2016-04-19 12 views


namespace CandybarVendingMachine 

    public class VendingMachine 
     // private instance variables 
     private int _numQuarters, _numCandyBars; 

     // Public noarg constructor 
     public VendingMachine() 
      // Set the candy bar cost in quarters. 
      _numQuarters = 3; 

      // Set initial number of candy bars. 
      _numCandyBars = 5; 

     // Public read only properties: 

     public int NumQuarters 
      get { return _numQuarters; } 

     public int NumCandyBars 
      get { return _numCandyBars; } 

     // Public methods: 

     public string DepositQuarter() 
      return "Quarter deposited."; 

     public string SelectCandy() 
      if (_numQuarters >= 3 && _numCandyBars > 0) 
       _numQuarters = _numQuarters -3; 
       return "Candy bar dispensed"; 
      else if (_numCandyBars > 0) 
       return "Not enough quarters to buy candy bar."; 
       return "No candy bars in machine."; 

     public override string ToString() 

      return "Total Quarters: " + _numQuarters + " Total Bars:" + _numCandyBars; 



private int[] _numCandyBars; 

public VendingMachine() 
//Number of quarters require to buy candybar 
_numQuarters = 3; 

//Candybar array contains 3 candy bars 
_numCandyBars = new int[3]; 
_numCandyBars[0] = 5; 
_numCandyBars[1] = 4; 
_numCandyBars[2] = 3; 




ユーザーはどのように回答を入力すると思われますか?それらをコンソールに入力したいのですか、あるいはデータを入力する別の方法がありますか? –


今のところユーザーはコンソールにそれを入力する必要がありますが、このアプリケーションの2番目の部分はC#WPFで実装され、ユーザーは3つのキャンディの画像を見ることができ、各キャンディの下にある – Desi4u


あなたはhttps://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.console.readline(v=vs.110).aspxを見てきましたか?私にとっては、これを実装する場所と方法は不明です。あなたはどこかでメインの方法を持っていますか? –




namespace VendingMachine 
    public class Vend 
     private string[] VALID_ROWS = new string[] { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F" }; 
     private string[] VALID_COLS = new string[] { "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12" }; 

     public Vend() 
      ProductSlot = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Item>>(); 
      foreach(string row in VALID_ROWS) 
       ProductSlot.Add(row, new Dictionary<string,Item>()); 
       foreach(string col in VALID_COLS) 
        ProductSlot[row].Add(col, null); 

     public void AddProduct(string row, string col, Item item) 
      if (!VALID_ROWS.Contains(row)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("row", string.Format("The row provided: `{0}` is not valid.", row)); 
      if (!VALID_COLS.Contains(col)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("col", string.Format("The column provided: `{0}` is not valid.", col)); 
      ProductSlot[row][col] = item; 

     public double GetPrice(string row, string col) 
      double price = GetProduct(row, col).Price; 
      return price; 

     public string GetProductName(string row, string col) 
      string name = GetProduct(row, col).ProductName; 
      return name; 

     public int GetQuantity(string row, string col) 
      int qty = GetProduct(row, col).Quantity; 
      return qty; 

     public Item PurchaseItem(string row, string col) 
      Item item = GetProduct(row, col); 
      if (item.Quantity < 1) throw new OutOfStockException("This item is out of stock, please select another item."); 
      if (CreditMoney < item.Price) throw new InsufficientFundsException("There is not enough money to purchase this item."); 
      CreditMoney -= item.Price; 
      return item; 

     public string PrintProductList() 
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 
      foreach (string row in VALID_ROWS) 
       foreach (string col in VALID_COLS) 
        Item item = GetProduct(row, col); 
        if (item == null) continue; 
        sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\t{0} : {1} @ {2} ea.\t{3}", string.Concat(row, col), item.Quantity.ToString(), item.Price.ToString("C2"), item.ProductName)); 
      return sb.ToString(); 

     public Item GetProduct(string row, string col) 
      if (!VALID_ROWS.Contains(row)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("row", string.Format("The row provided: `{0}` is not valid.", row)); 
      if (!VALID_COLS.Contains(col)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("col", string.Format("The column provided: `{0}` is not valid.", col)); 
      Item item = ProductSlot[row][col]; 
      return item; 

     double _creditMoney = 0.00; 
     public double CreditMoney 
      get { return _creditMoney; } 
       if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("CreditMoney", "CreditMoney cannot be reduced to below $0.00."); 
       _creditMoney = value; 
     public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Item>> ProductSlot { get; set; } 

     public class Item 
      public Item() { } 
      public Item(string name, double price, int qty) 
       ProductName = name; 
       Price = price; 
       Quantity = qty; 
      private int _quantity = 0; 
      public int Quantity 
       get { return _quantity; } 
        if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Quantity", "Quantity cannot be less than zero."); 
        _quantity = value; 
      public string ProductName { get; set; } 
      public double Price { get; set; } 

     public class InsufficientFundsException : Exception 
      public InsufficientFundsException() { } 
      public InsufficientFundsException(string message) 
       : base(message) { } 
      public InsufficientFundsException(string message, Exception innerException) 
       : base(message, innerException) { } 


     public class OutOfStockException : Exception 
      public OutOfStockException() { } 
      public OutOfStockException(string message) 
       : base(message) { } 
      public OutOfStockException(string message, Exception innerException) 
       : base(message, innerException) { } 
