2016-07-10 8 views




let a: UInt256 = 30 
let b: UInt256 = 1 << 98 
print(a + b) 



拡張子はかなり長いですし、まだ乗算とディビジョンかを実装していません。 1以外のビットシフト番号。このバージョンでは、およびでエンコードすることもできます。NSCoder

// UInt256.swift 
// NoodleKit 
// Created by NoodleOfDeath on 7/10/16. 
// Copyright © 2016 NoodleOfDeath. All rights reserved. 

import Foundation 

// Bit Shifting only supports lhs = 1 

public func << (lhs: UInt256, rhs: UInt256) -> UInt256 { 
    if lhs > 1 { print("Warning: Only supports binary bitshifts (i.e. 1 << n, where n < 256. Shifting any other numbers than 1 may result in unexpected behavior.") } 
    if rhs > 255 { fatalError("shift amount is larger than type size in bits") } 
    let shift = UInt64(rhs.parts[7]) % 32 
    let offset = Int(rhs.parts[7]/32) 
    var parts = [UInt32]() 
    for i in (0 ..< 8) { 
     let part: UInt64 = (i + offset < 8 ? UInt64(lhs.parts[i + offset]) : 0) 
     let sum32 = UInt32(part << shift) 
    return UInt256(parts) 

public func >> (lhs: UInt256, rhs: UInt256) -> UInt256 { 
    if lhs > 1 { print("Warning: Only supports binary bitshifts (i.e. 1 << n, where n < 256. Shifting any other numbers than 1 may result in unexpected behavior.") } 
    if rhs > 255 { fatalError("shift amount is larger than type size in bits") } 
    let shift = UInt64(rhs.parts[7]) % 32 
    let offset = Int(rhs.parts[7]/32) 
    var parts = [UInt32]() 
    for i in (0 ..< 8) { 
     let part: UInt64 = (i - offset > 0 ? UInt64(lhs.parts[i - offset]) : 0) 
     let sum32 = UInt32(part >> shift) 
    return UInt256(parts) 

public func == (lhs: UInt256, rhs: UInt256) -> Bool { 
    return lhs.parts == rhs.parts 

public func < (lhs: UInt256, rhs: UInt256) -> Bool { 
    for i in 0 ..< 8 { 
     guard lhs.parts[i] < rhs.parts[i] else { continue } 
     return true 
    return false 

public func > (lhs: UInt256, rhs: UInt256) -> Bool { 
    for i in 0 ..< 8 { 
     guard lhs.parts[i] > rhs.parts[i] else { continue } 
     return true 
    return false 

public func <= (lhs: UInt256, rhs: UInt256) -> Bool { 
    return lhs < rhs || lhs == rhs 

public func >= (lhs: UInt256, rhs: UInt256) -> Bool { 
    return lhs > rhs || lhs == rhs 

/// Adds `lhs` and `rhs`, returning the result and trapping in case of 
/// arithmetic overflow (except in -Ounchecked builds). 
public func + (lhs: UInt256, rhs: UInt256) -> UInt256 { 
    var parts = [UInt32]() 
    var carry = false 
    for i in (0 ..< 8).reverse() { 
     let lpart = UInt64(lhs.parts[i]) 
     let rpart = UInt64(rhs.parts[i]) 
     let comp = lpart == UInt64(UInt32.max) && rpart == UInt64(UInt32.max) 
     let sum64 = lpart + rpart + (carry || comp ? 1 : 0) 
     let sum32 = UInt32((sum64 << 32) >> 32) 
     carry = sum64 > UInt64(UInt32.max) 
     parts.insert(sum32, atIndex: 0) 
    return UInt256(parts) 

/// Adds `lhs` and `rhs`, returning the result and trapping in case of 
/// arithmetic overflow (except in -Ounchecked builds). 
public func += (inout lhs: UInt256, rhs: UInt256) { 
    lhs = lhs + rhs 

/// Subtracts `lhs` and `rhs`, returning the result and trapping in case of 
/// arithmetic overflow (except in -Ounchecked builds). 
public func - (lhs: UInt256, rhs: UInt256) -> UInt256 { 
    var parts = [UInt32]() 
    var borrow = false 
    var gave = false 
    for i in (0 ..< 8).reverse() { 
     borrow = lhs.parts[i] < rhs.parts[i] 
     let lpart = UInt64(lhs.parts[i]) - (gave ? 1 : 0) + (borrow ? UInt64(UInt32.max) : 0) 
     let rpart = UInt64(rhs.parts[i]) 
     let sum64 = lpart - rpart 
     let sum32 = UInt32((sum64 << 32) >> 32) 
     gave = borrow 
     parts.insert(sum32, atIndex: 0) 
    return UInt256(parts) 

public func -= (inout lhs: UInt256, rhs: UInt256) { 
    lhs = lhs - rhs 

/// Multiplies `lhs` and `rhs`, returning the result and trapping in case of 
/// arithmetic overflow (except in -Ounchecked builds). 
/// - Complexity: O(64) 
public func * (lhs: UInt256, rhs: UInt256) -> UInt256 { 
    // TODO: - Not Implemented 
    return UInt256() 

public func *= (inout lhs: UInt256, rhs: UInt256) { 
    lhs = lhs * rhs 

/// Divides `lhs` and `rhs`, returning the result and trapping in case of 
/// arithmetic overflow (except in -Ounchecked builds). 
public func/(lhs: UInt256, rhs: UInt256) -> UInt256 { 
    // TODO: - Not Implemented 
    return UInt256() 

public func /= (inout lhs: UInt256, rhs: UInt256) { 
    lhs = lhs/rhs 

/// Divides `lhs` and `rhs`, returning the remainder and trapping in case of 
/// arithmetic overflow (except in -Ounchecked builds). 
public func % (lhs: UInt256, rhs: UInt256) -> UInt256 { 
    // TODO: - Not Implemented 
    return UInt256() 

public func %= (inout lhs: UInt256, rhs: UInt256) { 
    lhs = lhs % rhs 

public extension UInt256 { 

    public func toIntMax() -> IntMax { 
     return Int64(parts[6] << 32) + Int64(parts[7]) 

    public func toUIntMax() -> UIntMax { 
     return UInt64(parts[6] << 32) + UInt64(parts[7]) 

    /// Adds `lhs` and `rhs`, returning the result and a `Bool` that is 
    /// `true` iff the operation caused an arithmetic overflow. 
    public static func addWithOverflow(lhs: UInt256, _ rhs: UInt256) -> (UInt256, overflow: Bool) { 
     var parts = [UInt32]() 
     var carry = false 
     for i in (0 ..< 8).reverse() { 
      let lpart = UInt64(lhs.parts[i]) 
      let rpart = UInt64(rhs.parts[i]) 
      let comp = lpart == UInt64(UInt32.max) && rpart == UInt64(UInt32.max) 
      let sum64 = lpart + rpart + (carry || comp ? 1 : 0) 
      let sum32 = UInt32((sum64 << 32) >> 32) 
      carry = sum64 > UInt64(UInt32.max) 
      parts.insert(sum32, atIndex: 0) 
     return (UInt256(parts), parts[0] > 0x8fffffff) 

    /// Subtracts `lhs` and `rhs`, returning the result and a `Bool` that is 
    /// `true` iff the operation caused an arithmetic overflow. 
    public static func subtractWithOverflow(lhs: UInt256, _ rhs: UInt256) -> (UInt256, overflow: Bool) { 
     // TODO: - 
     var parts = [UInt32]() 
     var borrow = false 
     var gave = false 
     for i in (0 ..< 8).reverse() { 
      borrow = lhs.parts[i] < rhs.parts[i] 
      let lpart = UInt64(lhs.parts[i]) - (gave ? 1 : 0) + (borrow ? UInt64(UInt32.max) : 0) 
      let rpart = UInt64(rhs.parts[i]) 
      let sum64 = lpart - rpart 
      let sum32 = UInt32((sum64 << 32) >> 32) 
      gave = borrow 
      parts.insert(sum32, atIndex: 0) 
     return (UInt256(parts), parts[0] > 0x8fffffff) 

    /// Multiplies `lhs` and `rhs`, returning the result and a `Bool` that is 
    /// `true` iff the operation caused an arithmetic overflow. 
    public static func multiplyWithOverflow(lhs: UInt256, _ rhs: UInt256) -> (UInt256, overflow: Bool) { 
     // TODO: - Not Implemented 
     return (UInt256(), false) 

    /// Divides `lhs` and `rhs`, returning the result and a `Bool` that is 
    /// `true` iff the operation caused an arithmetic overflow. 
    public static func divideWithOverflow(lhs: UInt256, _ rhs: UInt256) -> (UInt256, overflow: Bool) { 
     // TODO: - Not Implemented 
     return (UInt256(), false) 

    /// Divides `lhs` and `rhs`, returning the remainder and a `Bool` that is 
    /// `true` iff the operation caused an arithmetic overflow. 
    public static func remainderWithOverflow(lhs: UInt256, _ rhs: UInt256) -> (UInt256, overflow: Bool) { 
     // TODO: - Not Implemented 
     return (UInt256(), false) 


public struct UInt256 : UnsignedIntegerType, Comparable, Equatable { 

    public typealias IntegerLiteralType = UInt256 
    public typealias Distance = Int32 
    public typealias Stride = Int32 

    private let parts: [UInt32] 

    private var part0: UInt32 { return parts[0] } 
    private var part1: UInt32 { return parts[1] } 
    private var part2: UInt32 { return parts[2] } 
    private var part3: UInt32 { return parts[3] } 
    private var part4: UInt32 { return parts[4] } 
    private var part5: UInt32 { return parts[5] } 
    private var part6: UInt32 { return parts[6] } 
    private var part7: UInt32 { return parts[7] } 

    public static var max: UInt256 { 
     return UInt256([.max, .max, .max, .max, .max, .max, .max, .max]) 

    public var description: String { 
     var hex = "0x" 
     for i in 0 ..< parts.count { 
      let part = parts[i] 
      hex += String(format:"%08X", part) 
      if i + 1 < parts.count { 
       hex += ":" 
     return "\(hex)" 

    public var componentDescription: String { 
     return "\(parts)" 

    public var hashValue: Int { 
     return (part0.hashValue + part1.hashValue + part2.hashValue + part3.hashValue + part4.hashValue + part5.hashValue + part6.hashValue + part7.hashValue).hashValue 

    public var data: NSData { 
     let bytes = [part0, part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7] 
     return NSData(bytes: bytes, length: 32) 

    public init(_builtinIntegerLiteral builtinIntegerLiteral: _MaxBuiltinIntegerType) { 
     self.init(UInt64(_builtinIntegerLiteral: builtinIntegerLiteral)) 

    public init() { parts = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] } 

    public init(_ newParts: [UInt32]) { 
     var zeros = UInt256().parts 
     zeros.replaceRange((8 - newParts.count ..< 8), with: newParts) 
     parts = zeros 

    public init(_ v: Int8) { 

    public init(_ v: UInt8) { 

    public init(_ v: Int16) { 

    public init(_ v: UInt16) { 

    public init(_ v: Int32) { 

    public init(_ v: UInt32) { 

    public init(_ v: Int) { 

    public init(_ v: UInt) { 

    public init(_ v: Int64) { 

    public init(_ v: UInt64) { 
     self.init([UInt32(v >> 32), UInt32((v << 32) >> 32)]) 

    public init(integerLiteral value: IntegerLiteralType) { 
     parts = value.parts 

    public init?(data: NSData) { 
     var parts = [UInt32]() 
     let size = sizeof(UInt32) 
     for i in 0 ..< 8 { 
      var part = UInt32() 
      data.getBytes(&part, range: NSMakeRange(i * size, size)) 
     guard parts.count == 8 else { return nil } 

    public func advancedBy(n: Stride) -> UInt256 { 
     return self + UInt256(n) 

    public func advancedBy(n: Distance, limit: UInt256) -> UInt256 { 
     return limit - UInt256(n) > self ? self + UInt256(n) : limit 

    public func distanceTo(end: UInt256) -> Distance { 
     return end - self 

    /// Returns the previous consecutive value in a discrete sequence. 
    /// If `UInt256` has a well-defined successor, 
    /// `UInt256.successor().predecessor() == UInt256`. If `UInt256` has a 
    /// well-defined predecessor, `UInt256.predecessor().successor() == 
    /// UInt256`. 
    /// - Requires: `UInt256` has a well-defined predecessor. 
    public func predecessor() -> UInt256 { 
     return advancedBy(-1) 

    public func successor() -> UInt256 { 
     return advancedBy(1) 


extension UInt256 : BitwiseOperationsType {} 

/// Returns the intersection of bits set in `lhs` and `rhs`. 
/// - Complexity: O(1). 
public func & (lhs: UInt256, rhs: UInt256) -> UInt256 { 
    var parts = [UInt32]() 
    for i in 0 ..< 8 { 
     parts.append(lhs.parts[i] & rhs.parts[i]) 
    return UInt256(parts) 
/// Returns the union of bits set in `lhs` and `rhs`. 
/// - Complexity: O(1). 
public func | (lhs: UInt256, rhs: UInt256) -> UInt256 { 
    var parts = [UInt32]() 
    for i in 0 ..< 8 { 
     parts.append(lhs.parts[i] | rhs.parts[i]) 
    return UInt256(parts) 
/// Returns the bits that are set in exactly one of `lhs` and `rhs`. 
/// - Complexity: O(1). 
public func^(lhs: UInt256, rhs: UInt256) -> UInt256 { 
    var parts = [UInt32]() 
    for i in 0 ..< 8 { 
    return UInt256(parts) 
/// Returns `x^~UInt256.allZeros`. 
/// - Complexity: O(1). 
prefix public func ~ (x: UInt256) -> UInt256 { 
    return x^~UInt256.allZeros 

public extension UInt256 { 

    public static var allZeros: UInt256 { 
     return UInt256() 


public extension NSCoder { 

    public func encodeUInt256(unsignedInteger: UInt256, forKey key: String) { 
     encodeObject(unsignedInteger.data, forKey: key) 

    public func decodeUInt256ForKey(key: String) -> UInt256 { 
     guard let data = decodeObjectForKey(key) as? NSData else { return UInt256() } 
     return UInt256(data: data) ?? UInt256() 



を試したことがありません。 など。 this libraryUInt256タイプを定義しています。


struct YourOptions : OptionSetType{ 
    let rawValue : Int128 
    init(rawValue:Int128) { 
     self.rawValue = rawValue 

はい、実際には独自のタイプを作成することをお勧めします。または、GitHubで定義されているものを使用してください( 'UInt256')。 –


私は本当にその解決策を避けたいと思っていました。新しい 'struct 'をエンコードするために' NSCoder'を拡張する必要があるからですが、 'NSCoding'はクラス指向です。 –


@NoodleOfDeath:Okです。オプションを2つの別々の 'OptionSetType(s)'に分割することはできませんでしたか? –
