2017-07-25 1 views

Hibernateを使用してCRUDリポジトリを作成して、H2データベースにデータを保存したいとします。私のSpring BootアプリでH2がテーブルを作成/更新していません。私のエンティティに何か問題がありますか?




@Table(name = "GAME") 
public class Game { 

    @Column (name = "ID") 
    private long id; 

    @Column (name = "NAME") 
    private String name; 

    @Column(name = "STORYLINE", length = 4000) 
    private String storyline; 

    @Column(name = "AGGREGATED_RATING") 
    private double aggregatedRating; 

    @Column(name = "FIRST_RELEASE_DATE") 
    private long firstReleaseDate; 

    private Cover cover; 

    public Game(){ 


    public Game(long id, String name, String storyline, double aggregatedRating, long firstReleaseDate, Cover cover) { 
     this.id = id; 
     this.name = name; 
     this.storyline = storyline; 
     this.aggregatedRating = aggregatedRating; 
     this.firstReleaseDate = firstReleaseDate; 
     this.cover = cover; 

    public long getId() { 
     return id; 

    public String getName() { 
     return name; 

    public String getStoryline() { 
     return storyline; 

    public double getAggregatedRating() { 
     return aggregatedRating; 

    public long getFirstReleaseDate() { 
     return firstReleaseDate; 

    public Cover getCover() { 
     return cover; 



public class Cover { 

    @Column (name = "URL") 
    private String url; 
    @Column (name = "CLOUDINARY_ID") 
    private String cloudinaryId; 
    @Column (name = "WIDTH") 
    private Integer width; 
    @Column (name = "HEIGHT") 
    private Integer height; 

    public Cover(){ 

    public Cover(String url, String cloudinaryId, Integer width, Integer height) { 
     this.url = url; 
     this.cloudinaryId = cloudinaryId; 
     this.width = width; 
     this.height = height; 

    public String getUrl() { 
     return url; 

    public String getCloudinaryId() { 
     return cloudinaryId; 

    public Integer getWidth() { 
     return width; 

    public Integer getHeight() { 
     return height; 



spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto = update 


import org.springframework.data.repository.CrudRepository; 

import java.util.List; 

public interface GameRepository extends CrudRepository<Game, Long> { 
    List<Game> findAllByName(String name); 

私はlocalhostの下に行くことによって、私のリポジトリをテスト:サンプルエントリがテーブルに挿入されなければならない8080 /テストを、 :

public String saveSth(){ 
    gameRepository.save(new Game(127, "Assassin's Creed II", "The lineage continues as this new chapter introduces Ezio, inheritor of the talents and creed of the Assassins. His family murdered by rival families, Ezio resolves to learn the ancient art of the Assassin in order to seek revenge. He will not do so alone though, allying with historical figures such as philosopher and writer Niccolò Machiavelli. You will also be able to master the art of the assassin with all new weapons and instruments created by the renowned inventor and genius of the Renaissance, Leonardo Da Vinci himself.", 90.25, 1258416000000L, new Cover("//images.igdb.com/igdb/image/upload/t_thumb/doczeiofd1ckpapdhqs7.jpg", "doczeiofd1ckpapdhqs7", 1000, 1426))); 
    return "success"; 


2017-07-25 13:09:58.873 DEBUG 9442 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] org.hibernate.SQL      : select game0_.id as id1_0_0_, game0_.aggregated_rating as aggregat2_0_0_, game0_.cloudinary_id as cloudina3_0_0_, game0_.height as height4_0_0_, game0_.url as url5_0_0_, game0_.width as width6_0_0_, game0_.first_release_date as first_re7_0_0_, game0_.name as name8_0_0_, game0_.storyline as storylin9_0_0_ from game game0_ where game0_.id=? 
Hibernate: select game0_.id as id1_0_0_, game0_.aggregated_rating as aggregat2_0_0_, game0_.cloudinary_id as cloudina3_0_0_, game0_.height as height4_0_0_, game0_.url as url5_0_0_, game0_.width as width6_0_0_, game0_.first_release_date as first_re7_0_0_, game0_.name as name8_0_0_, game0_.storyline as storylin9_0_0_ from game game0_ where game0_.id=? 
2017-07-25 13:09:58.875 TRACE 9442 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.h.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder  : binding parameter [1] as [BIGINT] - [127] 
2017-07-25 13:09:58.894 DEBUG 9442 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] org.hibernate.SQL      : insert into game (aggregated_rating, cloudinary_id, height, url, width, first_release_date, name, storyline, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 
Hibernate: insert into game (aggregated_rating, cloudinary_id, height, url, width, first_release_date, name, storyline, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 
2017-07-25 13:09:58.895 TRACE 9442 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.h.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder  : binding parameter [1] as [DOUBLE] - [90.25] 
2017-07-25 13:09:58.896 TRACE 9442 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.h.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder  : binding parameter [2] as [VARCHAR] - [doczeiofd1ckpapdhqs7] 
2017-07-25 13:09:58.896 TRACE 9442 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.h.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder  : binding parameter [3] as [INTEGER] - [1426] 
2017-07-25 13:09:58.897 TRACE 9442 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.h.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder  : binding parameter [4] as [VARCHAR] - [//images.igdb.com/igdb/image/upload/t_thumb/doczeiofd1ckpapdhqs7.jpg] 
2017-07-25 13:09:58.897 TRACE 9442 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.h.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder  : binding parameter [5] as [INTEGER] - [1000] 
2017-07-25 13:09:58.897 TRACE 9442 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.h.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder  : binding parameter [6] as [BIGINT] - [1258416000000] 
2017-07-25 13:09:58.897 TRACE 9442 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.h.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder  : binding parameter [7] as [VARCHAR] - [Assassin's Creed II] 
2017-07-25 13:09:58.897 TRACE 9442 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.h.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder  : binding parameter [8] as [VARCHAR] - [The lineage continues as this new chapter introduces Ezio, inheritor of the talents and creed of the Assassins. His family murdered by rival families, Ezio resolves to learn the ancient art of the Assassin in order to seek revenge. He will not do so alone though, allying with historical figures such as philosopher and writer Niccolò Machiavelli. You will also be able to master the art of the assassin with all new weapons and instruments created by the renowned inventor and genius of the Renaissance, Leonardo Da Vinci himself.] 
2017-07-25 13:09:58.897 TRACE 9442 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.h.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder  : binding parameter [9] as [BIGINT] - [127] 

データをパラメータにバインドされように見えますが、ゲーム FROM SELECT * H2コンソールでは、私を返します。 ゲームからSELECT *; テーブル「GAME」が見つかりませんでした。 SQL文: SELECT * FROM GAME [42102-193] 42S02/42102(ヘルプ)



私がここで何を達成したい: http://javasampleapproach.com/spring-framework/spring-boot/integrate-h2-database-springboot-spring-jpa-embedded-mode そして、ここで: http://www.simplecodestuffs.com/value-object-entity-object-in-hibernate-mapping/

はまた、私は変更のためのチュートリアルのこのセットを試してみた: https://springframework.guru/using-the-h2-database-console-in-spring-boot-with-spring-security/ https://springframework.guru/spring-boot-web-application-part-3-spring-data-jpa/



*ゲームから何も返さないデータが存在しないことを意味し、テーブル –


は、パラメータがバインドされている場合データが存在しないかがないではありませんか? Hibernateはデータを作成することを拒否しているため、テーブルには存在しません。 – VapeKop


パッケージ構造を共有できますか? –

