2016-07-10 4 views


special value: 100 running value: false 


AttributeMap map = new AttributeMap(); 

    map.put("special", 100); 

    map.put("running", false); 

    int special = map.get("special"); 

    boolean running = map.get("running"); 

    System.out.println("special value: " + special + " running value: " + running); 

    // not caught at compilation time, caught at run-time 
    boolean test = map.get("special"); 

    // caught at compilation time 
    boolean test2 = map.get("special", Integer.class); 



private Map<Object, Object> attributes = new HashMap<>(); 




package com.vltr.collection.attr; 

import java.util.Collection; 
import java.util.HashMap; 
import java.util.HashSet; 
import java.util.Map; 
import java.util.Map.Entry; 
import java.util.Set; 

* A specialized {@link Map} that ensures type safely upon a generic map. 
* @author Vult-R 
public final class AttributeMap { 

* The map contains attributes. 
private Map<AttributeKey<?, ?>, Object> attributes; 

private Set<AttributeKey<?, ?>> set = new HashSet<>(); 

* Creates a new {@link AttributeMap}. 
* @param attributes 
*   The map of attributes. 
public AttributeMap(Map<AttributeKey<?, ?>, Object> attributes) { 
    this.attributes = attributes; 

* Creates an empty {@link AttributeMap}. 
public AttributeMap() { 
    this.attributes = new HashMap<AttributeKey<?, ?>, Object>(); 

* Places a new {@link AttributeKey} into the map. 
* @param key 
*   The key to be used. 
* @param value 
*   The value to map. 
* @param clazz 
*   The class type associated between the key and value. 
public <K, V> void put(K key, V value) { 
    put(new AttributeKey<K, V>(key, (Class<V>) value.getClass()), value); 

* A wrapper function for placing a new {@link AttributeKey} into the map. 
* @param key 
*   The key to be used. 
* @param value 
*   The value to map. 
* @param clazz 
*   The class type associated between the key and value. 
private <K, V> void put(AttributeKey<K, V> key, V value) { 
    attributes.put(key, value); 

* A wrapper function for retrieving a value. 
* @param key 
*   The key mapped to a value. 
* @throws AttributeException 
*    If an error occurs while trying to retrieve a value. 
* @return The associated value. 
private <K, V> V get(AttributeKey<K, V> key) throws AttributeException { 

    V type = null; 

    AttributeKey<K, V> k = getFromSet(key); 

    try { 
     type = (V) key.getClazz().cast(attributes.get(key)); 
    } catch (ClassCastException ex) { 
     throw new AttributeException(key, attributes.get(key).getClass()); 

    if (key.getClazz() != k.getClazz()) { 
     System.out.println("not the same");   

    return type; 


* Gets a value for retrieving a value 
* @param key 
*   The key mapped to a value. 
* @param clazz 
*   The class type associated between the key and value. 
* @throws AttributeException 
*    If an error occurs while trying to retrieve a value. 
* @return The associated value. 
public <K, V> V get(K key, Class<V> clazz) { 
    return get(new AttributeKey<K, V>(key, clazz)); 

* Gets a value for retrieving a value 
* @param key 
*   The key mapped to a value. 
* @param clazz 
*   The class type associated between the key and value. 
* @throws AttributeException 
*    If an error occurs while trying to retrieve a value. 
* @return The associated value. 
public <K, V> V get(K key) { 

    final AttributeKey<K, V> k = new AttributeKey<K, V>(key, getFromSet(new AttributeKey<K, V>(key, null)).getClazz()); 

    return get(k); 

* Removes a {@code key} and associated value from the map. 
* @param key 
*   The key and its associated value to remove. 
public <K, V> void remove(AttributeKey<K, V> key) { 


* Removes a {@code key} and associated value from the map. 
* @param key 
*   The key and its associated value to remove. 
public <K, V> void remove(K key) { 

    final AttributeKey<K, V> ak = new AttributeKey<K, V>(key, getFromSet(new AttributeKey<K, V>(key, null)).getClazz()); 


* Sets a {@code key} and its associated {@code value}. 
* @param key 
*   The key to set. 
* @param value 
*   The value to set. 
public <K, V> void set(AttributeKey<K, V> key, V value) { 
    attributes.put(key, value); 

* Clears all keys and associated values from this map. 
public void clear() { 

* Determines if a {@code key} with associated {@code clazz} type exists 
* within this map. 
* @param key 
*   The key to check. 
* @param clazz 
*   The clazz to check. 
* @return {@code true} If this map contains a specified key and its correct 
*   class type. {@code false} Otherwise. 
public <K, V> boolean containsKey(K key, Class<V> clazz) { 
    return attributes.containsKey(new AttributeKey<K, V>(key, clazz)); 

* Determines if a value exists within this map. 
* @param value 
*   The value to check. 
* @return {@code true} If this map contains this specified value. 
*   {@code false} Otherwise. 
public boolean containsValue(Object value) { 
    return attributes.containsValue(value); 

* Retrieves the undlying {@link #entrySet()} from this map. 
* @return The {@link #entrySet()}. 
public Set<Entry<AttributeKey<?, ?>, Object>> entrySet() { 
    return attributes.entrySet(); 

private <K, V> AttributeKey<K, V> getFromSet(AttributeKey<K, V> key) { 
    for(AttributeKey<?, ?> k : set) { 
     if (k.getKey() == key.getKey()) { 
      return (AttributeKey<K, V>) k; 
    return null; 

* Determines if this attribute map equals another attribute map. 
* @param o 
*   The object to check. 
* @return {@code true} If this map equals another attribute set, 
*   {@code false} Otherwise. * 
public boolean equals(Object o) { 
    return attributes.equals(o); 

* Retrieves the hash code for this attribute map. 
* @return The hash code. 
public int hashCode() { 
    return attributes.hashCode(); 

* Determines if this attribute map is empty. 
* @return {@true} If this map is empty, {@code false} Otherwise. 
public boolean isEmpty() { 
    return attributes.isEmpty(); 

* Retrieves the underlying {@link #keySet()} from this map. 
* @return The {@link #keySet()}. 
public Set<AttributeKey<?, ?>> keySet() { 
    return attributes.keySet(); 

* Gets the size of this map. 
* @return The size. 
public int size() { 
    return attributes.size(); 

public int setSize() { 
    return set.size(); 

* Gets the values of this map. 
* @return The values. 
public Collection<Object> values() { 
    return attributes.values(); 


package com.vltr.collection.attr; 

* Represents a wrapper that wraps a {@link Map}s key value. This class will  help enforce the correct type. 
* @author Vult-R 
public final class AttributeKey<K, V> { 

* The key that will be used. 
private final K key; 

* The class type associated with this key. 
private final Class<V> clazz; 

* Creates a new {@link AttributeKey}. 
* @param key 
*  The key that will be used. 
* @param clazz 
*  The associated class type. 
public AttributeKey(K key, Class<V> clazz) { 
    this.key = key; 
    this.clazz = clazz; 

* Gets the key for this attribute. 
* @return The key. 
public K getKey() { 
    return key; 

* Gets the associated class type for this attribute. 
* @return The class type. 
public Class<V> getClazz() { 
    return clazz; 

public int hashCode() { 
    final int prime = 31; 
    int result = 1; 
    result = prime * result + ((key == null) ? 0 : key.hashCode()); 
    return result; 

public boolean equals(Object obj) { 
    if (this == obj) { 
     return true; 
    if (obj == null) { 
     return false; 
    if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { 
     return false; 
    AttributeKey<?, ?> other = (AttributeKey<?, ?>) obj; 
    if (key == null) { 
     if (other.key != null) { 
      return false; 
    } else if (!key.equals(other.key)) { 
     return false; 
    return true; 

public String toString() { 
    return key.getClass().getSimpleName(); 

package com.vltr.collection.attr; 

* The {@link RuntimeException} implementation specifically for {@link Attribute}s. 
* @author Seven 
public final class AttributeException extends RuntimeException { 

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 

* Creates a new {@link AttributeException}. 
* @param key 
* The key or this attribute. 
* @param value 
* The value for this attribute. 
public AttributeException(AttributeKey<?, ?> key, Object value) { 
    super(String.format("Invalid value type: %s for [key=%s], only accepts type of %s", value.getClass().getSimpleName(), key.getKey().toString(), key.getClazz().getClass().getSimpleName())); 

* Creates a new {@link AttributeException}. 
* @param key 
*  The key which contains an error. 
    public AttributeException(AttributeKey<?, ?> key) { 
    super(String.format("Could not retrieve a value for [key= %s]", key.getKey())); 

    public AttributeException(AttributeKey<?, ?> key, Class<?> clazz) { 
    super(String.format("Could not cast [key= %s] from [type= %s] to [type= %s]. ", key.getKey(), key.getClazz().getSimpleName(), clazz.getSimpleName())); 


 map.put("special", 100); 

    // correct 
    int special = map.get("special", Integer.class); 

    // incorrect and caught at compile-time  
    boolean special = map.get("special", Integer.class); 



あなたはAttributeKeyのコードも投稿できますか? –


ええ、私はちょうどそれをやった。 –


@SameerNaik自動ボクシングのためのGoogle –








map.put("special", 100); 
// correct 
int special = map.get("special", Integer.class); 

// incorrect and caught at compile-time  
boolean special = map.get("special", Integer.class); 


はこれを通じ考えます。 put呼び出しは(おそらく、現在のソースファイルで、すなわち昨年コンパイル何かをしない)遠く、遠くに起きている(だろう)ことができます。 コンパイラは、任意の特定のキーのランタイムでMapに含まれているものの種類は考えていません。実際には2つの異なる実行では、与えられたキーは完全に異なる型の値にマップできます。コンパイラがソースをコンパイルするときに、キーに関連付けられた値の型を知っていると仮定すると、将来的に?あるいは、型は常に同じものになるでしょうか? OPによってコメントから

マップを用いて100%タイプセーフなコレクションを作ることは可能ですが。 AttributeMap.javaにここhttps://github.com/atomicint/aj8/tree/master/server/src/main/java/org/apollo/game/attribute


public <T> T get(AttributeKey<T> key) { 



プログラミングで何か可能ではありませんか?私は、拡張可能な列挙型/定数を定義することでこの問題を解決しました。 –


明らかに、このような振る舞いをプログラムすることは可能です。あなたは、特定の構文がjavaで可能かどうかについての質問です。すべてが有効な構文ではありません。 –