2016-10-04 4 views


class Alcohol { 
    var id: Int 
    var companyName: String 
    var address: String 
    var city: String 
    var state: String 
    var postal: String 
    var country: String 
    var phone: String 
    var email: String 
    var url: String 
    var checkedBy: String 
    var notes: String 
    var status: String 
    var statusColor: String 
    var identifier: NSUUID? 
    var barnivoreChecked: Bool? 
    var alcoholType: AlcoholType? 

    // This failable init is for the information I'll be retrieving from firebase. 

    init?(dictionary: [String: AnyObject], type: AlcoholType) { 
      let id = dictionary[Constants.kID] as? Int, 
      let companyName = dictionary[Constants.kCompanyName] as? String, 
      let address = dictionary[Constants.kAddress] as? String, 
      let city = dictionary[Constants.kCity] as? String, 
      let state = dictionary[Constants.kState] as? String, 
      let postal = dictionary[Constants.kPostal] as? String, 
      let country = dictionary[Constants.kCountry] as? String, 
      let phone = dictionary[Constants.kPhone] as? String, 
      let email = dictionary[Constants.kEmail] as? String, 
      let url = dictionary[Constants.kURL] as? String, 
      let checkedBy = dictionary[Constants.kCheckedBy] as? String, 
      let notes = dictionary[Constants.kNotes] as? String, 
      let status = dictionary[Constants.kStatus] as? String, 
      let statusColor = dictionary[Constants.kStatusColor] as? String, 
      let barnivoreChecked = dictionary[Constants.kBarnivoreChecked] as? Bool else { return nil } 

     self.id = id 
     self.companyName = companyName 
     self.address = address 
     self.city = city 
     self.state = state 
     self.postal = postal 
     self.country = country 
     self.phone = phone 
     self.email = email 
     self.url = url 
     self.checkedBy = checkedBy 
     self.notes = notes 
     self.status = status 
     self.statusColor = statusColor 
     self.barnivoreChecked = barnivoreChecked 
     self.alcoholType = type 

    // This failable initializer has all the original properties I want to get from the initial API which I'll be retrieving the information from. 

    convenience init?(barnivoreDictionary: [String: AnyObject]) { 
      let id = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kID] as? Int, 
      let companyName = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kCompanyName] as? String, 
      let address = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kAddress] as? String, 
      let city = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kCity] as? String, 
      let state = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kState] as? String, 
      let postal = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kPostal] as? String, 
      let country = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kCountry] as? String, 
      let phone = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kPhone] as? String, 
      let email = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kEmail] as? String, 
      let url = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kURL] as? String, 
      let checkedBy = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kCheckedBy] as? String, 
      let notes = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kNotes] as? String, 
      let status = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kStatus] as? String, 
      let statusColor = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kStatusColor] as? String else { 
       self.init(id: 0, companyName: "", address: "", city: "", state: "", postal: "", country: "", phone: "", email: "", url: "", checkedBy: "", notes: "", status: "", statusColor: "", alcoholType: alcoholType!) 
       return nil 

     self.id = id 
     self.companyName = companyName 
     self.address = address 
     self.city = city 
     self.state = state 
     self.postal = postal 
     self.country = country 
     self.phone = phone 
     self.email = email 
     self.url = url 
     self.checkedBy = checkedBy 
     self.notes = notes 
     self.status = status 
     self.statusColor = statusColor 
     self.alcoholType = nil 

    init(id: Int, companyName: String, address: String, city: String, state: String, postal: String, country: String, phone: String, email: String, url: String, checkedBy:String, notes: String, status: String, statusColor: String, barnivoreChecked: Bool = true, alcoholType: AlcoholType) { 

     self.id = id 
     self.companyName = companyName 
     self.address = address 
     self.city = city 
     self.state = state 
     self.postal = postal 
     self.country = country 
     self.phone = phone 
     self.email = email 
     self.url = url 
     self.checkedBy = checkedBy 
     self.notes = notes 
     self.status = status 
     self.statusColor = statusColor 
     self.identifier = NSUUID() 
     self.barnivoreChecked = barnivoreChecked 
     self.alcoholType = alcoholType 


"self" used before self.init call.


Cannot invoke 'Alcohol.init' with no arguments.



super.init()を使用するか、(より良い)override init(){ super.init() } – user1232690



Swift 3では、簡易イニシャライザでselfにアクセスしようとする前に、簡易初期化子が同じクラスの指定された初期化子を呼び出す必要があります。


convenience init?(barnivoreDictionary: [String: AnyObject]) { 
     let id = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kID] as? Int, 
     let companyName = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kCompanyName] as? String, 
     let address = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kAddress] as? String, 
     let city = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kCity] as? String, 
     let state = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kState] as? String, 
     let postal = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kPostal] as? String, 
     let country = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kCountry] as? String, 
     let phone = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kPhone] as? String, 
     let email = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kEmail] as? String, 
     let url = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kURL] as? String, 
     let checkedBy = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kCheckedBy] as? String, 
     let notes = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kNotes] as? String, 
     let status = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kStatus] as? String, 
     let statusColor = barnivoreDictionary[Constants.kStatusColor] as? String else { 
      return nil 

    self.init(id: id, companyName: companyName, address: address, city: city, state: state, postal: postal, country: country, phone: phone, email: email, url: url, checkedBy: checkedBy, notes: notes, status: status, statusColor: statusColor, alcoholType: alcoholType) 



これは解決策です。本当にありがとう! –
