2016-03-30 18 views



let loadCache ci = 
    let code = input_line ci in 
    let name = input_line ci in 
    let state = input_line ci in 
    let owner = input_line ci in 
    let latitude = float_of_string (input_line ci) in 
    let longitude = float_of_string (input_line ci) in 
    let kind = input_line ci in 
    let size = input_line ci in 
    let difficulty = float_of_string (input_line ci) in 
    let terrain = float_of_string (input_line ci) in 
    let status = input_line ci in 
    let hiddenDate = input_line ci in 
    let nFounds = int_of_string (input_line ci) in 
    let nNotFounds = int_of_string (input_line ci) in 
    let nFavourites = int_of_string (input_line ci) in 
    let altitude = int_of_string (input_line ci) in { 
     code = code; name = name; state = state; owner = owner; 
     latitude = latitude; longitude = longitude; 
     kind = kind; size = size; difficulty = difficulty; terrain = terrain; 
     status = status; hiddenDate = hiddenDate; 
     nFounds = nFounds; nNotFounds = nNotFounds; nFavourites = nFavourites; 
     altitude = altitude 


val load: string -> cache list 

let rec loadChannel ci = 
    loadCache ci 
    with End_of_file -> raise (Arg.Bad "loadChannel: no caches on this file to read")  

let load filename = (* post: result is never [] *) 
let ci = open_in filename in 
    let cl = loadChannel ci in 
     close_in ci; cl 


type cache = {   
    code: string;  
    name: string;  
    state: string;  
    owner: string;  
    longitude: float; 
    kind: string;  
    size: string;  
    difficulty: float; 
    terrain: float;  
    status: string;  
    hiddenDate: string; 
    nFounds: int;  
    nNotFounds: int;  
    nFavourites: int; 
    altitude: int  
} ;; 


let q = load "C: ...... file.txt" 

まあ、いつも答えて、フィードバックはありません;-) – Lhooq



let rec loadChannel ci = 
    loadCache ci 
    with End_of_file -> raise (Arg.Bad "loadChannel: no caches on this file to read")  


let loadCache ci = 
    let code = try Some (input_line ci) with End_of_file -> None in 
    match code with 
    | None -> raise Exit 
    | Some code -> 
     let name = input_line ci in 
     let state = input_line ci in 
     let owner = input_line ci in 
     let latitude = float_of_string (input_line ci) in 
     let longitude = float_of_string (input_line ci) in 
     let kind = input_line ci in 
     let size = input_line ci in 
     let difficulty = float_of_string (input_line ci) in 
     let terrain = float_of_string (input_line ci) in 
     let status = input_line ci in 
     let hiddenDate = input_line ci in 
     let nFounds = int_of_string (input_line ci) in 
     let nNotFounds = int_of_string (input_line ci) in 
     let nFavourites = int_of_string (input_line ci) in 
     let altitude = int_of_string (input_line ci) in 
      code; name; state; owner; latitude; longitude; 
      kind; size; difficulty; terrain; status; hiddenDate; 
      nFounds; nNotFounds; nFavourites; altitude 
    with End_of_file -> raise (Arg.Bad "loadChannel: no caches on this file to read or not enough informations") 

let rec loadChannel ci acc = 
    let c = loadCache ci in 
    loadChannel ci (c::acc) 
    with Exit -> acc (* If we have an Exit, it means that the first read 
         was an End_of_file so it's not a mistake, just 
         a proper End_of_file. If this exception appears 
         after, it means that we were reading a cache and 
         couldn't finish the reading. *) 

let load filename = (* post: result is never [] *) 
    let ci = open_in filename in 
    let cl = loadChannel ci in 
    close_in ci; 
    match cl with 
     | [] -> raise BIGEXCEPTION 
     | _ -> cl 



type r = {a : int; b : int} 


let a = 3 and b = 4 in {a = a; b = b} 

を書く場合、あなたのフィールド名は 'a' と 'b' であるため、あなたは

let a = 3 and b = 4 in {a; b} 

とOCamlのを書くことができますが、それを正しく記入します。 ;)
