クラステンプレートの特殊例の暗黙のインスタンスを理解する:ので、標準の<a href="http://www.eel.is/c++draft/temp.inst#2" rel="nofollow noreferrer">this section</a>が(私の質問はインラインある)この例を示します

template<class T, class U> 
struct Outer { 
    template<class X, class Y> struct Inner;  // Where are X and Y from? Is this defining a struct? 
    template<class Y> struct Inner<T, Y>;   // Is this defining a struct specialization? If so what is Y? 
    template<class Y> struct Inner<T, Y> { };  // I feel like this is a redefinition of the line above, could it ever not be? 
    template<class Y> struct Inner<U, Y> { }; 



@Downvoter。 C++の質問に必須のdownvoteを提供していただけでしたか、実際にこの質問に間違っていましたか? –


template<class X, class Y> struct Inner;  
// Where are X and Y from? Is this defining a struct? 


template<class Y> struct Inner<T, Y>;   
// Is this defining a struct specialization? If so what is Y? 


template<class Y> struct Inner<T, Y> { };  
// I feel like this is a redefinition of the line above, could it ever not be? 



Outer<foo1, foo2>::Inner<foo3, foo4>* i1; 
// the primary template is used, with T=foo1, U=foo2, X=foo3, Y=foo4 
// btw the primary template is not defined in this example 

Outer<foo1, foo2>::Inner<foo1, foo3> i2; 
// the 1st partial specialization is used, with T=foo1, U=foo2, Y=foo3 

Outer<foo1, foo2>::Inner<foo2, foo3> i3; 
// the 2st partial specialization is used, with T=foo1, U=foo2, Y=foo3 

私たちは実際に行うことができます: '外部 ::内部 i1;'?それは定義されていますか? –


@JonathanMeeいいえ。未定義のエラーが発生します。 – songyuanyao



template<class T, class U> 
struct Outer { 
    // Forward-declares a struct with two template parameters 
    template<class X, class Y> struct Inner; 

    // Forward-declares a partial specialization of Inner 
    // (Y is its only template parameter) 
    template<class Y> struct Inner<T, Y>; 

    // Defines the forward-declared partial specialization 
    template<class Y> struct Inner<T, Y> { }; 

    // Declares and defines another partial specialization 
    // (Y is its only template parameter) 
    template<class Y> struct Inner<U, Y> { }; 