2012-03-25 14 views

Apacheでグラファイトをパスワードで保護しようとしています。以下は、sites-available dirの設定です。管理パスワードの場所は/opt/graphite/sec/.mypasswdsにあります。私がApacheを再起動すると、内部サービスエラーが発生します。どのように解決するのですか?Apacheの内部パスワードでグラファイトをパスワードで保護しようとしていますが、内部サービスエラー

# This needs to be in your server's config somewhere, probably 
# the main httpd.conf 
# NameVirtualHost *:80 

# This line also needs to be in your server's config. 
# LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi.so 

# You need to manually edit this file to fit your needs. 
# This configuration assumes the default installation prefix 
# of /opt/graphite/, if you installed graphite somewhere else 
# you will need to change all the occurances of /opt/graphite/ 
# in this file to your chosen install location. 

# XXX You need to set this up! 
# Read http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/ConfigurationDirectives#WSGISocketPrefix 
WSGISocketPrefix /etc/httpd/wsgi/ 

<VirtualHost *:80> 
     ServerName graphite 
     DocumentRoot "/opt/graphite/webapp" 
     ErrorLog /opt/graphite/storage/log/webapp/error.log 
     CustomLog /opt/graphite/storage/log/webapp/access.log common 

     # I've found that an equal number of processes & threads tends 
     # to show the best performance for Graphite (ymmv). 
     WSGIDaemonProcess graphite processes=5 threads=5 display-name='%{GROUP}' inactivity-timeout=120 
     WSGIProcessGroup graphite 
     WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} 
     WSGIImportScript /opt/graphite/conf/graphite.wsgi process-group=graphite application-group=%{GLOBAL} 

     # XXX You will need to create this file! There is a graphite.wsgi.example 
     # file in this directory that you can safely use, just copy it to graphite.wgsi 

     Alias /content/ /opt/graphite/webapp/content/ 
     <Location "/content/"> 
       SetHandler None 

     # XXX In order for the django admin site media to work you 
     # must change @[email protected] to be the path to your django 
     # installation, which is probably something like: 
     # /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django 
     Alias /media/ "@[email protected]/contrib/admin/media/" 
     <Location "/media/"> 
       SetHandler None 

     # The graphite.wsgi file has to be accessible by apache. It won't 
     # be visible to clients because of the DocumentRoot though. 
     <Directory /opt/graphite/conf/> 
       Order deny,allow 
       Allow from all 

     <Location "/"> 
    AuthType Basic 
    AuthName "Under Construction" 
    AuthUserFile /opt/graphite/sec/.mypasswds 
# AuthGroupFile /opt/graphite/sec/.mygroups 
    Require user admin 




