2011-09-19 12 views



public class ClosureEditViewModel 

    public Model.Closure Closure { get; set; } 
    public Model.School School { get; set; } 
    public Model.ClosureDetail CurrentDetails { get; set; } 


<div class="display-label">School</div> 
<div class="display-field"> 
    @Html.DisplayFor(model => model.Closure.School.Name) 
<div class="display-label">Closed</div> 
<div class="display-field"> 
    @Html.DisplayFor(model => model.Closure.Logged) 
<div class="editor-label"> 
    @Html.LabelFor(model => model.CurrentDetails.DateOpening, "Date Opening (dd/mm/yyyy)") 
<div class="editor-field"> 
    @Html.TextBox("DateOpening", Model.CurrentDetails.DateOpening.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")) 
    @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.CurrentDetails.DateOpening) 
      @Html.CheckBoxFor(model => model.CurrentDetails.Nursery, (Model.School.Nursery ? null : new { @disabled = "disabled" })) 


public ActionResult Edit(int id) 
     Data.IClosureReasonRepository reasonRepository = new Data.SqlServer.Repositories.ClosureReasonRepository(UnitOfWork); 
     IEnumerable<Model.ClosureReason> reasons = reasonRepository.GetAll(); 

     Model.Closure closure = ClosureRepository.GetClosure(id); 
     Model.ClosureDetail currentDetail = closure.ClosureDetails.Last(); 
     ViewModels.ClosureEditViewModel editClosure = new ViewModels.ClosureEditViewModel() { Closure = closure, School = closure.School, CurrentDetails = closure.ClosureDetails.Last() }; 
     ViewBag.ReasonId = new SelectList(reasons, "Id", "Name", currentDetail.ReasonId); 
     return View(editClosure); 

    public ActionResult Edit(ViewModels.ClosureEditViewModel newDetail) 
     //if (ModelState.IsValid) 


     Data.IClosureReasonRepository reasonRepository = new Data.SqlServer.Repositories.ClosureReasonRepository(UnitOfWork); 
     IEnumerable<Model.ClosureReason> reasons = reasonRepository.GetAll(); 
     ViewBag.ReasonId = new SelectList(reasons, "Id", "Name", newDetail.CurrentDetails.ReasonId); 
     return View(newDetail); 


Object reference not set to an instance of an object. 

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. 

Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. 

Source Error: 

Line 94:     </td> 
Line 95:     <td> 
Line 96:      @Html.CheckBoxFor(model => model.CurrentDetails.P1, (Model.School.P1 ? null : new { @disabled = "disabled" })) 
Line 97:     </td> 
Line 98:     <td> 





public ActionResult Edit(ClosureEditViewModel viewModel) 
    ... some operations 

    // Make sure that viewModel.School is not null 
    // Remember that the checkbox is bound to CurrentDetails.P1 so 
    // when you post to this action there is nothing that will initialize 
    // the School property => you should do whatever you did in your GET 
    // action in order to initialize this property before returning the view 
    return View(viewModel); 

私はちょうどリポジトリから別のSchoolオブジェクトを取得し、それをClosureEditViewModelオブジェクトSchoolプロパティに追加しました。 –
