2011-10-08 13 views

MKMapViewを使用していて、注釈ピンをマップに配置しています。私は30の異なる場所の地図に30ピンを配置するために取り組んでおり、それぞれの追加の場所を追加した後、iPhone SDKを確実に実行しました。それから、どこからも、それが崩壊し始め、私に恐ろしい「SIGABRT」を与え始めました。 AG !!MKMapViewで複数の注釈を試行するとSIGABRTエラーが発生する






- (void)viewDidLoad 
    [super viewDidLoad]; 

    //Miller's Neighborhood Market #56 
    MKCoordinateRegion store56; 
    store56.center.latitude = 36.8605679; 
    store56.center.longitude = -76.2866713; 
    store56.span.latitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    store56.span.longitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    [mapView setRegion:store56 animated:YES]; 

    MillersLocations *ann56 = [[MillersLocations alloc]init]; 
    ann56.title = @"Store #56"; 
    ann56.subtitle = @"Come check us out!"; 
    ann56.coordinate = store56.center; 
    [mapView addAnnotation:ann56]; 
    [MillersLocations release]; 
    //Not sure if release should be on this syntax 

    //Miller's Neighborhood Market #66 
    MKCoordinateRegion store66; 
    store66.center.latitude = 37.0942970; 
    store66.center.longitude = -76.4584890; 
    store66.span.latitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    store66.span.longitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    [mapView setRegion:store66 animated:YES]; 

    MillersLocations *ann66 = [[MillersLocations alloc]init]; 
    ann66.title = @"Store #66"; 
    ann66.subtitle = @"Come check us out!"; 
    ann66.coordinate = store66.center; 
    [mapView addAnnotation:ann66]; 
    [MillersLocations release]; 
    //Not sure if release should be on this syntax 

    //Miller's Neighborhood Market #21 
    MKCoordinateRegion store21; 
    store21.center.latitude = 37.0385289; 
    store21.center.longitude = -76.4004810; 
    store21.span.latitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    store21.span.longitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    [mapView setRegion:store21 animated:YES];  

    MillersLocations *ann21 = [[MillersLocations alloc]init]; 
    ann21.title = @"Store #21"; 
    ann21.subtitle = @"Come check us out!"; 
    ann21.coordinate = store21.center; 
    [mapView addAnnotation:ann21]; 
    [MillersLocations release]; 
    //Not sure if release should be on this syntax 

    //Miller's Neighborhood Market #67 
    MKCoordinateRegion store67; 
    store67.center.latitude = 37.6823690; 
    store67.center.longitude = -77.5898330; 
    store67.span.latitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    store67.span.longitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    [mapView setRegion:store67 animated:YES]; 

    MillersLocations *ann67 = [[MillersLocations alloc]init]; 
    ann67.title = @"Store 67"; 
    ann67.subtitle = @"Come check us out"; 
    ann67.coordinate = store67.center; 
    [mapView addAnnotation:ann67]; 
    [MillersLocations release]; 
    //Not sure if release should be on this syntax 

    //Miller's Neighborhood Market #49 
    MKCoordinateRegion store49; 
    store49.center.latitude = 36.8550990; 
    store49.center.longitude = -76.1355950; 
    store49.span.latitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    store49.span.latitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    [mapView setRegion:store49 animated:YES]; 

    MillersLocations *ann49 = [[MillersLocations alloc]init]; 
    ann49.title = @"Store 49"; 
    ann49.subtitle = @"Come check us out"; 
    ann49.coordinate = store49.center; 
    [mapView addAnnotation:ann49]; 
    [MillersLocations release]; 
    //Not sure if release should be on this syntax 

    //Miller's Neighborhood Market #82 
    MKCoordinateRegion store82; 
    store82.center.latitude = 36.7848840; 
    store82.center.longitude = -76.1587459; 
    store82.span.latitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    store82.span.latitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    [mapView setRegion:store82 animated:YES]; 

    MillersLocations *ann82 = [[MillersLocations alloc]init]; 
    ann82.title = @"Store 82"; 
    ann82.subtitle = @"Come check us out"; 
    ann82.coordinate = store82.center; 
    [mapView addAnnotation:ann82]; 
    [MillersLocations release]; 
    //Not sure if release should be on this syntax 

    //Miller's Neighborhood Market #40 
    MKCoordinateRegion store40; 
    store40.center.latitude = 37.1236680; 
    store40.center.longitude = -76.5093960; 
    store40.span.latitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    store40.span.latitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    [mapView setRegion:store40 animated:YES]; 

    MillersLocations *ann40 = [[MillersLocations alloc]init]; 
    ann40.title = @"Store 40"; 
    ann40.subtitle = @"Come check us out"; 
    ann40.coordinate = store40.center; 
    [mapView addAnnotation:ann40]; 
    [MillersLocations release]; 
    //Not sure if release should be on this syntax 

    //Miller's Neighborhood Market #55 
    MKCoordinateRegion store55; 
    store55.center.latitude = 36.7704630; 
    store55.center.longitude = -76.6058140; 
    store55.span.latitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    store55.span.latitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    [mapView setRegion:store55 animated:YES]; 

    MillersLocations *ann55 = [[MillersLocations alloc]init]; 
    ann55.title = @"Store 55"; 
    ann55.subtitle = @"Come check us out"; 
    ann55.coordinate = store55.center; 
    [mapView addAnnotation:ann55]; 
    [MillersLocations release]; 
    //Not sure if release should be on this syntax 

    //Miller's Neighborhood Market #58 
    MKCoordinateRegion store58; 
    store58.center.latitude = 36.7818390; 
    store58.center.longitude = -76.0479090; 
    store58.span.latitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    store58.span.latitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    [mapView setRegion:store58 animated:YES]; 

    MillersLocations *ann58 = [[MillersLocations alloc]init]; 
    ann58.title = @"Store 58"; 
    ann58.subtitle = @"Come check us out"; 
    ann58.coordinate = store58.center; 
    [mapView addAnnotation:ann58]; 
    [MillersLocations release]; 
    //Not sure if release should be on this syntax 

    //Miller's Neighborhood Market #57 
    MKCoordinateRegion store57; 
    store57.center.latitude = 36.8216160; 
    store57.center.longitude = -76.4246680; 
    store57.span.latitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    store57.span.latitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    [mapView setRegion:store57 animated:YES]; 

    MillersLocations *ann57 = [[MillersLocations alloc]init]; 
    ann57.title = @"Store 57"; 
    ann57.subtitle = @"Come check us out"; 
    ann57.coordinate = store57.center; 
    [mapView addAnnotation:ann57]; 
    [MillersLocations release]; 
    //Not sure if release should be on this syntax 

    //Miller's Neighborhood Market #90 
    MKCoordinateRegion store90; 
    store90.center.latitude = 38.1330690; 
    store90.center.longitude = -77.5124230; 
    store90.span.latitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    store90.span.latitudeDelta = 0.1; 
    [mapView setRegion:store90 animated:YES]; 

    MillersLocations *ann90 = [[MillersLocations alloc]init]; 
    ann90.title = @"Store 90"; 
    ann90.subtitle = @"Come check us out"; 
    ann90.coordinate = store90.center; 
    [mapView addAnnotation:ann90]; 
    [MillersLocations release]; 
    //Not sure if release should be on this syntax 



エラー(スレッド1:プログラム受信信号 "SIGABRT")は常に次の行で発生します。

[mapView setRegion:store57 animated:YES];


お手伝いいただける方に感謝します。私が少し長めになったらお詫び申し上げます。私はあなたが助けてくれる情報が含まれていることを確認したかっただけです。 (「[MapViewのリリース];」)それは働いた


それは正常に機能し、別の注釈を追加しようとしましたが、もう一度クラッシュしました。新しい注釈を削除すると機能しますので、追加すると問題が発生します。 AG。どんな助けもありがとうございます。ありがとう。







[MillersLocations release]; 

これはMillersLocationクラスにreleaseを呼び出そう - あなたが作成している、そのクラスのインスタンスではありません。これらの行は、次のように変更する必要があります。



MillersLocations *ann56 = [[MillersLocations alloc]init]; 
ann56.title = @"Store #56"; 
ann56.subtitle = @"Come check us out!"; 
ann56.coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(36.8605679, -76.2866713); 
[mapView addAnnotation:ann56]; 
[ann56 release]; 



最後に、IBOutletであっても[mapView release];dealloc)を削除しないでください。


うわー、ありがとうございます。私は、latitudeDelta問題の文法エラーを見落としたとは思えません。そのような大きな助けは、本当にそれを感謝します。 – MillerMedia


また、このポストを読んでいる人は、CLLocationCoordinate2Makeを使用するためにCoreLocations Frameworkを追加してインポートする必要があります。 – MillerMedia
