ><hr><h2>`+(textnum+1)+`</h2> 
     <label for="text`+textnum+`">Add text line by line</label> 
     <textarea class="form-control" id="text`+textnum+`" rows="3"></textarea> 
     <div class="form-group"> 
      <label for="showto`+textnum+`">Show to:</label> 
      <select class="form-control userphotos" id="showto`+textnum+`"> 
     <div class="form-group"> 
      <label for="style`+textnum+`">Text Style:</label> 
      <select class="form-control chosen-select" id="style`+textnum+`"> 
      <?php foreach($styles as $style) { 
      echo "<option>$style[0]</option>\n"; 
      } ?> 
     $(".chosen-select").chosen(); //change select fields to chosen 
     $('.chosen-container').css('width', '100%'); //some bug fix for chosenjs 
     canvas.add(textCan[textnum]); // add photo to canvas 
     if(textnum>0) $("#removelasttext").show(); 
    } else { 
     alert("You can only add upto "+texttot+ " TextFields"); 
    $("#finalSubmit").click(function() { 
     $(".overlay").show(); //show loading 
     var formData = new Object(); 
     formData.slug = slug; //set slug to post variable 
     formData.photos = {}; 
     formData.text = {}; 
     formData.token = "<?php echo $token; ?>"; 
     var numofphotos = photonum; 
     var numoftext = textnum; 
     var phototype = 0; // type of photo -> [user,friend,opp gender friend] => [0,1,2] 
     var textshowto = 0; // whom to show the text -> [common, male, female] => [0,1,2] 
     var textval = ""; //value of text field 
     var textstyle = ""; //value of text style 
     var x,y,h,w,str = ""; 
     for(var i =0 ; i < numofphotos ; i++) { 
     phototype = document.getElementById("userphoto"+i).selectedIndex; 
     x = Math.floor(photoCan[i].left); 
     y = Math.floor(photoCan[i].top); 
     w = Math.floor(photoCan[i].getWidth()); 
     h = Math.floor(photoCan[i].getHeight()); 
     str = phototype + "," + x + "," + y + "," + w + "," + h; 
     formData.photos[i] = str; 
     for(var i =0 ; i < numoftext ; i++) { 
     textshowto = document.getElementById("showto"+i).selectedIndex; 
     textval = document.getElementById("text"+i).value; 
     textval = textval.trim(); //remove leading or trailing whitespaces 
     textstyle = $("#style"+i+" option:selected").val(); 
     x = Math.floor(textCan[i].left); 
     y = Math.floor(textCan[i].top); 
     w = Math.floor(textCan[i].getWidth()); 
     h = Math.floor(textCan[i].getHeight()); 
     str = textstyle + "," + textshowto + "," + x + "," + y + "," + w + "," + h; 
     formData.text[i] = {"value" : textval, "prop" : str}; 
     var dataToSend = JSON.stringify(formData); 
      url: 'edit-ajax.php', 
      type: 'POST', 
      data: {"data" : dataToSend}, 
      success: function(data, textStatus, jQxhr){ 
      error: function(jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown){ 
    //Load from previous 
    //load pre photos 
    $i = 0; 
    $prop = Array(); 
    foreach ($photos as $photo) { 
    $prop = str_getcsv($photo["prop"]); 
    echo "$('#addPhotosCheck').prop('checked', true);"; 
    echo '$("#addmorephotos").show();'; 
    echo 'photoCan['.$i.'].top = '.$prop[2].';'; 
    echo 'photoCan['.$i.'].left = '.$prop[1].';'; 
    echo 'photoCan['.$i.'].scaleToHeight('.$prop[4].');'; 
    echo 'photoCan['.$i.'].scaleToWidth('.$prop[3].');'; 
    echo 'addPhotoField();'; 
    echo 'document.getElementById("userphoto'.$i.'").selectedIndex = '.$prop[0].";"; 

    $i = 0; 
    $prop = Array(); 
    foreach ($text as $txt) { 
    $prop = str_getcsv($txt["prop"]); 
    echo "$('#addTextCheck').prop('checked', true);"; 
    echo '$("#addmoretext").show();'; 
    echo 'textCan['.$i.'].top = '.$prop[3].';'; 
    echo 'textCan['.$i.'].left = '.$prop[2].';'; 
    echo "textCan[{$i}].setScaleX({$prop[4]}/textCan[{$i}].getWidth());"; 
    echo "textCan[{$i}].setScaleY({$prop[5]}/textCan[{$i}].getHeight());"; 

    echo 'addTextField();'; 
    echo 'document.getElementById("showto'.$i.'").selectedIndex = '.$prop[1].";"; 
    echo '$("#style'.$i.'").val("'.$prop[0].'");'; 
    echo '$(".chosen-select option:contains(Base)").prop("selected","selected");'; 
    echo '$(".chosen-select").trigger("chosen:updated");'; 
    echo '$("#text'.$i.'").text(`'.$txt['data'].'`);'; 
    $(".overlay").hide();//stop loading 

}); //document.ready end 


同じ角度でデータベースと印刷 画像に座標?私は画像をテキストに保存して、 結果画像に表示しようとしています。


'toJSON()'についてはどうですか? – Durga


私はfabric.jsを使用して任意のサイズと角度で画像とテキストを回転させました.db – balayya


にすべて保存するには、画像とテキストの角度をデータベースに保存するために値を割り当ててください。 – balayya



canvas.toJSON()を使用すると、すべてのキャンバスデータがjsonに変換されます。そのデータをdbに送信します。 dbからロードするときはcanvas.loadFromJSON()を使用します。配列からデータを格納して読み込む必要はありません。


コードファイル:www84.zippyshare.com/v/HUfRVkxJ/file.html ....いずれかの人この回転イメージとテキストの角度をdbに保存する方法を教えてください.....私は試しましたが、角度は保存しませんでした...コードファイルも添付されました.. video:https://video.fhyd6-1.fna。 fbcdn.net/v/t42.3356-2/25493749_1644304915592580_5616184482980857826_n.mp4/video-1513652010.mp4?vabr=313943&oh=1c9664c90254bef957c6d53c2402fa34&oe=5A432898&dl=1 – balayya


https://video.fhyd6-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/ t42.3356-2/25493749_1644304915592580_5616184482980857826_n.mp4/video-1513652010.mp4?vabr = 313943&oh = 1c9664c90254bef957c6d53c2402fa34&oe = 5A432898&dl = 1 – balayya
