2012-02-22 5 views


sentence.replace(/\b(?:the|it is|we all|an?|by|to|you|[mh]e|she|they|we...)\b/ig, ''); 



関連性:[John Resig's Series by Dictionary Lookups](http://ejohn.org/blog/revised-javascript-dictionary-search/) –


これらの「ストップワード」はいくつありますか?答えは重要である可能性があります。 – ChaosPandion


[JavaScriptコードを使用して一般的な単語をフィルタリングする](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6686718/javascript-code-to-filter-out-common-words-in-a-string)ソリューションが文字列から辞書を構築することに注意してください。辞書を使い始めると、その部分をスキップすることができます。 – outis





// taken from http://www.ranks.nl/resources/stopwords.html 
stops = "" 
+"a about above after again against all am an and any are aren't as " 
+"at be because been before being below between both but by can't " 
+"cannot could couldn't did didn't do does doesn't doing don't down " 
+"during each few for from further had hadn't has hasn't have  " 
+"haven't having he he'd he'll he's her here here's hers herself  " 
+"him himself his how how's i i'd i'll i'm i've if in into is isn't " 
+"it it's its itself let's me more most mustn't my myself no nor  " 
+"not of off on once only or other ought our ours ourselves out  " 
+"over own same shan't she she'd she'll she's should shouldn't so " 
+"some such than that that's the their theirs them themselves then " 
+"there there's these they they'd they'll they're they've this  " 
+"those through to too under until up very was wasn't we we'd we'll " 
+"we're we've were weren't what what's when when's where where's  " 
+"which while who who's whom why why's with won't would wouldn't  " 
+"you you'd you'll you're you've your yours yourself yourselves  " 

// how many to replace at a time 
reSize = 20 

// build regexps 
regexes = [] 
stops = stops.match(/\S+/g).sort(function(a, b) { return b.length - a.length }) 
for (var n = 0; n < stops.length; n += reSize) 
    regexes.push(new RegExp("\\b(" + stops.slice(n, n + reSize).join("|") + ")\\b", "gi")); 


regexes.forEach(function(r) { 
    text = text.replace(r, '') 



ハッシュマップの単語を検索すると、正規表現を使用すると遅くなりますか?プレーンなJSオブジェクトをハッシュマップと見なすことができます。プロパティ名はマップキー、プロパティ値はマップ値です。 – dokondr


正確に何をしているかによって異なりますが、ほとんどの場合、20単語を一度に置き換えると、1つずつ検索/削除するよりも速くなります。はい、javascriptオブジェクトはハッシュマップです。 – georg


でも、JSの実行時に20単語の正規表現置換がどのように実装されるのでしょうか? IMOには、 'sentence'と 'stopWords'という2つの配列があります。とにかく文中のすべての単語はstopWordsのすべての単語と比較されます。私にひどく効率的に見えません。 – dokondr
