2017-01-25 14 views


#include <crtdbg.h> 
#include <string.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include "CLib.h" 

enum{ RUNNING = 1 }; 

struct Point 
    int x, y; 

struct Line 
    Point start; 
    Point end; 

struct GraphicElement 
    enum{ SIZE = 256 }; 
    char name[SIZE]; 
    CStash Lines; // a Stash of Lines 

struct VectorGraphic 
    CStash Elements; // a Stash of GraphicElements 

    void AddGraphicElement(VectorGraphic*); 
    void ReportVectorGraphic(VectorGraphic*); 
    void CleanUpVectorGraphic(VectorGraphic*); 

    VectorGraphic Image; 
int main() 
    char response; 

    // it's a Stash of GraphicElements initialize(&(Image.Elements),sizeof(GraphicElement)); 
    while (RUNNING) 
     printf("\nPlease select an option:\n"); 
     printf("1. Add a Graphic Element\n"); 
     printf("2. List the Graphic Elements\n"); 
     printf("q. Quit\n"); 
     printf("CHOICE: "); 
     scanf("%c", &response); 

     switch (response) 
     case '1':AddGraphicElement(&Image); break; 
     case '2':ReportVectorGraphic(&Image); break; 
     case 'q':CleanUpVectorGraphic(&Image); return 0; 
     default:printf("Please enter a valid option\n"); 
    return 0; 

void AddGraphicElement(VectorGraphic* pImage){ 

    int i = 0, counter = 0; 
    int xPointStart = 0, yPointStart = 0; 
    int xPointEnd = 0, yPointEnd = 0; 
    char name[50]; 
    int lineNumber = 0; 

    GraphicElement *pElement = nullptr; 
    Line *pLine = nullptr; 

    initialize(&(Image.Elements), sizeof(GraphicElement)); 

    printf("ADDING A Graphic Element\n"); 
    printf("Please enter the name of the new GraphicElement(<256 characters): "); 
    scanf("\n%[^\n]s", &name); 



他の2つのファイルは変更できません。Thinking in C++というテキストブックからのものです。

//: C04:CLib.cpp {O} 
// Implementation of example C-like library 
// Declare structure and functions: 
#include "CLib.h" 
#include <iostream> 
#include <cassert> 
using namespace std; 
// Quantity of elements to add 
// when increasing storage: 
const int increment = 100; 

void initialize(CStash* s, int sz) 
    s->size = sz; 
    s->quantity = 0; 
    s->storage = nullptr; 
    s->next = 0; 

int add(CStash* s, const void* element) 
    if (s->next >= s->quantity) //Enough space left? 
     inflate(s, increment); 
    // Copy element into storage, 
    // starting at next empty space: 
    int startBytes = s->next * s->size; 
    unsigned char* e = (unsigned char*)element; 
    for (int i = 0; i < s->size; i++) 
     s->storage[startBytes + i] = e[i]; 
    return(s->next - 1); // Index number 

void* fetch(CStash* s, int index) 
    // Check index boundaries: 
    assert(0 <= index); 
    if (index >= s->next) 
     return 0; // To indicate the end 
    // Produce pointer to desired element: 
    return &(s->storage[index * s->size]); 

int count(CStash* s) 
    return s->next; // Elements in CStash 

void inflate(CStash* s, int increase) 
    assert(increase > 0); 
    int newQuantity = s->quantity + increase; 
    int newBytes = newQuantity * s->size; 
    int oldBytes = s->quantity * s->size; 
    unsigned char* b = new unsigned char[newBytes]; 
    for (int i = 0; i < oldBytes; i++) 
     b[i] = s->storage[i]; // Copy old to new 
    delete[](s->storage); // Old storage 
    s->storage = b; // Point to new memory 
    s->quantity = newQuantity; 

void cleanup(CStash* s) 
    if (s->storage != 0) 
     cout << "freeing storage" << endl; 
} ///:~ 


//: C04:CLib.h 
// Header file for a C-like library 
// An array-like entity created at runtime 

typedef struct CStashTag { 
    int size;  // Size of each space 
    int quantity; // Number of storage spaces 
    int next;  // Next empty space 
    unsigned char* storage;// Dynamically allocated array of bytes 
} CStash; 

void initialize(CStash* s, int size); 
void cleanup(CStash* s); 
int add(CStash* s, const void* element); 
void* fetch(CStash* s, int index); 
int count(CStash* s); 
void inflate(CStash* s, int increase); 

CとC++は異なる言語です。関連する言語タグのみを使用してください。 – kaylum


'GraphicElement * pElement = nullptr; strcpy(pElement-> name、name); '。問題は明確ではないのですか?ヌルポインタにアクセスするとどうなると思いますか? – kaylum


質問したい質問は何ですか? –


GraphicElement *pElement = nullptr; 
// ... 

pElement = new GraphicElement();

