2016-12-27 2 views


mix test 


$ mix test 

Finished in 0.09 seconds 
4 tests, 0 failures 


$ cat .rspec 

はエリクシルの等価はありますか? https://hexdocs.pm/mix/Mix.Tasks.Test.html




合格テストの名前を印刷するには、--trace引数をmix testに渡すことができます。あなたはまた、test_helper.exsExUnit.startラインを変更することで、デフォルトでこのオプションをtrueに設定することができます

$ mix test --trace 

Starting HTTParrot on port 8080 
Starting HTTParrot on port 8433 (SSL) 
Starting HTTParrot on unix socket httparrot.sock 
    * test post binary body (97.1ms) 
    * test https scheme (57.8ms) 
    * test option follow redirect relative url (4.0ms) 
    * test option follow redirect absolute url (2.6ms) 
    * test put (0.6ms) 
    * test request headers as a map (0.5ms) 
    * test get (1.5ms) 
    * test head (0.5ms) 
    * test delete (1.5ms) 
    * test asynchronous redirected get request (2.3ms) 
    * test send cookies (4.9ms) 
    * test post charlist body (0.7ms) 
    * test patch (0.5ms) 
    * test post form data (0.6ms) 
    * test exception (6.0ms) 
    * test get with params (2.8ms) 
    * test asynchronous request (0.5ms) 
    * test explicit http scheme (0.5ms) 
    * test put without body (0.8ms) 
    * test multipart upload (8.5ms) 
    * test options (0.5ms) 
    * test basic_auth hackney option (1.6ms) 
    * test http+unix scheme (4.4ms) 
    * test asynchronous request with explicit streaming using [async: :once] (304.1ms) 
    * test cached request (2.1ms) 
    * test post streaming body (3.8ms) 
    * test char list URL (0.7ms) 

    * test request body using ExampleDefp (124.1ms) 
    * test passing ssl option (110.9ms) 
    * test passing connect_timeout option (109.9ms) 
    * test passing recv_timeout option (103.4ms) 
    * test passing proxy option (106.6ms) 
    * test passing follow_redirect option (105.3ms) 
    * test passing proxy option with proxy_auth (106.9ms) 
    * test request raises error tuple (104.9ms) 
    * test passing max_redirect option (115.6ms) 
    * test request body using Example (111.6ms) 

Finished in 2.0 seconds 
37 tests, 0 failures 

Randomized with seed 264353 

ExUnit.start(trace: true) 

たとえば、ここhttpoisonパッケージの現在のマスターブランチにmix test --traceの出力です完全なカスタム出力が必要な場合は、独自のフォーマッタを実装できます(例としてhttps://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/blob/master/lib/ex_unit/lib/ex_unit/cli_formatter.ex、これがデフォルトフォーマッタです)。

ExUnit.start(formatters: [YourFormatterModule]) 

