2016-07-23 11 views


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public class Player { 
    private int Number; 
    private int Hits; 
    private int Walks; 
    private int Outs; 

    Player() { 
     Number = Hits = Walks = Outs = 0; 

    public int getNumber() { 
     return Number; 

    public int getHits() { 
     return Hits; 

    public int getWalks() { 
     return Walks; 

    public int getOuts() { 
     return Outs; 

    public void setNumber(int n) { 
     Number = n; 

    public void setHits(int h) { 
     Hits = h; 

    public void setWalks(int w) { 
     Walks = w; 

    public void setOuts(int o) { 
     Outs = o; 

    // overload for output 
    public String toString() { 
     String s = new String(); 

     s = String.format("%2d",Number) + "\t" + 
      String.format("%2d",Hits) + "\t" + 
      String.format("%2d",Walks) + "\t" + 
     return s; 
} // end of the class 


import java.io.*; 
import java.util.*; 

// declaration of the class 
public class Baseball9 { 
    // implementation of main program 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { 
     // 1) connect to input file 
     Scanner fin = new Scanner(new FileReader("baseball.txt")); 

     // objects used to store data 
     final int LIST_LENGTH = 20; 

     int number = 0,   // number, hits, walks, outs 
     teamSize = 0; 

     // 2) output descriptive messages 
     System.out.println("This program tracks a baseball player's number " 
      + "and their\nnumber of walks, runs and outs for " 
      + "each game in a season.\n"); 

     // 3) declare an array of LIST_LENGTH players 
     Player[] team = new Player[LIST_LENGTH]; 

     // 3a) loop over the teamsize 
     for (int i = 0; i < LIST_LENGTH; i++) { 
      // 3b) instantiate the i'th team member 
      team[i] = new Player(); 

     // 4) loop on end of file 
     while (fin.hasNext()) { 
      // 5) attempt to input the data for the next Player 
      number = fin.nextInt(); 
      hits = fin.nextInt(); 
      walks = fin.nextInt(); 
      outs = fin.nextInt(); 

      // 6) find the index of this Player's number 
      int pos = findNumber(team, LIST_LENGTH, number); 

      // 7) if player number is not in the list 
      if (pos < 0) { 
       // 7a) set the Number field for team[teamSize] 

       // 7b) set the Hits field for team[teamSize] 

       // 7c) set the Walks field for team[teamSize] 

       // 7d) set the Outs filed for team[teamSize] 

       // 7e) increase teamSize by 1 

      // 8) else player number is in the list 
      else { 
       // 8a) update the Hits field for team[index] 
       team[teamSize].setHits(hits + team[teamSize].getHits()); 

       // 8b) update the Walks field for team[index] 
       team[teamSize].setWalks(walks + team[teamSize].getWalks()); 

       // 8c) update the Outs field for team[index] 
       team[teamSize].setOuts(outs + team[teamSize].getOuts()); 
     } // end while 

     // 9) display the results 
     displayArray(team, teamSize); 

     selectionSort(team, teamSize); 

     displayArray(team, teamSize); 

     // 10) disconnect from input file 
    } // end of main 

    // ************************************************************************* 
    // determine the position within an array of Player of a player's index number 
    // performs a sequential search from the begining of the array 
    // returns -1 on a failure to find an index within the array 
    // 1) assume that this player_ number is not in the list 
    public static int findNumber(Player list[], int listLength, int searchItem) { 
     int loc; 
     boolean found = false; 

     loc = 0; 
     // 2) loop over the list length 
     while (loc < listLength && !found) 
      // 3) exit the loop if the number is found 
      if (list[loc].getNumber() == searchItem) 
       found = true; 

      // 4) update the index on successful search 

     // 5) return either the found index or -1 
     if (found) 
      return loc; 
      return -1; 

    // display players in an array of Player with formatting of 
    // Player #, Number of Hits, Number of Walks, Number of Outs 
    public static void displayArray(Player list[], int team_size) { 
     // 1) display headins of colums 
          + "------\t----\t-----\t----\n"); 
     // 2) loop over team size 
     for (int i=0; i < team_size; i++) { 
      // 3) display i'th player 

    public static void selectionSort(Player list[], int listLength) { 
     int index; 
     int smallestIndex; 
     int minIndex; 
     int temp; 

     for (index = 0; index < listLength - 1; index++) { 
      smallestIndex = index; 

      for (minIndex = index + 1; minIndex < listLength; minIndex++) 
       if (list[minIndex] < list[smallestIndex]) 
        smallestIndex = minIndex; 

      temp = list[smallestIndex]; 
      list[smallestIndex] = list[index]; 
      list[index] = temp; 
} // end of the class 

あなたの質問を編集し、完全な入力出力とエラーログを追加してください。 –


'Player'クラスでは、すべての変数の最初の文字を小文字にするのが最善です。 'Number'は' java.lang'のクラス名です。 'fin.hasNextInt()'も使わなければなりません。あなたの質問を編集して、エラーの内容と出ている行を表示してください。 – 4castle


'Player'はクラスです。デフォルトの' sort'メソッドを使ってクラスをソートすることはできません。代わりに独自の 'Comparator'を作成してください:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2784514/sort-arraylist-of-custom-objects-by-property – Meinkraft



あなたはintようPlayer -objectを扱うことができません。構文エラーを表示する行(selectionSort()):Player.getNumber()メソッドを使用して値を読み取ります。



public static void selectionSort(Player list[], int listLength) { 
    int index; 
    int smallestIndex; 
    int minIndex; 
    Player temp; // <== Changed 

    for (index = 0; index < listLength - 1; index++) { 
     smallestIndex = index; 

     for (minIndex = index + 1; minIndex < listLength; minIndex++) { 
      if (list[minIndex].getNumber() < list[smallestIndex].getNumber()) // <== Changed 
       smallestIndex = minIndex; 

     temp = list[smallestIndex]; 
     list[smallestIndex] = list[index]; 
     list[index] = temp; 

それは読み、コードをより容易にするようあなたはまた、インデントに多くの努力を置く必要があります。さらに、大括弧を使用することをお勧めします。 forの後に角括弧を省略し、その後にifが続きます。それは私にはグロテスク!