2016-07-28 4 views


static void Main(string[] args) 
     Random rng = new Random(); 
     int stuff = 0; 
     bool gameGo = true; 
     string yourAnswer = ""; 
     string choice1 = ""; 
     string choice2 = ""; 
     string choice3 = ""; 
     string choice4 = ""; 
     int healthPoints = 100; 
     int deathNumber = rng.Next(0, 10); 
     deathNumber = deathNumber = 0; 
     int stabbed = rng.Next(1, 4); 
     string name = ""; 
     int trap = rng.Next(1, 5); 
     int arrow = rng.Next(7, 14); 
     int menu = 0; 
     int potion = rng.Next(1, 10); 
     int flyHealth = rng.Next(5, 10); 
     int flyAttack = rng.Next(3, 5); 
     int tribeAttack = rng.Next(80, 100); 
     int playersSword = rng.Next (3, 5); 
while (gameGo || stuff == 1) 

Console.Write("You have "); 
Console.Write(", health points left"); 
Console.Write(" \nIf your health points drops to "); 
Console.Write(", you will DIE!"); 
Console.WriteLine("\nWell now that that's out of the way, excuse me for being so rude but,\nmay i have your name? Please hit enter after to continue."); 
name = Console.ReadLine(); 

if (name == "Dustin") 
    Console.Write("You have"); 
    Console.Write(", health points left"); 
    Console.WriteLine("\nI am so proud of you for figuring out your name, {0}", name); 
    Console.WriteLine("Shall we move on to the story?\n Hit Enter to continue."); 
    menu = 2; 


else if (name != "Dustin") 
    healthPoints -= stabbed; 
    Console.WriteLine("Seriously you cant figure out your name, how dumb are you?"); 

if (menu == 2) 
    Console.WriteLine("You see a cave in the distance."); 
    Console.WriteLine(" You have to make a choice."); 
    Console.WriteLine("Do you go in to explore or do you pass on by?"); 
    Console.WriteLine("a) Do you go in\nOr B) do you pass by?"); 
    choice1 = Console.ReadLine(); 

if (choice1 == "a") 
    Console.WriteLine("You enter a dark cave with no idea where to go but you found a sword."); 
    Console.WriteLine("The sword can do 1-5 damage.\n This is your only defense."); 
    Console.Write("\nTap enter once to continue"); 
    menu = 3; 
if (choice1 == "b") 
    Console.WriteLine("What, are you scared of the dark?"); 
    healthPoints -= stabbed; 
    Console.WriteLine("A masked man stabbed you for not going in the cave and says"); 
    Console.Write("you now have,"); 
    Console.Write(" health points left"); 
    Console.WriteLine("Hit enter to continue."); 
    menu = 4; 
    while (menu == 3) 
     Console.WriteLine("You wander further in the cave and look around"); 
     Console.WriteLine("You see a torch on the wall"); 
     Console.WriteLine("You have another choice.\nDo you a) Light the torch \n or b) Leave it unlit"); 
     choice2 = Console.ReadLine(); 
    if (choice2 == "a") 
     Console.WriteLine("Well done my good sir, you have brought light to this wretched cave."); 
     Console.WriteLine("You move along slowly and encounter a giant fly."); 
     menu = 5; 

    if (choice2 == "b") 
     Console.WriteLine("What do you enjoy being in the dark?"); 
     healthPoints -= stabbed; 
     Console.WriteLine("A masked man snuck up on you and stabbed you in the dark"); 
     Console.Write("you now have,"); 
     Console.Write(" health points left"); 
     Console.WriteLine("You move along slowly in the dark and encounter a giant fly."); 
     menu = 6; 
    while (menu == 4) 
     Console.WriteLine("You chose to keep walking along and not go into the cave."); 
     Console.WriteLine("You stumble across a large valley."); 
     Console.WriteLine("Time for another choice."); 
     Console.WriteLine("Do you a) Climb down the valley hoping for cool treasure?\nOR b) Keep walking along?"); 
     choice3 = Console.ReadLine(); 

    if (choice3 == "a") 
     Console.WriteLine("You decided to go into the valley"); 
     Console.WriteLine("Little did you know there was a trap that got sprung as you climbed down"); 
     healthPoints -= trap; 
     menu = 7; 

    if (choice3 == "b") 
     Console.WriteLine("How much more boring can you get, do you ever go on real adventures."); 
     Console.WriteLine("as you are walking along a stray arrow comes out of no where and strikes you in the leg."); 
     healthPoints -= arrow; 
     menu = 8; 
    while (menu == 5) 
     //giant fly fight 
     Console.Write("The giant fly swoops in to attack"); 
     flyAttack -= healthPoints; 
     Console.WriteLine("The fly does {0} damage to your health", flyAttack); 
     Console.Write("You now have,"); 
     Console.Write(" health."); 
     Console.WriteLine("You attack back, with your sword you found"); 
     playersSword -= flyHealth; 
     Console.WriteLine("You did {0} damage to the flys health points.", playersSword); 
     menu = 9; 

    while (menu == 6) 
     Console.Write("The giant fly swoops in to attack"); 
     flyAttack -= healthPoints; 
     Console.WriteLine("The fly does {0} damage to your health", flyAttack); 
     Console.Write("You now have,"); 
     Console.Write(" health."); 
     Console.WriteLine("You attack back, with your sword you found"); 
     playersSword -= flyHealth; 
     Console.WriteLine("You did {0} damage to the flys health points.", playersSword); 
     menu = 9; 
    while (menu == 7) 
     Console.WriteLine("You reach the bottom and come across a tribe of people."); 
     Console.WriteLine("This tribe has never seen another human before."); 
     Console.WriteLine("Hit enter to continue."); 
     Console.WriteLine("You hesitate for a bit wondering what to do. \nWhen all of a sudden the tribe attacks."); 
     healthPoints -= tribeAttack; 
     Console.Write("You have "); 
     Console.Write(", health points left"); 

    if (menu == 8) 
     //kept walking 
    if (menu == 9) 

サイトのツアー中に見た[MCVE]トピックをもう一度読んで、リンクされたガイダンスに従って質問を編集してください。 "最小限"の部分に十分注意してください。 –


また、デバッガに慣れていない場合は、デバッガの使い方を学ぶ時間を取ってください。 Visual Studioに組み込まれたデバッガは、非常に簡単で直感的に使用できます。デバッガでコードを1行ずつ進めることで、このタイプの質問に自分で答えることができます。 –


もう一度お世話になりましたが、デバッガは何も選択しません –




このように書かれたもの(上記のあなたの例から得たもの)は決して止まらないでしょう。従ってループは決して終了します - それは3から変化することはありませんので

while (menu == 3 { 
    // do stuff here, but menu never changes 

menuが3 menuときループが入力されるが、ループ内から変更されることはありません。 menuが3になっていないときにループの始めに戻ります。

さらに明確にするために、ifステートメントは、条件に基づいてコードを実行させます。 whileループと異なり、実行されるコードブロックはループされません。条件がfalseの場合、ブロック内のコードは実行されません。条件が真の場合、ブロック内のコードは1回だけ実行されます。

