2017-08-22 3 views

SHA-512を使用して整数配列をハッシュするプログラムを実装しようとしました。私はsolution1solution2を見出し、十進数を含むbyte[]を16進数に変換しました。文字列の出力を小数点の値と比較すると、負の値の場合にはいくつかの違いがあることが分かりました。私は何が問題なのか分からない。私はお互いに値を変換しようとし、また、署名などを見てみましたが、私は何が間違っているかを見つけることができません。 参考のため、xor関数でバイトを使用したいが、文字列は必要ありませんが、私のコードではいくつかのことが間違っている可能性があります。SHA512の出力で10進値と16進数が等しくない

import java.security.MessageDigest; 
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; 
import java.util.Formatter; 
import java.util.logging.Level; 
import java.util.logging.Logger; 

* @author martin 
public class NewMain { 

    * @param args the command line arguments 
    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     // TODO code application logic here 
     Integer[][] integerBlock = new Integer[5][5]; 
     //put some values in the matrix integerBlock 
     int i,j; 
     for(i=0; i<integerBlock.length; i++){ 
      for(j=0; j<integerBlock.length; j++){ 
       integerBlock[i][j] = i+j; 
     //convert integerBlock to a string 
     String str = IntToStr(integerBlock); 
     System.out.println("original string is :  " + str); 

     //hash the string using SHA512 
     byte[] shaByteResult = SHA512(str); 

     //print the generated key in hex 
     System.out.println("byteArray2Hex method: " + byteArray2Hex(shaByteResult)); 
     System.out.println("byteArray2Hex2 method: " + byteArray2Hex2(shaByteResult)); 

     //print the generated key in decimal 
     System.out.print("Decimal values in bytes[]:"); 
     for(i=0; i< shaByteResult.length ;i++) 

     System.out.println("Compare decimal and correspondig hex"); 
     for(i=0; i< shaByteResult.length ;i++) 
       System.out.println("bytes[" +i +"] = " + " decimal is " + shaByteResult[i] + " hexadecimal " + Integer.toString((shaByteResult[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1)); 

    public static String IntToStr(Integer[][] integerBlock){ 
     StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder(); 

     int i,j; 
     for(i=0; i<integerBlock.length; i++){ 
      for(j=0; j<integerBlock.length; j++){ 
       //stringBlock = stringBlock.concat(integerBlock[i][j].toString());     
     return SB.toString(); 

    private static String byteArray2Hex(final byte[] bytes) { 

     Formatter formatter = new Formatter(); 

     for (byte b : bytes) { 
      formatter.format("%02x", b); 
     return formatter.toString(); 
    //another solution 
    private static String byteArray2Hex2(final byte[] bytes) { 

     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 
     int i; 

     for(i=0; i< bytes.length ;i++) 
      sb.append(Integer.toString((bytes[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1)); 

     return sb.toString(); 

    public static byte[] SHA512(String str){ 
     byte[] bytes = null; 
     try { 
      MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512"); 
      bytes = md.digest(); 

     } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { 
      Logger.getLogger(NewMain.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); 
     return bytes; 


original string is : 
byteArray2Hex method: 0fe5246a2a26080194c19e86ee1e6a40ceb298194190eacace0d3b1499186220b5cd92a1bdd25f8b4023566c211cc462974c3884a128336b76a1e990fe6f3c54 
byteArray2Hex2 method: 0fe5246a2a26080194c19e86ee1e6a40ceb298194190eacace0d3b1499186220b5cd92a1bdd25f8b4023566c211cc462974c3884a128336b76a1e990fe6f3c54 
Decimal values in bytes[]:15-2736106423881-108-63-98-122-183010664-50-78-1042565-112-22-54-50135920-103249832-75-51-110-95-67-4695-1176435861083328-6098-1057656-124-954051107118-95-23-112-21116084Compare decimal and correspondig hex 
bytes[0] = decimal is 15 hexadecimal 0f 
bytes[1] = decimal is -27 hexadecimal e5 
bytes[2] = decimal is 36 hexadecimal 24 
bytes[3] = decimal is 106 hexadecimal 6a 
bytes[4] = decimal is 42 hexadecimal 2a 
bytes[5] = decimal is 38 hexadecimal 26 
bytes[6] = decimal is 8 hexadecimal 08 
bytes[7] = decimal is 1 hexadecimal 01 
bytes[8] = decimal is -108 hexadecimal 94 
bytes[9] = decimal is -63 hexadecimal c1 
bytes[10] = decimal is -98 hexadecimal 9e 
bytes[11] = decimal is -122 hexadecimal 86 
bytes[12] = decimal is -18 hexadecimal ee 
bytes[13] = decimal is 30 hexadecimal 1e 
bytes[14] = decimal is 106 hexadecimal 6a 
bytes[15] = decimal is 64 hexadecimal 40 
bytes[16] = decimal is -50 hexadecimal ce 
bytes[17] = decimal is -78 hexadecimal b2 
bytes[18] = decimal is -104 hexadecimal 98 
bytes[19] = decimal is 25 hexadecimal 19 
bytes[20] = decimal is 65 hexadecimal 41 
bytes[21] = decimal is -112 hexadecimal 90 
bytes[22] = decimal is -22 hexadecimal ea 
bytes[23] = decimal is -54 hexadecimal ca 
bytes[24] = decimal is -50 hexadecimal ce 
bytes[25] = decimal is 13 hexadecimal 0d 
bytes[26] = decimal is 59 hexadecimal 3b 
bytes[27] = decimal is 20 hexadecimal 14 
bytes[28] = decimal is -103 hexadecimal 99 
bytes[29] = decimal is 24 hexadecimal 18 
bytes[30] = decimal is 98 hexadecimal 62 
bytes[31] = decimal is 32 hexadecimal 20 
bytes[32] = decimal is -75 hexadecimal b5 
bytes[33] = decimal is -51 hexadecimal cd 
bytes[34] = decimal is -110 hexadecimal 92 
bytes[35] = decimal is -95 hexadecimal a1 
bytes[36] = decimal is -67 hexadecimal bd 
bytes[37] = decimal is -46 hexadecimal d2 
bytes[38] = decimal is 95 hexadecimal 5f 
bytes[39] = decimal is -117 hexadecimal 8b 
bytes[40] = decimal is 64 hexadecimal 40 
bytes[41] = decimal is 35 hexadecimal 23 
bytes[42] = decimal is 86 hexadecimal 56 
bytes[43] = decimal is 108 hexadecimal 6c 
bytes[44] = decimal is 33 hexadecimal 21 
bytes[45] = decimal is 28 hexadecimal 1c 
bytes[46] = decimal is -60 hexadecimal c4 
bytes[47] = decimal is 98 hexadecimal 62 
bytes[48] = decimal is -105 hexadecimal 97 
bytes[49] = decimal is 76 hexadecimal 4c 
bytes[50] = decimal is 56 hexadecimal 38 
bytes[51] = decimal is -124 hexadecimal 84 
bytes[52] = decimal is -95 hexadecimal a1 
bytes[53] = decimal is 40 hexadecimal 28 
bytes[54] = decimal is 51 hexadecimal 33 
bytes[55] = decimal is 107 hexadecimal 6b 
bytes[56] = decimal is 118 hexadecimal 76 
bytes[57] = decimal is -95 hexadecimal a1 
bytes[58] = decimal is -23 hexadecimal e9 
bytes[59] = decimal is -112 hexadecimal 90 
bytes[60] = decimal is -2 hexadecimal fe 
bytes[61] = decimal is 111 hexadecimal 6f 
bytes[62] = decimal is 60 hexadecimal 3c 
bytes[63] = decimal is 84 hexadecimal 54 

あなたがしている適用されますJavaバイトが署名されていることを認識しているか? – EJP





bytes[0] = decimal is 15 hexadecimal 0f and binary is 0000 1111 
bytes[1] = decimal is -27 hexadecimal e5 and binary is 1110 0101 is 229 unsigned 
bytes[2] = decimal is 36 hexadecimal 24 and binary is 0010 0100 
bytes[3] = decimal is 106 hexadecimal 6a and binary is 0110 1010 
bytes[4] = decimal is 42 hexadecimal 2a and binary is 0010 1010 
bytes[5] = decimal is 38 hexadecimal 26 and binary is 0010 0110 
bytes[6] = decimal is 8 hexadecimal 08 and binary is 0000 1000 
bytes[7] = decimal is 1 hexadecimal 01 and binary is 0000 0001 

は、Javaバイトが署名され、すべてのビットが反転して1加算される手段2つの賛辞として解釈されます。したがって、e5または229または1110 0101

1110 0101 --twoCom-用> 0001 1010 - (+ 1) - > 0001 1011(27) は、符号ビット---> -27