2012-12-05 7 views


     <!--Copy the dependencies so ant build has the same versions--> 


Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.6:copy-dependencies (copy-dependencies) on project pcgen: Can't exclude Test scope, this will exclude everything.



なぜしたいですか? Antの代わりにMavenを直接使用しないのはなぜですか? – khmarbaise


私のコントロールからただの要件。現在、プロジェクトはANTからMavenに移行しており、移行が完了している間は両方を実行しておく必要があります。私はMavenで彼らの設定を作り直そうとしています。 – javydreamercsw



I tried excluding the test scope by adding the test configuration but gives an error

私はちょうど非常に異なる理由でこれを見つけましたが、私は両方の答えを見つけたと思います。たとえば、これを試してみてください。もちろん、現在のディレクトリにはpom.xmlが必要です。 2013年5月には

You shouldn't ever need to include or exclude two scopes at the same time because they are comprised of each other. The default is to include test scope, which includes everything. If you don't want any test dependencies or provided dependencies, then include runtime and exclude provided.

The scopes being interpreted are the scopes as maven sees them, not as specified in the pom. So the "test" scope includes everything, runtime includes compile but not provided etc.

includeScope documentation was updatedに:

mvn dependency:copy-dependencies \ 
-DincludeScope=runtime \ 
-DexcludeScope=provided \ 

Maven Dependency Plugin Issue #128に書き込み、ブライアン・フォックス、と巨大な遅ればせながら感謝を

    * Scope to include. An Empty string indicates all scopes (default). 
    * The scopes being interpreted are the scopes as 
    * Maven sees them, not as specified in the pom. In summary: 
    * <ul> 
    * <li><code>runtime</code> scope gives runtime and compile dependencies,</li> 
    * <li><code>compile</code> scope gives compile, provided, and system dependencies,</li> 
    * <li><code>test</code> (default) scope gives all dependencies,</li> 
    * <li><code>provided</code> scope just gives provided dependencies,</li> 
    * <li><code>system</code> scope just gives system dependencies.</li> 
    * </ul> 
    * @since 2.0 
@Parameter(property = "includeScope", defaultValue = "") 
protected String includeScope; 

