2016-11-28 5 views

ax + by> = c(1)とx> = zおよびy> = k(2)のいくつかの制限タイプがあります。制限(1)と(2)は地域を作る。私はこの地域の交差点を見つけて、他の色を塗りつぶす必要があります。 JavaFXでどうすればいいですか? Canvasを使ってこれを解決することはできますか?JavaFXの2つの領域の交点を引く



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public class Area { 

    private final double x; 
    private final double y; 

    private final double threshold; 
    private final int minCorner; 

    public Area(double x, double y, double threshold, boolean greater) { 
     if (x == 0 && y == 0) { 
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(); 

     if (greater) { 
      x *= -1; 
      y *= -1; 
      threshold *= -1; 
     this.x = x; 
     this.y = y; 
     this.threshold = threshold; 
     boolean yPos = y > 0; 

     // find corner with minimum result for evaluate 
     this.minCorner = x < 0 ? (yPos ? 1 : 2) : (yPos ? 0 : 3); 

    public Area(double x, double y, double threshold) { 
     this(x, y, threshold, false); 

    private static final int[][] CORNER_FACTORS = { 
     {0, 0}, 
     {1, 0}, 
     {1, 1}, 
     {0, 1} 

    public boolean contains(double x, double y) { 
     return evaluate(x, y) <= threshold; 

    public double hLineIntersection(double y) { 
     if (x == 0) { 
      return this.y * y == threshold ? Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY : Double.NaN; 
     } else { 
      return (threshold - this.y * y)/this.x; 

    public double vLineIntersection(double x) { 
     if (y == 0) { 
      return this.x * x == threshold ? Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY : Double.NaN; 
     } else { 
      return (threshold - this.x * x)/this.y; 

    private double evaluate(double x, double y) { 
     return this.x * x + this.y * y; 

    public void fillCleanArea(GraphicsContext gc, double w, double h) { 
     double[] xcoords = new double[5]; 
     double[] ycoords = new double[5]; 

     int[] factors = CORNER_FACTORS[minCorner]; 
     boolean inside = contains(factors[0] * w, factors[1] * h); 
     int ptIndex = 0; 

     for (int i = minCorner, max = minCorner + 4; i < max; i++) { 
      factors = CORNER_FACTORS[i % 4]; 
      double x = factors[0] * w; 
      double y = factors[1] * h; 
      boolean nowInside = contains(x, y); 
      if (inside != nowInside) { 
       // add intersection point with side 
       if ((i & 1) == 0) { 
        ycoords[ptIndex] = vLineIntersection(x); 
        xcoords[ptIndex++] = x; 
       } else { 
        xcoords[ptIndex] = hLineIntersection(y); 
        ycoords[ptIndex++] = y; 

       inside = nowInside; 

       // stop, if the end point is inside the area again 
       if (inside) { 

      // add corners outside the bounds to polygon 
      if (!inside) { 
       xcoords[ptIndex] = x; 
       ycoords[ptIndex++] = y; 

     // draw polygon 
     if (ptIndex > 0) { 
      gc.fillPolygon(xcoords, ycoords, ptIndex); 

public static void draw(Canvas canvas, Paint fill, Paint background, Area... areas) { 
    GraphicsContext gc = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D(); 
    double w = canvas.getWidth(); 
    double h = canvas.getHeight(); 

    // fill everything with polygon color 
    gc.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); 

    // fill everything outside the polygon with background color 
    for (Area area : areas) { 
     area.fillCleanArea(gc, w, h); 

public void start(Stage primaryStage) { 
    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(400, 400); 

    draw(canvas, Color.BLUE, Color.WHITE, 
      new Area(1, 1, 400), new Area(1, -1, 100), new Area(1, -1, -100, true), new Area(1, 2, 250, true)); 

    StackPane root = new StackPane(canvas); 

    Scene scene = new Scene(root); 


