2016-05-28 6 views

enter image description hereどのようにして発光シャドウを得ることができますか?

  1. 全体のモックアップはPhilip's Ambilight TVsのことを思い出す影を持っています。
  2. 「トレーラーと写真」のセクションを見ると、すべてのタイルにこのタイプの影があります。



  1. は、ビューのスクリーンショットを取り、110%にビューの背後にある
  2. 置き、それをそれを拡大します。
  3. スクリーンショットをぼかします。
  4. 内側の白い影を適用します。





- (void)addLuminescentShadowToView:(UIView*)contentView 
    //the bigger radius of the blur 
    //the more spread shadow will get 
    CGFloat blurRadius = 15.0f; 

    //in order to shadow becomes transparent on edeges 
    //we're adding some transparent insets to the snapshot 
    CGFloat insetsSize = 2.0f * blurRadius; 

    //getting superview of content view 
    //it's important to do it before getting snapshot 
    //as during snapshot parent of the content view 
    //might be temporary changed 
    //superview will be used later to insert shadow 
    UIView* contentViewSuperview = contentView.superview; 

    //code for following methods were sourced from 
    //http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/adding-blur-effects-on-ios--cms-21488 and modified 
    //taking snapshot of content view 
    //method is modified to add transparent insets to the snapshot 
    UIImage* snapshot = [self takeSnapshotOfView: contentView withTransparentInsets: insetsSize]; 

    //applying blur to the snapshot 
    UIImage* blurredSnapshot = [self blurWithCoreImage: snapshot 
              withRadius: blurRadius]; 

    //creating view that displays shadow 
    UIImageView* shadowView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage: blurredSnapshot]; 
    shadowView.center = contentView.center; 

    //you could control appearence of the effect by modifying scale and alpha as well 
    //scale is not uniform to prevent spreading of the shadow by height, as shown on your example 
    shadowView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1.05f, 0.95f); 
    shadowView.alpha = 1.0f; 

    //inserting shadow below content 
    [contentViewSuperview insertSubview:shadowView belowSubview:contentView]; 

- (UIImage *)takeSnapshotOfView:(UIView *)view withTransparentInsets:(CGFloat)insets 
    //creating bitmap context 
    CGRect contextRect; 
    contextRect.origin = CGPointZero; 
    contextRect.size = CGSizeMake(view.frame.size.width + 2.0f * insets, view.frame.size.height + 2.0f * insets); 

    CGContextClearRect(UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(), contextRect); 

    //rendering views hierarchy to the context 
    [view drawViewHierarchyInRect:CGRectMake(insets, insets, view.frame.size.width, view.frame.size.height) afterScreenUpdates:YES]; 

    //getting result image 
    UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); 

    return image; 

- (UIImage *)blurWithCoreImage:(UIImage *)sourceImage withRadius:(CGFloat)radius 
    CIImage *inputImage = [CIImage imageWithCGImage:sourceImage.CGImage]; 

    //apply gaussian blur filter 
    CIFilter *gaussianBlurFilter = [CIFilter filterWithName: @"CIGaussianBlur"]; 
    [gaussianBlurFilter setValue: inputImage forKey:@"inputImage"]; 
    [gaussianBlurFilter setValue: @(radius) forKey:@"inputRadius"]; 

    CIContext *context = [CIContext contextWithOptions:nil]; 

    //creating output UIImage 
    CGImageRef cgImage = [context createCGImage:gaussianBlurFilter.outputImage fromRect:[inputImage extent]]; 
    UIImage* outputImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:cgImage scale:1.0f orientation:UIImageOrientationUp]; 


    return outputImage; 