2016-07-13 10 views


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    var myData = "date \t New York \t San Francisco \t Austin\n\ 
20111001 \t 63.4 \t 62.7 \t 72.2\n\ 
20111002 \t 58.0 \t 59.9 \t 67.7\n\ 
20111003 \t 53.3 \t 59.1 \t 69.4\n\ 
20111004 \t 55.7 \t 58.8 \t 68.0\n\ 
20111005 \t 64.2 \t 58.7 \t 72.4\n\ 
20111006 \t 58.8 \t 57.0 \t 77.0\n\ 
20111007 \t 57.9 \t 56.7 \t 82.3\n\ 
20111008 \t 61.8 \t 56.8 \t 78.9\n\ 
20111009 \t 69.3 \t 56.7 \t 68.8\n\ 
20111010 \t 71.2 \t 60.1 \t 68.7\n\ 
20111011 \t 68.7 \t 61.1 \t 70.3\n\ 
20111012 \t 61.8 \t 61.5 \t 75.3\n\ 
20111013 \t 63.0 \t 64.3 \t 76.6\n\ 
20111014 \t 66.9 \t 67.1 \t 66.6\n\ 
20111015 \t 61.7 \t 64.6 \t 68.0\n\ 
20111016 \t 61.8 \t 61.6 \t 70.6\n\ 
20111017 \t 62.8 \t 61.1 \t 71.1\n\ 
20111018 \t 60.8 \t 59.2 \t 70.0\n\ 
20111019 \t 62.1 \t 58.9 \t 61.6\n\ 
20111020 \t 65.1 \t 57.2 \t 57.4\n\ 
20111021 \t 55.6 \t 56.4 \t 64.3\n\ 
20111022 \t 54.4 \t 60.7 \t 72.4\n"; 

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    color.domain(d3.keys(data[0]).filter(function(key) { 
     return key !== "date"; 

    data.forEach(function(d) { 
     d.date = parseDate(d.date); 

    var cities = color.domain().map(function(name) { 
     return { 
     name: name, 
     values: data.map(function(d) { 
      return { 
      date: d.date, 
      temperature: +d[name] 

    x.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) { 
     return d.date; 

     d3.min(cities, function(c) { 
     return d3.min(c.values, function(v) { 
      return v.temperature; 
     d3.max(cities, function(c) { 
     return d3.max(c.values, function(v) { 
      return v.temperature; 

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     .attr('y', function(d, i) { 
     return (i * 20) + 9; 
     .text(function(d) { 
     return d.name; 

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     .attr("transform", "rotate(-90)") 
     .attr("y", 6) 
     .attr("dy", ".71em") 
     .style("text-anchor", "end") 
     .text("Temperature (ºF)"); 

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     .attr("class", "city"); 

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     .attr("d", function(d) { 
     return line(d.values); 
     .style("stroke", function(d) { 
     return color(d.name); 

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     return { 
      name: d.name, 
      value: d.values[d.values.length - 1] 
     .attr("transform", function(d) { 
     return "translate(" + x(d.value.date) + "," + y(d.value.temperature) + ")"; 
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     .text(function(d) { 
     return d.name; 

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      d += " " + mouse[0] + "," + 0; 
      return d; 

      .attr("transform", function(d, i) { 
      var xDate = x.invert(mouse[0]), 
       bisect = d3.bisector(function(d) { 
       return d.date; 
      idx = bisect(d.values, xDate); 

      var beginning = 0, 
       end = lines[i].getTotalLength(), 
       target = null; 

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       target = Math.floor((beginning + end)/2); 
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       else break; //position found 


      return "translate(" + mouse[0] + "," + pos.y + ")"; 




レイチェル、あなたはホバー値に境界線を表示しようとしています? –


あなたの質問は明確ではありません...ツールチップが来ている、あなたが達成したいもののスクリーンショットかもしれません.. – Cyril


ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ありません。実際には、今のところ起こっている領域の境界に印刷するのではなく、特定の長方形のボックス内の線にホバーに表示されるすべての値を表示したいと考えています。条件には、各値に個別のボックスを作成するのではなく、スタック領域チャートのすべての値を表示する単一の長方形のボックスが必要です。 – Rach



<!DOCTYPE html> 

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    var myData = "date \t New York \t San Francisco \t Austin\n\ 
20111001 \t 63.4 \t 62.7 \t 72.2\n\ 
20111002 \t 58.0 \t 59.9 \t 67.7\n\ 
20111003 \t 53.3 \t 59.1 \t 69.4\n\ 
20111004 \t 55.7 \t 58.8 \t 68.0\n\ 
20111005 \t 64.2 \t 58.7 \t 72.4\n\ 
20111006 \t 58.8 \t 57.0 \t 77.0\n\ 
20111007 \t 57.9 \t 56.7 \t 82.3\n\ 
20111008 \t 61.8 \t 56.8 \t 78.9\n\ 
20111009 \t 69.3 \t 56.7 \t 68.8\n\ 
20111010 \t 71.2 \t 60.1 \t 68.7\n\ 
20111011 \t 68.7 \t 61.1 \t 70.3\n\ 
20111012 \t 61.8 \t 61.5 \t 75.3\n\ 
20111013 \t 63.0 \t 64.3 \t 76.6\n\ 
20111014 \t 66.9 \t 67.1 \t 66.6\n\ 
20111015 \t 61.7 \t 64.6 \t 68.0\n\ 
20111016 \t 61.8 \t 61.6 \t 70.6\n\ 
20111017 \t 62.8 \t 61.1 \t 71.1\n\ 
20111018 \t 60.8 \t 59.2 \t 70.0\n\ 
20111019 \t 62.1 \t 58.9 \t 61.6\n\ 
20111020 \t 65.1 \t 57.2 \t 57.4\n\ 
20111021 \t 55.6 \t 56.4 \t 64.3\n\ 
20111022 \t 54.4 \t 60.7 \t 72.4\n"; 

    var margin = { 
     top: 20, 
     right: 80, 
     bottom: 30, 
     left: 50 
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     .range([0, width]); 

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     .range([height, 0]); 

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    var yAxis = d3.svg.axis() 

    var line = d3.svg.line() 
     .x(function(d) { 
     return x(d.date); 
     .y(function(d) { 
     return y(d.temperature); 

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     .attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right) 
     .attr("height", height + margin.top + margin.bottom) 
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    var data = d3.tsv.parse(myData); 

    color.domain(d3.keys(data[0]).filter(function(key) { 
     return key !== "date"; 

    data.forEach(function(d) { 
     d.date = parseDate(d.date); 

    var cities = color.domain().map(function(name) { 
     return { 
     name: name, 
     values: data.map(function(d) { 
      return { 
      date: d.date, 
      temperature: +d[name] 

    x.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) { 
     return d.date; 

     d3.min(cities, function(c) { 
     return d3.min(c.values, function(v) { 
      return v.temperature; 
     d3.max(cities, function(c) { 
     return d3.max(c.values, function(v) { 
      return v.temperature; 

    var legend = svg.selectAll('g') 
     .attr('class', 'legend'); 

     .attr('x', width - 20) 
     .attr('y', function(d, i) { 
     return i * 20; 
     .attr('width', 10) 
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     .style('fill', function(d) { 
     return color(d.name); 

     .attr('x', width - 8) 
     .attr('y', function(d, i) { 
     return (i * 20) + 9; 
     .text(function(d) { 
     return d.name; 

     .attr("class", "x axis") 
     .attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")") 

     .attr("class", "y axis") 
     .attr("transform", "rotate(-90)") 
     .attr("y", 6) 
     .attr("dy", ".71em") 
     .style("text-anchor", "end") 
     .text("Temperature (ºF)"); 

    var city = svg.selectAll(".city") 
     .attr("class", "city"); 

     .attr("class", "line") 
     .attr("d", function(d) { 
     return line(d.values); 
     .style("stroke", function(d) { 
     return color(d.name); 

     .datum(function(d) { 
     return { 
      name: d.name, 
      value: d.values[d.values.length - 1] 
     .attr("transform", function(d) { 
     return "translate(" + x(d.value.date) + "," + y(d.value.temperature) + ")"; 
     .attr("x", 3) 
     .attr("dy", ".35em") 
     .text(function(d) { 
     return d.name; 

    var mouseG = svg.append("g") 
     .attr("class", "mouse-over-effects"); 

    mouseG.append("path") // this is the black vertical line to follow mouse 
     .attr("class", "mouse-line") 
     .style("stroke", "black") 
     .style("stroke-width", "1px") 
     .style("opacity", "0"); 

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     .attr("class", "mouse-per-line"); 

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     .style("stroke", function(d) { 
     return color(d.name); 
     .style("fill", function(d) { 
     return color(d.name); 
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     .style("opacity", "0") 
     .attr('x', 10); 


     .attr("r", 5) 
     .style("stroke", function(d) { 
     return color(d.name); 
     .style("fill", function(d) { 
     return color(d.name); 
     .style("stroke-width", "1px") 
     .style("opacity", "0"); 

     .attr("transform", "translate(15,13)"); 

    mouseG.append('svg:rect') // append a rect to catch mouse movements on canvas 
     .attr('width', width) // can't catch mouse events on a g element 
     .attr('height', height) 
     .attr('fill', 'none') 
     .attr('pointer-events', 'all') 
     .on('mouseout', function() { // on mouse out hide line, circles and text 
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      .style("opacity", "0"); 
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      .style("opacity", "0"); 
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      .style("opacity", "0.5"); 
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      .style("opacity", "1"); 
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      .style("opacity", "1"); 
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      .attr("d", function() { 
      var d = "M" + mouse[0] + "," + height; 
      d += " " + mouse[0] + "," + 0; 
      return d; 

      .attr("transform", function(d, i) { 
      var xDate = x.invert(mouse[0]), 
       bisect = d3.bisector(function(d) { 
       return d.date; 
      idx = bisect(d.values, xDate); 

      var beginning = 0, 
       end = lines[i].getTotalLength(), 
       target = null; 

      while (true) { 
       target = Math.floor((beginning + end)/2); 
       pos = lines[i].getPointAtLength(target); 
       if ((target === end || target === beginning) && pos.x !== mouse[0]) { 
       if (pos.x > mouse[0]) end = target; 
       else if (pos.x < mouse[0]) beginning = target; 
       else break; //position found 


      return "translate(" + mouse[0] + "," + pos.y + ")"; 


<!DOCTYPE html> 

    <script data-require="[email protected]" data-semver="3.5.3" src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.5.3/d3.js"></script> 
    body { 
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     display: none; 
    .line { 
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     stroke: steelblue; 
     stroke-width: 1.5px; 

    var myData = "date \t New York \t San Francisco \t Austin\n\ 
20111001 \t 63.4 \t 62.7 \t 72.2\n\ 
20111002 \t 58.0 \t 59.9 \t 67.7\n\ 
20111003 \t 53.3 \t 59.1 \t 69.4\n\ 
20111004 \t 55.7 \t 58.8 \t 68.0\n\ 
20111005 \t 64.2 \t 58.7 \t 72.4\n\ 
20111006 \t 58.8 \t 57.0 \t 77.0\n\ 
20111007 \t 57.9 \t 56.7 \t 82.3\n\ 
20111008 \t 61.8 \t 56.8 \t 78.9\n\ 
20111009 \t 69.3 \t 56.7 \t 68.8\n\ 
20111010 \t 71.2 \t 60.1 \t 68.7\n\ 
20111011 \t 68.7 \t 61.1 \t 70.3\n\ 
20111012 \t 61.8 \t 61.5 \t 75.3\n\ 
20111013 \t 63.0 \t 64.3 \t 76.6\n\ 
20111014 \t 66.9 \t 67.1 \t 66.6\n\ 
20111015 \t 61.7 \t 64.6 \t 68.0\n\ 
20111016 \t 61.8 \t 61.6 \t 70.6\n\ 
20111017 \t 62.8 \t 61.1 \t 71.1\n\ 
20111018 \t 60.8 \t 59.2 \t 70.0\n\ 
20111019 \t 62.1 \t 58.9 \t 61.6\n\ 
20111020 \t 65.1 \t 57.2 \t 57.4\n\ 
20111021 \t 55.6 \t 56.4 \t 64.3\n\ 
20111022 \t 54.4 \t 60.7 \t 72.4\n"; 

    var margin = { 
     top: 20, 
     right: 80, 
     bottom: 30, 
     left: 50 
     width = 500 - margin.left - margin.right, 
     height = 500 - margin.top - margin.bottom; 

    var parseDate = d3.time.format("%Y%m%d").parse; 

    var x = d3.time.scale() 
     .range([0, width]); 

    var y = d3.scale.linear() 
     .range([height, 0]); 

    var color = d3.scale.category20(); 

    var xAxis = d3.svg.axis() 

    var yAxis = d3.svg.axis() 

    var line = d3.svg.line() 
     .x(function(d) { 
     return x(d.date); 
     .y(function(d) { 
     return y(d.temperature); 

    var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg") 
     .attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right) 
     .attr("height", height + margin.top + margin.bottom) 
     .attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")"); 

    var data = d3.tsv.parse(myData); 

    color.domain(d3.keys(data[0]).filter(function(key) { 
     return key !== "date"; 

    data.forEach(function(d) { 
     d.date = parseDate(d.date); 

    var cities = color.domain().map(function(name) { 
     return { 
     name: name, 
     values: data.map(function(d) { 
      return { 
      date: d.date, 
      temperature: +d[name] 

    x.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) { 
     return d.date; 

     d3.min(cities, function(c) { 
     return d3.min(c.values, function(v) { 
      return v.temperature; 
     d3.max(cities, function(c) { 
     return d3.max(c.values, function(v) { 
      return v.temperature; 

    var legend = svg.selectAll('g') 
     .attr('class', 'legend'); 

     .attr('x', width - 20) 
     .attr('y', function(d, i) { 
     return i * 20; 
     .attr('width', 10) 
     .attr('height', 10) 
     .style('fill', function(d) { 
     return color(d.name); 

     .attr('x', width - 8) 
     .attr('y', function(d, i) { 
     return (i * 20) + 9; 
     .text(function(d) { 
     return d.name; 

     .attr("class", "x axis") 
     .attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")") 

     .attr("class", "y axis") 
     .attr("transform", "rotate(-90)") 
     .attr("y", 6) 
     .attr("dy", ".71em") 
     .style("text-anchor", "end") 
     .text("Temperature (ºF)"); 

    var city = svg.selectAll(".city") 
     .attr("class", "city"); 

     .attr("class", "line") 
     .attr("d", function(d) { 
     return line(d.values); 
     .style("stroke", function(d) { 
     return color(d.name); 

     .datum(function(d) { 
     return { 
      name: d.name, 
      value: d.values[d.values.length - 1] 
     .attr("transform", function(d) { 
     return "translate(" + x(d.value.date) + "," + y(d.value.temperature) + ")"; 
     .attr("x", 3) 
     .attr("dy", ".35em") 
     .text(function(d) { 
     return d.name; 

    var mouseG = svg.append("g") 
     .attr("class", "mouse-over-effects"); 

    mouseG.append("path") // this is the black vertical line to follow mouse 
     .attr("class", "mouse-line") 
     .style("stroke", "black") 
     .style("stroke-width", "1px") 
     .style("opacity", "0"); 

    var lines = document.getElementsByClassName('line'); 

    var mousePerLine = mouseG.selectAll('.mouse-per-line') 
     .attr("class", "mouse-per-line"); 

     .attr("r", 7) 
     .style("stroke", function(d) { 
     return color(d.name); 
     .style("fill", "none") 
     .style("stroke-width", "1px") 
     .style("opacity", "0"); 

     .attr("transform", "translate(10,3)"); 

    mouseG.append('svg:rect') // append a rect to catch mouse movements on canvas 
     .attr('width', width) // can't catch mouse events on a g element 
     .attr('height', height) 
     .attr('fill', 'none') 
     .attr('pointer-events', 'all') 
     .on('mouseout', function() { // on mouse out hide line, circles and text 
      .style("opacity", "0"); 
     d3.selectAll(".mouse-per-line circle") 
      .style("opacity", "0"); 
     d3.selectAll(".mouse-per-line text") 
      .style("opacity", "0"); 
     .on('mouseover', function() { // on mouse in show line, circles and text 
      .style("opacity", "1"); 
     d3.selectAll(".mouse-per-line circle") 
      .style("opacity", "1"); 
     d3.selectAll(".mouse-per-line text") 
      .style("opacity", "1"); 
     .on('mousemove', function() { // mouse moving over canvas 
     var mouse = d3.mouse(this); 
      .attr("d", function() { 
      var d = "M" + mouse[0] + "," + height; 
      d += " " + mouse[0] + "," + 0; 
      return d; 

      .attr("transform", function(d, i) { 
      var xDate = x.invert(mouse[0]), 
       bisect = d3.bisector(function(d) { 
       return d.date; 
      idx = bisect(d.values, xDate); 

      var beginning = 0, 
       end = lines[i].getTotalLength(), 
       target = null; 

      while (true) { 
       target = Math.floor((beginning + end)/2); 
       pos = lines[i].getPointAtLength(target); 
       if ((target === end || target === beginning) && pos.x !== mouse[0]) { 
       if (pos.x > mouse[0]) end = target; 
       else if (pos.x < mouse[0]) beginning = target; 
       else break; //position found 


      return "translate(" + mouse[0] + "," + pos.y + ")"; 



多くのことを考えた後、マウスのホバー上のデータを個々のデータの矩形内に表示できるようになりましたが、データごとに複数の矩形ではなく、すべてのデータを単一の矩形内に表示します。いくつかのヒントや提案で私を助けてください。 – Rach
