2016-11-07 11 views

各セルの文字列を配列に分割し、追加するポイント数を決定して追加して表示しようとしています。しかし、私はスプリットステートメントと何か関係があると思ったので、私はそれを何度か改訂したが、まだどこにも手を出さなかった。私はまた、分割されていないかもしれないと思っていたかもしれませんし、そのセルには何もなかったかもしれませんが、(ElseIf配列= "" Then)はそれを処理していたはずです。ここに私のコードだ:Excel VBA subscript out of range

Sub pointsAdd() 

'Init Variables 
Dim pointArray() As String 
Dim j As Integer 
Dim i As Integer 
Dim points As Integer 

'Make sure the correct sheet is selected 

'Add Points Up 
For j = 2 To 100 
    Cells(j, 1).Select 
    If ActiveCell.Value = "" Then 
    j = 100 
    For i = 3 To 22 
     Cells(j, i).Select 
     pointArray = Split(ActiveCell.Value, ".") 

'The next line is where the debugger says the script is out of range 
     If pointArray(0) = "Tardy" Then  
     points = 0.5 
     ElseIf pointArray(0) = "Failure To Complete Shift" Then 
     points = 0.5 
     ElseIf pointArray(0) = "Failure To Complete At Least Half Shift" Then 
     points = 0.5 
     ElseIf pointArray(0) = "Absence" Then 
     points = 1 
     ElseIf pointArray(0) = "Late Call Off" Then 
     points = 2 
     ElseIf pointArray(0) = "No Call/No Show" Then 
     points = 4 
     ElseIf pointArray(0) = "" Then 
     i = i + 1 
     MsgBox "Somthing is wrong in Module 1 Points Adding" 
     End If 

     'Add points to points cell 
     Cells(j, 2).Select 
     points = points + ActiveCell.Value 
     ActiveCell.Value = points 
    Next i 
    End If 
Next j 

End Sub 



サブスクリプトの範囲外エラーは、どの行にありますか?そのエラーが発生したときに[デバッグ]ボタンをクリックすると、エラーの原因となっている行がコード内で強調表示されます。 – NavkarJ


しかし、私のループに空のセルを入れることもできますか? – SJR


'C:V'列のセルは空白ですか?もしそうなら、 'pointArray(0)'にアクセスしようとするとサブスクリプトエラーが発生します。 – YowE3K




Sub pointsAdd() 

'Init Variables 
Dim pointArray() As String 
Dim j As Integer 
Dim i As Integer 
Dim points As Integer 

'Make sure the correct sheet is selected 

'Add Points Up 
For j = 2 To 100 

    Cells(j, 1).Select 

    If ActiveCell.Value = "" Then 
     j = 100 
     For i = 3 To 22 

      Cells(j, i).Select 

      Dim Val As String 
      Val = ActiveCell.Value 

      ' Check if cell value is not empty 
      If (Val <> "") Then 
       pointArray = Split(ActiveCell.Value, ".", -1) 

       'The next line is where the debugger says the script is out of range 
       If pointArray(0) = "Tardy" Then 
        points = 0.5 
        ElseIf pointArray(0) = "Failure To Complete Shift" Then 
        points = 0.5 
        ElseIf pointArray(0) = "Failure To Complete At Least Half Shift" Then 
        points = 0.5 
        ElseIf pointArray(0) = "Absence" Then 
        points = 1 
        ElseIf pointArray(0) = "Late Call Off" Then 
        points = 2 
        ElseIf pointArray(0) = "No Call/No Show" Then 
        points = 4 
        ElseIf pointArray(0) = "" Then 
        i = i + 1 
        ' MsgBox "Somthing is wrong in Module 1 Points Adding" 

       End If 

       'Add points to points cell 
       Cells(j, 2).Select 
       points = points + ActiveCell.Value 
       ActiveCell.Value = points 


       ' A cell was found empty 
       i = 23 
      End If 

     Next i 

    End If 
Next j 

End Sub 



ありがとうございました! –



Sub pointsAdd() 

'Init Variables 
Dim pointArray() As String 
Dim j As Integer 
Dim i As Integer 
Dim points As Integer 

'Make sure the correct sheet is selected 

'Add Points Up 
For j = 2 To 100 
    If Cells(j, 1).Value = "" Then 
     exit for 
     For i = 3 To 22 
      pointArray = Split(Cells(j, i).Value, ".", -1) 

      'The next line is where the debugger says the script is out of range 
      If UBound(pointArray) > -1 Then 
       If pointArray(0) = "Tardy" Then 
        points = 0.5 
       ElseIf pointArray(0) = "Failure To Complete Shift" Then 
        points = 0.5 
       ElseIf pointArray(0) = "Failure To Complete At Least Half Shift" Then 
        points = 0.5 
       ElseIf pointArray(0) = "Absence" Then 
        points = 1 
       ElseIf pointArray(0) = "Late Call Off" Then 
        points = 2 
       ElseIf pointArray(0) = "No Call/No Show" Then 
        points = 4 
       ElseIf pointArray(0) = "" Then 
        i = i + 1 
        MsgBox "Somthing is wrong in Module 1 Points Adding" 
       End If 
      End If 
      'Add points to points cell 
      points = points + Cells(j, 2).Value 
      Cells(j, 2).Value = points 
     Next i 
    End If 
Next j 

End Sub