2016-11-30 5 views


namespace ValueFunctionFinder { 

public delegate double SomeFunction(double arg); 

public class ValueFunctionFinderClass 
    public double GetValue(double x) 
     double y = Math.Sin(x); 
     return y; 

    public double GetValueDel(double x, SomeFunction function) 
     double y = function(x); 
     return y; 



static void Main(string[] args) 
    Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load("ValueFunctionFinder"); 
    Type functionFinderType = assembly.GetType("ValueFunctionFinder.ValueFunctionFinderClass"); 
    object functionFinderObj = Activator.CreateInstance(functionFinderType); 

    // find value from specific function using Reflection 
    MethodInfo getValueMethodInfo = functionFinderType.GetMethod("GetValue"); 
    double x = Math.Sin(Math.PI/6); 
    object y = getValueMethodInfo.Invoke(functionFinderObj, new object[] { x }); 
    Console.WriteLine($"Sin(PI/6) = {y}"); // it works OK 

    // find value from any function with Reflection 
    Type someFunctionType = assembly.GetType("ValueFunctionFinder.SomeFunction"); 

    // I should use smth like this: 
    // ********************************************** 
    // dynamic creation of delegate 
    //Delegate del = Delegate.CreateDelegate(someFunctionType, someMethodInfo); // what kind of methodInfo shoul I use? 
    // dynamic use of delegate 
    //object function = del.DynamicInvoke(arguments); // what kind of arguments? Math.Sin? 
    // ********************************************** 
    MethodInfo getValueDelMethodInfo = functionFinderType.GetMethod("GetValueDel"); 
    //y = getValueDelMethodInfo.Invoke(functionFinderObj, new object[] {x, function}); 
    Console.WriteLine($"Sin(PI/6) = {y}"); // how do this? 


static void Main(string[] args) 
    ValueFunctionFinderClass finder = new ValueFunctionFinderClass(); 

    double x = Math.Sin(Math.PI/6); 
    // find value from specific function 
    double y = finder.GetValue(x); 
    Console.WriteLine($"Sin(PI/6) = {y}"); 

    // find value from any function 
    SomeFunction function = Math.Sin; 
    y = finder.GetValueDel(x, function); 
    Console.WriteLine($"Sin(PI/6) = {y}"); 




なぜあなたは何もしないように、独自の方法を必要とするが、デリゲートを呼び出すのですか?デリゲートを直接呼び出すだけです。 – Servy


SomeFunction function = Math.Sin; 

SomeFunction function = new SomeFunction(Math.Sin); 

と反射のショートカットがMethodInfo.CreateDelegate methodと私たちのためにこれを行うことができます:

var getValueDelMethod = functionFinderType.GetMethod("GetValueDel"); 

// create a delegate to the target method of the desired type 
var delegateType = typeof(SomeFunction); 
var sinMethod = typeof(Math).GetMethod(nameof(Math.Sin)); 
var delegateObj = sinMethod.CreateDelegate(delegateType); 

var result = getValueDelMethod.Invoke(functionFinderObj, new object[] {x, delegateObj}); 

素晴らしい!それは私が必要なものです!ありがとう、thehennyy。 –
