2016-07-07 15 views


var dict = [String:String]() 
dict["data"] = snapshot.value!["data"] as? String 





func LoadValues() { 

     var curID = FIRAuth.auth()?.currentUser?.uid 

     ref.child("Users").child(curID!).child("Prices").observeEventType(.Value) { (snapshot:FIRDataSnapshot) in 

      if let PermPrice = snapshot.value!["PermanentPrice"] as? Int { 
       self.dict2["PermanentPrice"] = String(PermPrice) 

      if let Price24 = snapshot.value!["24hours"] as? Int { 
       self.dict2["24hours"] = String(Price24) 

      if let Price12 = snapshot.value!["12hours"] as? Int { 
       self.dict2["12hours"] = String(Price12) 

      if let Price6 = snapshot.value!["6hours"] as? Int { 
       self.dict2["6hours"] = String(Price6) 

      if let Price2 = snapshot.value!["2hours"] as? Int { 
       self.dict2["2hours"] = String(Price2) 






func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { 

     if indexPath.row == 0 { 

      let cell1 = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("firstCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! TierCell1 

      cell1.deleteButton1.tag = 0 

      cell1.deleteButton1.addTarget(self, action: "DeleteTier:", forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside) 
      //let cell1 = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("firstCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! TierCell1 

      //set the data here 

      if allTiers[0]["PermanentPrice"] != nil { 
       cell1.price1.text = "$" + String(allTiers[0]["PermanentPrice"]!) 
       cell1.text1.text = "Permanent" 
       PermTextTier = true 
      } else if allTiers[0]["24hours"] != nil { 
       cell1.price1.text = "$" + String(allTiers[0]["24hours"]!) 
       cell1.text1.text = "24 hours" 
       TextTier24 = true 
      } else if allTiers[0]["12hours"] != nil { 
       cell1.price1.text = "$" + String(allTiers[0]["12hours"]!) 
       cell1.text1.text = "12 hours" 
       TextTier12 = true 
      } else if allTiers[0]["6hours"] != nil { 
       cell1.price1.text = "$" + String(allTiers[0]["6hours"]!) 
       cell1.text1.text = "6 hours" 
       TextTier6 = true 
      } else if allTiers[0]["2hours"] != nil { 
       cell1.price1.text = "$" + String(allTiers[0]["2hours"]!) 
       cell1.text1.text = "2 hours" 
       TextTier2 = true 

      //cell1.text1.text = String(allTiers[0]["PermanentPrice"]!) 

      return cell1 
     if indexPath.row == 1 { 
      //let cell2: TierCell2 = TierCell2(style: UITableViewCellStyle.Default, reuseIdentifier: "secondCell") as! TierCell2 
      //set the data here 

      let cell2 = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("secondCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! TierCell2 

      cell2.deleteButton2.tag = 1 

      cell2.deleteButton2.addTarget(self, action: "DeleteTier:", forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside) 

      if allTiers[0]["24hours"] != nil && TextTier24 == false { 
       cell2.price2.text = "$" + String(allTiers[0]["24hours"]!) 
       cell2.text2.text = "24 hours" 
       TextTier24 = true 
      } else if allTiers[0]["12hours"] != nil && TextTier12 == false { 
       cell2.price2.text = "$" + String(allTiers[0]["12hours"]!) 
       cell2.text2.text = "12 hours" 
       TextTier12 = true 
      } else if allTiers[0]["6hours"] != nil && TextTier6 == false { 
       cell2.price2.text = "$" + String(allTiers[0]["6hours"]!) 
       cell2.text2.text = "6 hours" 
       TextTier6 = true 
      } else if allTiers[0]["2hours"] != nil && TextTier2 == false { 
       cell2.price2.text = "$" + String(allTiers[0]["2hours"]!) 
       cell2.text2.text = "2 hours" 
       TextTier2 = true 

      return cell2 
     if indexPath.row == 2 { 
      //let cell2: TierCell2 = TierCell2(style: UITableViewCellStyle.Default, reuseIdentifier: "secondCell") as! TierCell2 
      //set the data here 

      let cell3 = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("thirdCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! TierCell3 

      cell3.deleteButton3.tag = 2 

      cell3.deleteButton3.addTarget(self, action: "DeleteTier:", forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside) 

      if allTiers[0]["12hours"] != nil && TextTier12 == false { 
       cell3.price3.text = "$" + String(allTiers[0]["12hours"]!) 
       cell3.text3.text = "12 hours" 
       TextTier12 = true 
      } else if allTiers[0]["6hours"] != nil && TextTier6 == false { 
       cell3.price3.text = "$" + String(allTiers[0]["6hours"]!) 
       cell3.text3.text = "6 hours" 
       TextTier6 = true 
      } else if allTiers[0]["2hours"] != nil && TextTier2 == false { 
       cell3.price3.text = "$" + String(allTiers[0]["2hours"]!) 
       cell3.text3.text = "2 hours" 
       TextTier2 = true 

      return cell3 
     if indexPath.row == 3 { 
      //let cell2: TierCell2 = TierCell2(style: UITableViewCellStyle.Default, reuseIdentifier: "secondCell") as! TierCell2 
      //set the data here 
      let cell4 = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("fourthCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! TierCell4 

      cell4.deleteButton4.tag = 3 

      cell4.deleteButton4.addTarget(self, action: "DeleteTier:", forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside) 

      if allTiers[0]["6hours"] != nil && TextTier6 == false { 
       cell4.price4.text = "$" + String(allTiers[0]["6hours"]!) 
       cell4.text4.text = "6 hours" 
       TextTier6 = true 
      } else if allTiers[0]["2hours"] != nil && TextTier2 == false { 
       cell4.price4.text = "$" + String(allTiers[0]["2hours"]!) 
       cell4.text4.text = "2 hours" 
       TextTier2 = true 

      return cell4 
     if indexPath.row == 4 { 
      //let cell2: TierCell2 = TierCell2(style: UITableViewCellStyle.Default, reuseIdentifier: "secondCell") as! TierCell2 
      //set the data here 
      let cell5 = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("fifthCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! TierCell5 

      cell5.deleteButton5.tag = 4 

      cell5.deleteButton5.addTarget(self, action: "DeleteTier:", forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside) 

      if allTiers[0]["2hours"] != nil && TextTier2 == false { 
       cell5.price5.text = "$" + String(allTiers[0]["2hours"]!) 
       cell5.text5.text = "2 hours" 
       TextTier2 = true 

      return cell5 
     } else { 
      let cell: UITableViewCell = UITableViewCell(style: UITableViewCellStyle.Default, reuseIdentifier: "none") 

      return cell 




あなたがデータを取得firebase呼び出しを追加することができますテーブルビュー? – adolfosrs


@adolfosrs私は問題がcellForRowAtIndexPathにあると信じていますが、私はそれを行う別の方法を考えることはできません.. – askaale


ここで解決策が見えますか? – askaale




func LoadValues() { 
    var curID = FIRAuth.auth()?.currentUser?.uid 
    ref.child("Users").child(curID!).child("Prices").observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: { snapshot in 
     if let PermPrice = snapshot.value!["PermanentPrice"] as? Int { 
      self.dict2["PermanentPrice"] = String(PermPrice) 
     if let Price24 = snapshot.value!["24hours"] as? Int { 
      self.dict2["24hours"] = String(Price24) 
     if let Price12 = snapshot.value!["12hours"] as? Int { 
      self.dict2["12hours"] = String(Price12) 
     if let Price6 = snapshot.value!["6hours"] as? Int { 
      self.dict2["6hours"] = String(Price6) 
     if let Price2 = snapshot.value!["2hours"] as? Int { 
      self.dict2["2hours"] = String(Price2) 

これは私の問題を解決してくれないようです。行を削除すると、テーブルビューは間違った値で更新されます。 – askaale


@askaaleこれは私があなたを助けることができる方法です。あなたは他の場所であなたのデータを乱すかもしれません。 – adolfosrs
