2017-11-14 4 views


C++ vector kind of structure in Cを作成しようとしています。 WindowsのEnumWindows関数を使用して、すべてのウィンドウをループします。コールバック関数では、各ウィンドウに対してwindowHandle構造の新しいインスタンスを作成します。しかし、何らかの理由で新しいインスタンスを作成するのではなく、古いインスタンスを上書きするだけです。あるいは、新しいインスタンスを作成するかもしれませんが、属性windowHandle-> titleに値を与えると、その変更がwindowHandleのすべてのインスタンスに適用されますか?


BOOL CALLBACK delegate(HWND wnd, LPARAM param){ 
if (filter(wnd)){ //<- just to make sure it's kind of window that we want. 
      char windowName[256] = {}; 
      GetWindowText(wnd, windowName, sizeof(windowName)); 
      windowHandle *handle = malloc(sizeof(windowHandle)); //<- create new instance of windowHandle for each window 
      handle->hWND = wnd; 
      handle->title = windowName; 
      insert((windowArray*) param, handle); //<- insert each windowHandle in our 'vector' 
// but return true here so that we iterate all windows 
return TRUE; 


windowArray* array = array_init(20); 
EnumWindows(&delegate, (LPARAM) array); //<- not quite sure what that '&'-sign does? 


typedef struct windowHandle{ 
    HWND hWND; 
    char* title; 
} windowHandle; 

typedef struct windowArray{ 
    int count; 
    int capacity; 
    int objectSize; 
    windowHandle* windows; 
} windowArray; 


int insert(windowArray* array, void* handle){ 
    int index = (array->count * array->objectSize); 
    if(index > 0){ 
     printf("\n%s %s\n", "first element's title is: ", array->windows->title); //<- prints to see if new handle overwrite the previous ones 
    printf("%s %s %s %p %s %d\n", "Inserted element ", ((windowHandle*)handle)->title, " with pointer ", handle, " on index ", index); 
    fflush(stdout); //<- prints info about first & current window 
    memcpy(array->windows + (index), (windowHandle*)handle, array->objectSize); 


Inserted element joo - Java - nativeWindowCapture/src/NativeWindowHookImp.c - Eclipse SDK with pointer 0000000000FB1B90 on index 0 

first element's title is: Komentokehote 
Inserted element Komentokehote with pointer 0000000000FB1BB0 on index 16 

first element's title is: C struct instance overwrites previous instance - Stack Overflow - Mozilla Firefox 
Inserted element C struct instance overwrites previous instance - Stack Overflow - Mozilla Firefox with pointer 0000000000FB1BD0 on index 32 

first element's title is: JNI compiler kutsu – Muistio 
Inserted element JNI compiler kutsu – Muistio with pointer 0000000000FB1BF0 on index 48 

first element's title is: Skype™? 
Inserted element Skype™? with pointer 0000000000FB1C10 on index 64 

first element's title is: eclipse 
Inserted element eclipse with pointer 0000000000FB1C30 on index 80 

first element's title is: src 
Inserted element src with pointer 0000000000FBCCE0 on index 96 
all added 


Getting value src , at index 0 and pointer 0000000000FBBB80 
Getting value src , at index 16 and pointer 0000000000FBBC80 
Getting value src , at index 32 and pointer 0000000000FBBD80 
Getting value src , at index 48 and pointer 0000000000FBBE80 
Getting value src , at index 64 and pointer 0000000000FBBF80 
Getting value src , at index 80 and pointer 0000000000FBC080 
Getting value src , at index 96 and pointer 0000000000FBC180 

P.S. windowArrayのwindows属性のポインタが*handleのオブジェクトの代理人で作成されたポインタと異なる理由も知りたいですか?それはメモリ効率的ではないようですね。




 char windowName[256] = {}; 
     GetWindowText(wnd, windowName, sizeof(windowName)); 
     windowHandle *handle = malloc(sizeof(windowHandle)); //<- create new instance of windowHandle for each window 
     handle->hWND = wnd; 
     handle->title = windowName; 
    // when we get here, windowName ceases to exist 
    // so why did we store a pointer to it? 

それはもはやまだ生きている任意のオブジェクトを指しているので、titleポインタを追跡するとエラーになりません。おそらくtitlechar *からchar[256]に変更します。


ああ、意味があります。ありがとうございました!その日を救った。 – user3738243
