2016-04-13 10 views

症状 牽引器を実行すると、テストパスは分度器がページを通過しません。ページが空白で、アドレスに「data:text/html」または「data:text/html」があります。 (スクリーンショットを参照)。牽引器はテストを実行せずにテストに合格します



CONFIGURATION 分度器2.2.0ガルプ分度器1.4.28 クロム49.0.2623.112

enter image description here

[09:49:23] Using gulpfile c:\Workspace\main\cuas-ui\gulpfile.js 
[09:49:23] Starting 'cleanProtractor'... 
[09:49:23] Starting 'ft'... 
[09:49:23] Finished 'cleanProtractor' after 14 ms 
[09:49:23] Finished 'ft' after 5.23 ms 
[launcher] Running 5 instances of WebDriver 
[chrome #1-0] PID: 9540 
[chrome #1-0] Specs: c:\Workspace\main\cuas-ui\test\functional\account-spec.js 
[chrome #1-0] 
[chrome #1-0] Starting selenium standalone server... 
[chrome #1-0] Selenium standalone server started at 
[chrome #1-0] [32m.[0m[32m.[0m[32m.[0m[32m.[0m[32m.[0m[32m.[0m[32m.[0m[32m.[0m[32m.[0m[32m.[0m[32m.[0mUncaught exception: Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: "angular could not be found on the window" 

[launcher] Runner process exited unexpectedly with error code: 1 
[launcher] 5 instance(s) of WebDriver still running 

[chrome #1-4] PID: 15712 
[chrome #1-4] Specs: c:\Workspace\main\cuas-ui\test\functional\assignGroupsToOrders-spec.js 
[chrome #1-4] 
[chrome #1-4] Starting selenium standalone server... 
[chrome #1-4] Selenium standalone server started at 
[chrome #1-4] [32m.[0m[32m.[0m[32m.[0m 
[chrome #1-4] 
[chrome #1-4] Finished in 0.197 seconds 
[chrome #1-4] [32m3 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures 

[0メートル[クロム#1-4] [クロム#1- 4]セレンスタンドアロンサーバーをシャットダウンします。

[launcher] 5 instance(s) of WebDriver still running 

[chrome #1-3] PID: 1960 
[chrome #1-3] Specs: c:\Workspace\main\cuas-ui\test\functional\accountUserUnlock-spec.js 
[chrome #1-3] 
[chrome #1-3] Starting selenium standalone server... 
[chrome #1-3] Selenium standalone server started at 
[chrome #1-3] [32m.[0m 
[chrome #1-3] 
[chrome #1-3] Finished in 0.108 seconds 
[chrome #1-3] [32m1 test, 2 assertions, 0 failures 

[0メートル[クロム#1-3] [クロム#1-3]セレンスタンドアロン・サーバをシャットダウンします。

[launcher] 5 instance(s) of WebDriver still running 

[chrome #1-2] PID: 12664 
[chrome #1-2] Specs: c:\Workspace\main\cuas-ui\test\functional\accountUserEdit-spec.js 
[chrome #1-2] 
[chrome #1-2] Starting selenium standalone server... 
[chrome #1-2] Selenium standalone server started at 
[chrome #1-2] [32m.[0m[32m.[0m 
[chrome #1-2] 
[chrome #1-2] Finished in 0.165 seconds 
[chrome #1-2] [32m2 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures 

[0メートル[クロム#1-2] [クロム#1-2]セレンスタンドアロン・サーバをシャットダウンします。

[launcher] 5 instance(s) of WebDriver still running 

[chrome #1-1] PID: 7408 
[chrome #1-1] Specs: c:\Workspace\main\cuas-ui\test\functional\accountFeatures-spec.js 
[chrome #1-1] 
[chrome #1-1] Starting selenium standalone server... 
[chrome #1-1] Selenium standalone server started at 
[chrome #1-1] [32m.[0m[32m.[0m 
[chrome #1-1] 
[chrome #1-1] Finished in 0.169 seconds 
[chrome #1-1] [32m2 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures 

[0メートル[クロム#1-1] [クロム#1-1]セレンスタンドアロン・サーバをシャットダウンします。

[launcher] 5 instance(s) of WebDriver still running 
[chrome #1-5] PID: 17184 
[chrome #1-5] Specs: c:\Workspace\main\cuas-ui\test\functional\assignUserToGroup-spec.js 
[chrome #1-5] 
[chrome #1-5] Starting selenium standalone server... 
[chrome #1-5] Selenium standalone server started at 
[chrome #1-5] [32m.[0m[32m.[0m[32m.[0m 
[chrome #1-5] 
[chrome #1-5] Finished in 0.111 seconds 
[chrome #1-5] [32m3 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures 

[0メートル[クロム#1-5] [クロム#1-5]セレンスタンドアロン・サーバをシャットダウンします。

[chrome #1-25] PID: 16200 
[chrome #1-25] Specs: c:\Workspace\main\cuas-ui\test\functional\siteLetter-spec.js 
[chrome #1-25] 
[chrome #1-25] Starting selenium standalone server... 
[chrome #1-25] Selenium standalone server started at 
[chrome #1-25] [32m.[0m[32m.[0m[32m.[0m 
[chrome #1-25] 
[chrome #1-25] Finished in 0.109 seconds 
[chrome #1-25] [32m3 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures 

[0メートル[クローム#1-25] [クローム#1-25]セレンスタンドアロンサーバをシャットダウンします。

[launcher] 0 instance(s) of WebDriver still running 
[launcher] chrome #1-0 failed with exit code: 1 
[launcher] chrome #1-4 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-3 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-2 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-1 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-5 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-7 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-6 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-8 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-9 failed 2 test(s) 
[launcher] chrome #1-10 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-11 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-14 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-12 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-13 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-16 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-15 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-17 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-19 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-18 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-21 failed with exit code: 1 
[launcher] chrome #1-20 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-22 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-24 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-23 passed 
[launcher] chrome #1-26 failed with exit code: 1 
[launcher] chrome #1-25 passed 
[launcher] overall: 2 failed spec(s) and 3 process(es) failed to complete 
[launcher] Process exited with error code 100 

単一インスタンスで動作しますか?簡単なテストで試しましたか? –


node_modulesを削除して再インストールしてみてください。また分度器の設定/仕様書を投稿できますか? – KCaradonna



NodeJS 4.4.Xにアップグレードするとすべてが機能しました。
