2010-12-29 16 views


私は、どの言語が有用か、特に特定の周波数の音符をチューニングするのに役立つMIDIプログラムの作成経験がある人から助言を求めています。 APIドキュメントとサンプルコードを含むウェブサイトへのリンクも非常に役立ちます。


実際にそれを調整できるMIDIデバイスがありますか?そんなことは聞いたことがない。 – Gabe


@Gabe、それをサポートするシンセもあります。 Native Instruments Akoustikピアノと私のRoland Fantomが気になりますが、私はSysExを使ってその変更をサポートしているとは思いません。それから、私は試していない。 – Brad








私の音楽アプリケーションにも同じ問題がありました。 @Bradによって想定さとして、ここではMIDIチューニング標準とソリューションは次のとおりです。


  1. リクエストが
  2. 地図すべて127のMIDIキー

ソースコードGervills TuningApllet3.javaは私にこの仕事を手助けしました。

また、Windows 7とJDK 1.8のテスト環境では、標準のMIDIシンセサイザがMIDIチューニング標準をサポートしています。 シンセサイザがこの規格をサポートしているかどうかをチェックする可能性があるかどうかはわかりません。


private static float getFrequency(final int keyNumber, 
     final double concertAFreq) { 
    // Concert A Pitch is A4 and has the key number 69 
    final int KEY_A4 = 69; 
    // Returns the frequency of the given key (equal temperament) 
    return (float) (concertAFreq * Math.pow(2, (keyNumber - KEY_A4)/12d)); 




Frequency Data Formatに記載されているように、すべての周波数Fは3バイトで表現しなければなりません。Fからセントで間隔:キー番号WICHは、標準MIDIチューニング(律、A4 = 440 Hz)で2バイト

private static int computeBaseKey(final double freq) { // Concert A Pitch is A4 and has the key number 69 final int A4_KEY = 69; final double A4_FREQ = 440d; // Returns the highest key number with a lower or equal frequency than // freq in standard MIDI frequency mapping (equal temparement, concert // pitch A4 = 440 Hz). int baseKey = (int) Math.round((12 * log2(freq/A4_FREQ) + A4_KEY)); double baseFreq = getFrequency(baseKey, A4_FREQ); if (baseFreq > freq) { baseKey--; } return baseKey; } 


private static double getCentInterval(final double f1, final double f2) { 
    // Returns the interval between f1 and f2 in cent 
    // (100 Cent complies to one semitone) 
    return 1200d * log2(f2/f1); 

F このセント間隔の整数表現は



byte2 = (tuning >> 7) & 0x7f; // Higher 7 Bit 
byte3 = tuning & 0x7f; // Lower 7 Bit 

ないすべての周波数がこのフォーマットで表すことができることに注意してください。ベースキーは0..127の範囲になければならず、チューニングは0..2^14-1 = 0..16383の範囲でなければなりません。また、(byte1、byte2、byte3)=(0x7f、0x7f、0x7f)は予約されています。


この例では、A4 = 500 Hzに再同調し、B4にC4から半音階を演奏:

public static void retune(final Track track, final double concertAFreq) { 
    if (track == null) { 
     throw new NullPointerException(); 
    } else if (concertAFreq <= 0) { 
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("concertAFreq " + concertAFreq 
       + " <= 0"); 

    final int bank = 0; 
    final int preset = 0; 
    final int channel = 0; 
    addTuningChange(track, channel, preset); 

    // New frequencies in Hz for the 128 MIDI keys 
    final double[] frequencies = new double[128]; 
    for (int key = 0; key < 128; key++) { 
     frequencies[key] = getFrequency(key, concertAFreq); 

    final MidiMessage message = createSingleNoteTuningChange(bank, preset, 
    track.add(new MidiEvent(message, 0)); 

private static void addTuningChange(final Track track, final int channel, 
     final int preset) { 
    try { 
     // Data Entry 
     final ShortMessage dataEntry = new ShortMessage(
       ShortMessage.CONTROL_CHANGE, channel, 0x64, 03); 
     final ShortMessage dataEntry2 = new ShortMessage(
       ShortMessage.CONTROL_CHANGE, channel, 0x65, 00); 
     track.add(new MidiEvent(dataEntry, 0)); 
     track.add(new MidiEvent(dataEntry2, 0)); 
     // Tuning program 
     final ShortMessage tuningProgram = new ShortMessage(
       ShortMessage.CONTROL_CHANGE, channel, 0x06, preset); 
     track.add(new MidiEvent(tuningProgram, 0)); 
     // Data Increment 
     final ShortMessage dataIncrement = new ShortMessage(
       ShortMessage.CONTROL_CHANGE, channel, 0x60, 0x7F); 
     track.add(new MidiEvent(dataIncrement, 0)); 
     // Data Decrement 
     final ShortMessage dataDecrement = new ShortMessage(
       ShortMessage.CONTROL_CHANGE, channel, 0x61, 0x7F); 
     track.add(new MidiEvent(dataDecrement, 0)); 
    } catch (final InvalidMidiDataException e) { 
     throw new AssertionError("Unexpected InvalidMidiDataException", e); 

private static MidiMessage createSingleNoteTuningChange(final int bank, 
     final int preset, final double[] frequencies) { 
    // Compute the integer representation of the frequencies 
    final int[] baseKeys = new int[128]; 
    final int[] tunings = new int[128]; 
    // MIDI Standard tuning frequency 
    final double STANDARD_A4_FREQ = 440d; 
    for (int key = 0; key < 128; key++) { 
     final int baseKey = computeBaseKey(frequencies[key]); 
     if (baseKey >= 0 && baseKey <= 127) { 
      final double baseFreq = getFrequency(baseKey, STANDARD_A4_FREQ); 
      assert baseFreq <= frequencies[key]; 
      final double centInterval = getCentInterval(baseFreq, 
      baseKeys[key] = baseKey; 
      tunings[key] = (int) (centInterval * 16384d/100d); 
     } else { 
      // Frequency is out of range. Using default MIDI tuning for it 
      // TODO: Use LOGGER.warn to warn about 
      baseKeys[key] = key; 
      tunings[key] = 0; 

    // Data to send 
    final ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); 
    stream.write((byte) 0xf0); // SysEx Header 
    stream.write((byte) 0x7e); // Non-Realtime. For Realtime use 0x7f 
    stream.write((byte) 0x7f); // Target Device: All Devices 
    stream.write((byte) 0x08); // MIDI Tuning Standard 
    stream.write((byte) 0x07); // Single Note Tuning Change Bank 
    stream.write((byte) bank); 
    stream.write((byte) preset); 
    stream.write(128); // Number of keys to retune 
    for (int key = 0; key < 128; key++) { 
     stream.write(key); // Key to retune 
     stream.write((tunings[key] >> 7) & 0x7f); // Higher 7 Bit 
     stream.write(tunings[key] & 0x7f); // Lower 7 Bit 
    stream.write((byte) 0xf7); // EOX 
    final byte[] data = stream.toByteArray(); 

    final MidiMessage message; 
    try { 
     message = new SysexMessage(data, data.length); 
    } catch (final InvalidMidiDataException e) { 
     throw new AssertionError("Unexpected InvalidMidiDataException", e); 
    return message; 

private static int computeBaseKey(final double freq) { 
    // Concert A Pitch is A4 and has the key number 69 
    final int A4_KEY = 69; 
    final double A4_FREQ = 440d; 

    // Returns the highest key number with a lower or equal frequency than 
    // freq in standard MIDI frequency mapping (equal temparement, concert 
    // pitch A4 = 440 Hz). 
    int baseKey = (int) Math.round((12 * log2(freq/A4_FREQ) + A4_KEY)); 
    double baseFreq = getFrequency(baseKey, A4_FREQ); 
    if (baseFreq > freq) { 
    return baseKey; 

private static double getCentInterval(final double f1, final double f2) { 
    // Returns the interval between f1 and f2 in cent 
    // (100 Cent complies to one semitone) 
    return 1200d * log2(f2/f1); 

private static double log2(final double x) { 
    // Returns the logarithm dualis (log with base 2) 
    return Math.log(x)/Math.log(2); 

private static float getFrequency(final int keyNumber, 
     final double concertAFreq) { 
    // Concert A Pitch is A4 and has the key number 69 
    final int KEY_A4 = 69; 
    // Returns the frequency of the given key (equal temperament) 
    return (float) (concertAFreq * Math.pow(2, (keyNumber - KEY_A4)/12d)); 

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { 
    final int PPQN = 16; // Pulses/Ticks per quarter note 
    Sequence sequence = new Sequence(Sequence.PPQ, PPQN); 
    final Track track = sequence.createTrack(); 

    final double a4Freq = 500; // Hz 
    retune(track, a4Freq); 

    // Play chromatic Scale from C4 to B4 
    final int C4_KEY = 60; 
    final int B4_KEY = 71; 
    final long quarterTicks = PPQN; 
    long tick = 0; 
    for (int key = C4_KEY; key <= B4_KEY; key++) { 
     final int channel = 0; 
     final int velocity = 96; 
     final ShortMessage noteOn = new ShortMessage(ShortMessage.NOTE_ON, 
       channel, key, velocity); 
     track.add(new MidiEvent(noteOn, tick)); 
     tick += quarterTicks; 
     final ShortMessage noteOff = new ShortMessage(
       ShortMessage.NOTE_OFF, channel, key, 0); 
     track.add(new MidiEvent(noteOff, tick)); 

    final Sequencer sequencer = MidiSystem.getSequencer(); 
    final CountDownLatch waitForEnd = new CountDownLatch(1); 
    sequencer.addMetaEventListener(e -> { 
     if (e.getType() == 47) { 


動作しますか? はい、私は出力を記録し、Sonic Visualiserでそれを解析しました:

Retuning to A4 = 500 Hz. The A4 is highlighted in the spectrogram

あなたが見ることができるように、スペクトログラムでA4のピーク周波数は約500 Hzです。
