2016-08-23 14 views

私はpython3の新機能で、最終日から地震データを読み込もうとすると次のエラーが発生しています!TypeError:順序付け不可能な型:NoneType()> int()

Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "Z:\Python learning\Up and run\Exercise Files\Ch5\jsondata_finished.py", line 54, in <module> 
    File "Z:\Python learning\Up and run\Exercise Files\Ch5\jsondata_finished.py", line 49, in main 
    File "Z:\Python learning\Up and run\Exercise Files\Ch5\jsondata_finished.py", line 33, in printResults 
    if (feltReports != None) & (feltReports > 0): 
TypeError: unorderable types: NoneType() > int() 


import urllib.request 
import json 

def printResults(data): 
    # Use the json module to load the string data into a dictionary 
    theJSON = json.loads(data.decode()) 

    # now we can access the contents of the JSON like any other Python object 
    if "title" in theJSON["metadata"]: 
    print (theJSON["metadata"]["title"]) 

    # output the number of events, plus the magnitude and each event name 
    count = theJSON["metadata"]["count"]; 
    print (str(count) + " events recorded") 

    # for each event, print the place where it occurred 
    for i in theJSON["features"]: 
    print (i["properties"]["place"]) 

    # print the events that only have a magnitude greater than 4 
    # for i in theJSON["features"]: 
    # if i["properties"]["mag"] >= 4.0: 
     # print "%2.1f" % i["properties"]["mag"], i["properties"]["place"] 

    # print only the events where at least 1 person reported feeling something 
    print ("Events that were felt:") 
    for i in theJSON["features"]: 
    feltReports = i["properties"]["felt"] 
    if (feltReports != None) & (feltReports > 0): 
     print ("%2.1f" % i["properties"]["mag"], i["properties"]["place"], " reported " + str(feltReports) + " times") 

def main(): 
    # define a variable to hold the source URL 
    # In this case we'll use the free data feed from the USGS 
    # This feed lists all earthquakes for the last day larger than Mag 2.5 
    urlData = "http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/summary/2.5_day.geojson" 

    # Open the URL and read the data 
    webUrl = urllib.request.urlopen(urlData) 
    print (webUrl.getcode()) 
    if (webUrl.getcode() == 200): 
    data = webUrl.read() 
    # print out our customized results 
    print ("Received an error from server, cannot retrieve results " + str(webUrl.getcode())) 

if __name__ == "__main__": 



'&'はビット演算子で、 'と'を使う必要があります。 – vaultah


ありがとうございます。私の問題を解決! 今後このようなエラーを自分で解決する方法についてのリンクを投稿できますか? –



&の代わりにandを使用してください。また、is not Noneを使用して、!= Noneの代わりにNoneではないことを確認してください。
