2016-06-25 6 views

私はスナップショットを取り、jpgをサーバーにアップロードするこのプラグインを持っています。さて、私は関数date( 'YmdHis')を使用しています。 '.jpg'を入力してファイルの名前を指定します。しかし私は私のhtmlファイルでファイル名を与えたいと思います。私は4つのファイル:TEST.HTLM私のHTML、WEBCAM.JSいくつかのJSとTEST.PHPとサーバーの機能を持っています。私はTEST.PHPに画像を渡すwebcam.swfファイルを持っています。フォームに存在する名前のウェブカメラスナップショットをアップロードするにはどうすればよいですか?




<html lang="en"> 

     <table><tr><td valign=top> 
     <h1>WEB CAM Test Page</h1> 

     NAME:<input id="name"><BR> 

     <!-- First, include the JPEGCam JavaScript Library --> 
     <script type="text/javascript" src="webcam.js"></script> 

     <!-- Configure a few settings --> 
     <script language="JavaScript"> 
      webcam.set_quality(90); // JPEG quality (1 - 100) 
      webcam.set_shutter_sound(false); // play shutter click sound 

     <!-- Next, write the movie to the page at 400x400 --> 
     <script language="JavaScript"> 
      document.write(webcam.get_html(400, 400)); 

     <!-- Some buttons for controlling things --> 
      <input type=button value="Capturar Foto" onClick="capturarFoto();"> 
     <!-- this function check if the user have already give a name to the span he is about to take --!> 
     function capturarFoto(){ 
      if(document.getElementById("name").value != ""){ 
       alert("Please, name the photo before you take it."); 
     <!-- Code to handle the server response (see test.php) --> 
     <script language="JavaScript"> 
      webcam.set_hook('onComplete', 'my_completion_handler'); 

      function take_snapshot() { 
       // take snapshot and upload to server 
       document.getElementById('upload_results').innerHTML = '<h1>Uploading...</h1>'; 

      function my_completion_handler(msg) { 
       // extract URL out of PHP output 
       if (msg.match(/(http\:\/\/\S+)/)) { 
        var image_url = RegExp.$1; 
        // show JPEG image in page 
        document.getElementById('upload_results').innerHTML = 
         '<h1>Upload Successful!</h1>' + 
         '<h3>JPEG URL: ' + image_url + '</h3>' + 
         '<img src="' + image_url + '">'; 

        // reset camera for another shot 
       else alert("PHP Error: " + msg); 

     </td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top> 
      <div id="upload_results" style="background-color:#eee;"></div> 

JSが window.webcam = { バージョンファイル: '1.0.9'、

// globals 
ie: !!navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE/), 
protocol: location.protocol.match(/https/i) ? 'https' : 'http', 
callback: null, // user callback for completed uploads 
swf_url: 'webcam.swf', // URI to webcam.swf movie (defaults to cwd) 
shutter_url: 'shutter.mp3', // URI to shutter.mp3 sound 
api_url: '', // URL to upload script 
loaded: false, // true when webcam movie finishes loading 
quality: 90, // JPEG quality (1 - 100) 
shutter_sound: true, // shutter sound effect on/off 
stealth: false, // stealth mode (do not freeze image upon capture) 
hooks: { 
    onLoad: null, 
    onComplete: null, 
    onError: null 
}, // callback hook functions 

set_hook: function(name, callback) { 
    // set callback hook 
    // supported hooks: onLoad, onComplete, onError 
    if (typeof(this.hooks[name]) == 'undefined') 
     return alert("Hook type not supported: " + name); 

    this.hooks[name] = callback; 

fire_hook: function(name, value) { 
    // fire hook callback, passing optional value to it 
    if (this.hooks[name]) { 
     if (typeof(this.hooks[name]) == 'function') { 
      // callback is function reference, call directly 
     else if (typeof(this.hooks[name]) == 'array') { 
      // callback is PHP-style object instance method 
     else if (window[this.hooks[name]]) { 
      // callback is global function name 
      window[ this.hooks[name] ](value); 
     return true; 
    return false; // no hook defined 

set_api_url: function(url) { 
    // set location of upload API script 
    this.api_url = url; 

set_swf_url: function(url) { 
    // set location of SWF movie (defaults to webcam.swf in cwd) 
    this.swf_url = url; 

get_html: function(width, height, server_width, server_height) { 
    // Return HTML for embedding webcam capture movie 
    // Specify pixel width and height (640x480, 320x240, etc.) 
    // Server width and height are optional, and default to movie width/height 
    if (!server_width) server_width = width; 
    if (!server_height) server_height = height; 

    var html = ''; 
    var flashvars = 'shutter_enabled=' + (this.shutter_sound ? 1 : 0) + 
     '&shutter_url=' + escape(this.shutter_url) + 
     '&width=' + width + 
     '&height=' + height + 
     '&server_width=' + server_width + 
     '&server_height=' + server_height; 

    if (this.ie) { 
     html += '<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="'+this.protocol+'://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0" width="'+width+'" height="'+height+'" id="webcam_movie" align="middle"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="false" /><param name="movie" value="'+this.swf_url+'" /><param name="loop" value="false" /><param name="menu" value="false" /><param name="quality" value="best" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /><param name="flashvars" value="'+flashvars+'"/></object>'; 
    else { 
     html += '<embed id="webcam_movie" src="'+this.swf_url+'" loop="false" menu="false" quality="best" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="'+width+'" height="'+height+'" name="webcam_movie" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" flashvars="'+flashvars+'" />'; 

    this.loaded = false; 
    return html; 

get_movie: function() { 
    // get reference to movie object/embed in DOM 
    if (!this.loaded) return alert("ERROR: Movie is not loaded yet"); 
    var movie = document.getElementById('webcam_movie'); 
    if (!movie) alert("ERROR: Cannot locate movie 'webcam_movie' in DOM"); 
    return movie; 

set_stealth: function(stealth) { 
    // set or disable stealth mode 
    this.stealth = stealth; 

snap: function(url, callback, stealth) { 
    // take snapshot and send to server 
    // specify fully-qualified URL to server API script 
    // and callback function (string or function object) 
    if (callback) this.set_hook('onComplete', callback); 
    if (url) this.set_api_url(url); 
    if (typeof(stealth) != 'undefined') this.set_stealth(stealth); 

    this.get_movie()._snap(this.api_url, this.quality, this.shutter_sound ? 1 : 0, this.stealth ? 1 : 0); 

freeze: function() { 
    // freeze webcam image (capture but do not upload) 
    this.get_movie()._snap('', this.quality, this.shutter_sound ? 1 : 0, 0); 

upload: function(url, callback) { 
    // upload image to server after taking snapshot 
    // specify fully-qualified URL to server API script 
    // and callback function (string or function object) 
    if (callback) this.set_hook('onComplete', callback); 
    if (url) this.set_api_url(url); 


reset: function() { 
    // reset movie after taking snapshot 

configure: function(panel) { 
    // open flash configuration panel -- specify tab name: 
    // "camera", "privacy", "default", "localStorage", "microphone", "settingsManager" 
    if (!panel) panel = "camera"; 

set_quality: function(new_quality) { 
    // set the JPEG quality (1 - 100) 
    // default is 90 
    this.quality = new_quality; 

set_shutter_sound: function(enabled, url) { 
    // enable or disable the shutter sound effect 
    // defaults to enabled 
    this.shutter_sound = enabled; 
    this.shutter_url = url ? url : 'shutter.mp3'; 

flash_notify: function(type, msg) { 
    // receive notification from flash about event 
    switch (type) { 
     case 'flashLoadComplete': 
      // movie loaded successfully 
      this.loaded = true; 

     case 'error': 
      // HTTP POST error most likely 
      if (!this.fire_hook('onError', msg)) { 
       alert("JPEGCam Flash Error: " + msg); 

     case 'success': 
      // upload complete, execute user callback function 
      // and pass raw API script results to function 
      this.fire_hook('onComplete', msg.toString()); 

      // catch-all, just in case 
      alert("jpegcam flash_notify: " + type + ": " + msg); 



     /* JPEGCam Test Script */ 
     /* Receives JPEG webcam submission and saves to local file. */ 
     /* Make sure your directory has permission to write files as your web server user! */ 

     $filename = date('YmdHis') . '.jpg'; 
     $result = file_put_contents($filename, file_get_contents('php://input')); 
     if (!$result) { 
      print "ERROR: Failed to write data to $filename, check permissions\n"; 

     $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '/' . $filename; 

     print $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; 




ヒント: '
