次のコードスニペットは私Keras TypeError例外:タイプTensorType(のfloat32、3D)に変換できません(可変サブテンソルの{:のInt64:} 0)

はTypeErrorを一部tensorTypeエラーを与える:タイプTensorType(のfloat32、3Dに変換することはできません。 )(Variable Subtensor {:int64:}。0)をタイプTensorType(float32、(False、False、True))に変換します。 Subtensor {:int64:}。0を手動でTensorType(float32、(False、False、True))に変換することができます。

これは私が読んでいたチュートリアルのウェブサイトからの基本的な例です。 このエラーの理解にご協力いただけますか?私は機械学習とケラスの両方を勉強していません。

import itertools 
import numpy as np 
# put together a model to predict 
from keras.layers import Input, Embedding, merge, Flatten, SimpleRNN 
from keras.models import Model 

sentences = ''' 
sam is red 
hannah not red 
hannah is green 
bob is green 
bob not red 
sam not green 
sarah is red 
sarah not green'''.strip().split('\n') 
is_green = np.asarray([[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]], dtype='int32').T 

lemma = lambda x: x.strip().lower().split(' ') 
sentences_lemmatized = [lemma(sentence) for sentence in sentences] 
words = set(itertools.chain(*sentences_lemmatized)) 
# set(['boy', 'fed', 'ate', 'cat', 'kicked', 'hat']) 

# dictionaries for converting words to integers and vice versa 
word2idx = dict((v, i) for i, v in enumerate(words)) 
idx2word = list(words) 

# convert the sentences a numpy array 
to_idx = lambda x: [word2idx[word] for word in x] 
sentences_idx = [to_idx(sentence) for sentence in sentences_lemmatized] 
sentences_array = np.asarray(sentences_idx, dtype='int32') 

# parameters for the model 
sentence_maxlen = 3 
n_words = len(words) 
n_embed_dims = 5 

input_sentence = Input(shape=(sentence_maxlen,), dtype='int32') 
input_embedding = Embedding(n_words, n_embed_dims)(input_sentence) 
#color_prediction = SimpleRNN(init='uniform',output_dim=1,input_dim=3)(input_embedding) 
#color_prediction = SimpleRNN(output_dim=1,input_dim=5, 
#  init='glorot_uniform', inner_init='orthogonal', activation='sigmoid', weights=None, return_sequences=False)(input_embedding); 

color_prediction = SimpleRNN(1, return_sequences=False, batch_input_shape=(10, 2, 3))(input_embedding); 

predict_green = Model(input=[input_sentence], output=[color_prediction]) 
predict_green.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='binary_crossentropy') 

# fit the model to predict what color each person is 
predict_green.fit([sentences_array], [is_green], nb_epoch=5000, verbose=1) 
embeddings = predict_green.layers[1].W.get_value() 

# print out the embedding vector associated with each word 
for i in range(n_words): 
    print('{}: {}'.format(idx2word[i], embeddings[i])) 



私は機械学習に新しいですし、あなたの問題にも会いました。 以下のようにコードを変更して実行しましたが、正しいかどうかはわかりません。

import itertools 
import os 
import numpy as np 
from keras.preprocessing import sequence 
from keras.models import Sequential 
from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Activation 
from keras.layers import Embedding 
from keras.layers import Input, Embedding, merge, Flatten, SimpleRNN 
sentences = ''' 
sam is red 
hannah not red 
hannah is green 
bob is green 
bob not red 
sam not green 
sarah is red 
sarah not green'''.strip().split('\n') 
is_green = np.asarray([[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]], dtype='int32').T 
lemma = lambda x: x.strip().lower().split(' ') 
sentences_lemmatized = [lemma(sentence) for sentence in sentences] 
words = set(itertools.chain(*sentences_lemmatized)) 
# set(['boy', 'fed', 'ate', 'cat', 'kicked', 'hat']) 
# dictionaries for converting words to integers and vice versa 
word2idx = dict((v, i) for i, v in enumerate(words)) 
idx2word = list(words) 
# convert the sentences a numpy array 
to_idx = lambda x: [word2idx[word] for word in x] 
sentences_idx = [to_idx(sentence) for sentence in sentences_lemmatized] 
sentences_array = np.asarray(sentences_idx, dtype='int32') 
# parameters for the model 
sentence_maxlen = 3 
n_words = len(words) 
n_embed_dims = 3 
model = Sequential() 
model.add(Embedding(n_words, n_embed_dims,input_length=sentence_maxlen)) 
model.fit([sentences_array], [is_green], nb_epoch=5000, verbose=1) 
predictions = model.predict(sentences_array) 
print predictions.shape 
embeddings = model.layers[0].W.get_value() 
# print out the embedding vector associated with each word 
for i in range(n_words): 
    print('{}: {}'.format(idx2word[i], embeddings[i])) 


sarah: [-0.51089537 -0.30958903 -0.17312947] sam: [-0.47487321 
-0.33426151 -0.18260512] hannah: [ 0.51548952 0.33343625 0.18121554] is: [ 0.02989657 -0.02573686 0.01081978] green: [ 0.0155487 
-0.02551323 0.00846179] not: [ 0.01339869 -0.02586824 0.01932905] bob: [ 0.47654441 0.37283263 0.17969941] red: [-0.02136148 
0.04420395 -0.03119873] 




import itertools 
import numpy as np 
# put together a model to predict 
from keras.layers import Input, Embedding, merge, Flatten, Dense, SimpleRNN 
from keras.models import Model 

sentences = ''' 
sam is red 
hannah not red 
hannah is green 
bob is green 
bob not red 
sam not green 
sarah is red 
sarah not green'''.strip().split('\n') 
is_green = np.asarray([[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]], dtype='int32').T 

lemma = lambda x: x.strip().lower().split(' ') 
sentences_lemmatized = [lemma(sentence) for sentence in sentences] 
words = set(itertools.chain(*sentences_lemmatized)) 
# set(['boy', 'fed', 'ate', 'cat', 'kicked', 'hat']) 

# dictionaries for converting words to integers and vice versa 
word2idx = dict((v, i) for i, v in enumerate(words)) 
idx2word = list(words) 

# convert the sentences a numpy array 
to_idx = lambda x: [word2idx[word] for word in x] 
sentences_idx = [to_idx(sentence) for sentence in sentences_lemmatized] 
sentences_array = np.asarray(sentences_idx, dtype='int32') 

# parameters for the model 
sentence_maxlen = 3 
n_words = len(words) 
n_embed_dims = 5 

input_sentence = Input(shape=(sentence_maxlen,), dtype='int32') 
input_embedding = Embedding(n_words, n_embed_dims)(input_sentence) 
#color_prediction = SimpleRNN(init='uniform',output_dim=1,input_dim=3)(input_embedding) 
#color_prediction = SimpleRNN(output_dim=1,input_dim=5, 
#  init='glorot_uniform', inner_init='orthogonal', activation='sigmoid', weights=None, return_sequences=False)(input_embedding); 

color_prediction = SimpleRNN(3, return_sequences=False, batch_input_shape=(10, 2, 3))(input_embedding); 
output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(color_prediction) 

predict_green = Model(input=[input_sentence], output=[output]) 
predict_green.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='binary_crossentropy') 

# fit the model to predict what color each person is 
predict_green.fit([sentences_array], [is_green], nb_epoch=5000, verbose=1) 
embeddings = predict_green.layers[1].W.get_value() 

# print out the embedding vector associated with each word 
for i in range(n_words): 
    print('{}: {}'.format(idx2word[i], embeddings[i])) 

出力:あなたはまた、あなたのSimpleRNNは、私が働いてあなたのコードを取得するために最低限の修正output_dim 3.


red: [-0.03866547 -0.04583547 -0.0314577 -0.04576075 0.00064603] 
is: [-0.02093433 -0.00811194 -0.01167872 -0.02813761 -0.02160992] 
bob: [-0.46798751 -0.01344876 0.36456427 -0.04407313 0.22842836] 
sarah: [ 0.45210958 0.02854088 -0.34124625 0.0184452 -0.23039177] 
green: [-0.00628944 0.04167764 -0.02662347 -0.01051781 0.03500782] 
not: [-0.01113868 -0.01490347 -0.00235422 -0.03276222 -0.0263596 ] 
sam: [ 0.45785579 0.04527023 -0.34266111 -0.01125967 -0.25254542] 
hannah: [-0.45697126 -0.00369712 0.37587604 -0.04988953 0.23814654] 