2016-08-04 6 views

http://developer.forecast.io/ APIを使用して天気アプリを作成しようとしています。エラーが発生しましたUse JsonReader.setLenient(true) to accept malformed JSON at line 1 column 1 path $私はこの問題について十分に調査し、いくつかの答えを得ましたが、私のアプリでは何もできませんでした。ここに私のコードは次のとおりです。AndroidのJSON解析でRetrofitとGSONが不正な形式のJSONエラーを取得する


dependencies { 
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) 
    testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12' 
    compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:24.1.1' 
    compile 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.6.1' 
    compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.1.0' 
    compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.1.0' 
    //POJO Annotation 
    compile 'org.glassfish:javax.annotation:10.0-b28' 


package com.github.abdalimran.weatherforecaster.pojoModels; 

import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName; 

import javax.annotation.Generated; 

public class Currently { 

    private int time; 
    private String summary; 
    private String icon; 
    private double precipIntensity; 
    private double precipProbability; 
    private String precipType; 
    private double temperature; 
    private double apparentTemperature; 
    private double dewPoint; 
    private double humidity; 
    private double windSpeed; 
    private int windBearing; 
    private double visibility; 
    private double cloudCover; 
    private double pressure; 
    private double ozone; 

    * @return 
    *  The time 
    public int getTime() { 
     return time; 

    * @param time 
    *  The time 
    public void setTime(int time) { 
     this.time = time; 

    * @return 
    *  The summary 
    public String getSummary() { 
     return summary; 

    * @param summary 
    *  The summary 
    public void setSummary(String summary) { 
     this.summary = summary; 

    * @return 
    *  The icon 
    public String getIcon() { 
     return icon; 

    * @param icon 
    *  The icon 
    public void setIcon(String icon) { 
     this.icon = icon; 

    * @return 
    *  The precipIntensity 
    public double getPrecipIntensity() { 
     return precipIntensity; 

    * @param precipIntensity 
    *  The precipIntensity 
    public void setPrecipIntensity(double precipIntensity) { 
     this.precipIntensity = precipIntensity; 

    * @return 
    *  The precipProbability 
    public double getPrecipProbability() { 
     return precipProbability; 

    * @param precipProbability 
    *  The precipProbability 
    public void setPrecipProbability(double precipProbability) { 
     this.precipProbability = precipProbability; 

    * @return 
    *  The precipType 
    public String getPrecipType() { 
     return precipType; 

    * @param precipType 
    *  The precipType 
    public void setPrecipType(String precipType) { 
     this.precipType = precipType; 

    * @return 
    *  The temperature 
    public double getTemperature() { 
     return temperature; 

    * @param temperature 
    *  The temperature 
    public void setTemperature(double temperature) { 
     this.temperature = temperature; 

    * @return 
    *  The apparentTemperature 
    public double getApparentTemperature() { 
     return apparentTemperature; 

    * @param apparentTemperature 
    *  The apparentTemperature 
    public void setApparentTemperature(double apparentTemperature) { 
     this.apparentTemperature = apparentTemperature; 

    * @return 
    *  The dewPoint 
    public double getDewPoint() { 
     return dewPoint; 

    * @param dewPoint 
    *  The dewPoint 
    public void setDewPoint(double dewPoint) { 
     this.dewPoint = dewPoint; 

    * @return 
    *  The humidity 
    public double getHumidity() { 
     return humidity; 

    * @param humidity 
    *  The humidity 
    public void setHumidity(double humidity) { 
     this.humidity = humidity; 

    * @return 
    *  The windSpeed 
    public double getWindSpeed() { 
     return windSpeed; 

    * @param windSpeed 
    *  The windSpeed 
    public void setWindSpeed(double windSpeed) { 
     this.windSpeed = windSpeed; 

    * @return 
    *  The windBearing 
    public int getWindBearing() { 
     return windBearing; 

    * @param windBearing 
    *  The windBearing 
    public void setWindBearing(int windBearing) { 
     this.windBearing = windBearing; 

    * @return 
    *  The visibility 
    public double getVisibility() { 
     return visibility; 

    * @param visibility 
    *  The visibility 
    public void setVisibility(double visibility) { 
     this.visibility = visibility; 

    * @return 
    *  The cloudCover 
    public double getCloudCover() { 
     return cloudCover; 

    * @param cloudCover 
    *  The cloudCover 
    public void setCloudCover(double cloudCover) { 
     this.cloudCover = cloudCover; 

    * @return 
    *  The pressure 
    public double getPressure() { 
     return pressure; 

    * @param pressure 
    *  The pressure 
    public void setPressure(double pressure) { 
     this.pressure = pressure; 

    * @return 
    *  The ozone 
    public double getOzone() { 
     return ozone; 

    * @param ozone 
    *  The ozone 
    public void setOzone(double ozone) { 
     this.ozone = ozone; 

    public String toString() { 
     return "Weather Status: "+getSummary()+"\n"+ 
       "Precipitation: "+getPrecipType()+"\n"+ 
       "Pressure: "+getPressure()+"\n"+ 
       "Humidity: "+getHumidity()+"\n"+ 
       "Temperature: "+getTemperature(); 


package com.github.abdalimran.weatherforecaster; 

import android.os.Bundle; 
import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity; 
import android.util.Log; 
import android.widget.TextView; 

import com.github.abdalimran.weatherforecaster.pojoModels.Currently; 

import retrofit2.Call; 
import retrofit2.Callback; 
import retrofit2.Response; 
import retrofit2.Retrofit; 
import retrofit2.converter.gson.GsonConverterFactory; 

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { 

    private TextView textView; 

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 

     textView= (TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView); 

     Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder() 

     API_Interface weatherService = retrofit.create(API_Interface.class); 
     Call<Currently> call = weatherService.getCurrentWeather(Constants.API_KEY,23.810514,90.3371889); 

     call.enqueue(new Callback<Currently>() { 
      public void onResponse(Call<Currently> call, Response<Currently> response) { 

      public void onFailure(Call<Currently> call, Throwable t) { 
       textView.setText("Something went wrong: " + t.getMessage()); 

JSON応答: リンク:http://paste.ubuntu.com/22220252/






    "time": 1470336515, 
    "summary": "Clear", 
    "icon": "clear-night", 
    "precipIntensity": 0.0021, 
    "precipProbability": 0.05, 
    "precipType": "rain", 
    "temperature": 81.62, 
    "apparentTemperature": 89.05, 
    "dewPoint": 76.64, 
    "humidity": 0.85, 
    "windSpeed": 10.69, 
    "windBearing": 138, 
    "visibility": 2.49, 
    "cloudCover": 0.22, 
    "pressure": 999.91, 
    "ozone": 269.33 


Call<Prediction> call = weatherService.getCurrentWeather(Constants.API_KEY,23.810514,90.3371889); 

    call.enqueue(new Callback<Prediction>() { 
     public void onResponse(Call<Prediction> call, Response<Prediction> response) { 
      // ... 

     public void onFailure(Call<Prediction> call, Throwable t) { 
      // ... 

public class Prediction { 
    private Currently currently; 
    // ... 

その後、あなたの改造のコールは次のようになります。 Predictionモデルはフィールドcurrentlyを表しているに過ぎませんが、必要に応じて残りのフィールドを追加する方法を簡単に理解できると思います。またPredictionは私が思いついた名前だったので、何でも好きなものを使うことができます。
