私はVRのアプリでナビゲートするには、2つの方法Google VRビューでのナビゲート方法は?

  • は、長い期間のために何かを見てクリック
  • トリートとして段ボール上の単一のボタンを使用しますがいることを知っているVrPanoramaView を使用してAndroidアプリを書いています時間をクリックすると表示されます



private SensorManager mSensorManager; 
private OrientationSensor mOrientationSensor; 
mSensorManager = (SensorManager) this.getSystemService(SENSOR_SERVICE); 
mOrientationSensor = new OrientationSensor(this, mSensorManager, OrientationSensor.MODE_LOOK_THROUGH); 
  • センサーを宣言する必要がサンプルVrをPanoramaViewコード

    * A basic PanoWidget Activity to load panorama images from disk. It will load a test image by 
    * default. It can also load an arbitrary image from disk using: 
    * adb shell am start -a "android.intent.action.VIEW" \ 
    *  -n "com.google.vr.sdk.samples.simplepanowidget/.SimpleVrPanoramaActivity" \ 
    *  -d "/sdcard/FILENAME.JPG" 
    * To load stereo images, "--ei inputType 2" can be used to pass in an integer extra which will set 
    * VrPanoramaView.Options.inputType. 
    public class SimpleVrPanoramaActivity extends Activity { 
        InputStream istr = null; 
        private static final String TAG = SimpleVrPanoramaActivity.class.getSimpleName(); 
        /** Actual panorama widget. **/ 
        private VrPanoramaView panoWidgetView; 
        * Arbitrary variable to track load status. In this example, this variable should only be accessed 
        * on the UI thread. In a real app, this variable would be code that performs some UI actions when 
        * the panorama is fully loaded. 
        public boolean loadImageSuccessful; 
        /** Tracks the file to be loaded across the lifetime of this app. **/ 
        private Uri fileUri; 
        /** Configuration information for the panorama. **/ 
        private Options panoOptions = new Options(); 
        private ImageLoaderTask backgroundImageLoaderTask; 
        * Called when the app is launched via the app icon or an intent using the adb command above. This 
        * initializes the app and loads the image to render. 
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 
        // Make the source link clickable. 
        TextView sourceText = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.source); 
        panoWidgetView = (VrPanoramaView) findViewById(R.id.pano_view); 
        panoWidgetView.setEventListener(new ActivityEventListener()); 
        // Initial launch of the app or an Activity recreation due to rotation. 
        * Called when the Activity is already running and it's given a new intent. 
        protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { 
        Log.i(TAG, this.hashCode() + ".onNewIntent()"); 
        // Save the intent. This allows the getIntent() call in onCreate() to use this new Intent during 
        // future invocations. 
        // Load the new image. 
        * Load custom images based on the Intent or load the default image. See the Javadoc for this 
        * class for information on generating a custom intent via adb. 
        private void handleIntent(Intent intent) { 
        // Determine if the Intent contains a file to load. 
        if (Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(intent.getAction())) { 
         Log.i(TAG, "ACTION_VIEW Intent recieved"); 
         fileUri = intent.getData(); 
         if (fileUri == null) { 
         Log.w(TAG, "No data uri specified. Use \"-d /path/filename\"."); 
         } else { 
         Log.i(TAG, "Using file " + fileUri.toString()); 
         panoOptions.inputType = intent.getIntExtra("inputType", Options.TYPE_MONO); 
         Log.i(TAG, "Options.inputType = " + panoOptions.inputType); 
        } else { 
         Log.i(TAG, "Intent is not ACTION_VIEW. Using default pano image."); 
         fileUri = null; 
         panoOptions.inputType = Options.TYPE_MONO; 
        // Load the bitmap in a background thread to avoid blocking the UI thread. This operation can 
        // take 100s of milliseconds. 
        if (backgroundImageLoaderTask != null) { 
         // Cancel any task from a previous intent sent to this activity. 
        backgroundImageLoaderTask = new ImageLoaderTask(); 
        backgroundImageLoaderTask.execute(Pair.create(fileUri, panoOptions)); 
        protected void onPause() { 
        protected void onResume() { 
        protected void onDestroy() { 
        // Destroy the widget and free memory. 
        // The background task has a 5 second timeout so it can potentially stay alive for 5 seconds 
        // after the activity is destroyed unless it is explicitly cancelled. 
        if (backgroundImageLoaderTask != null) { 
        * Helper class to manage threading. 
        class ImageLoaderTask extends AsyncTask<Pair<Uri, Options>, Void, Boolean> { 
        * Reads the bitmap from disk in the background and waits until it's loaded by pano widget. 
        protected Boolean doInBackground(Pair<Uri, Options>... fileInformation) { 
         Options panoOptions = null; // It's safe to use null VrPanoramaView.Options. 
         InputStream istr = null; 
         if (fileInformation == null || fileInformation.length < 1 
          || fileInformation[0] == null || fileInformation[0].first == null) { 
         AssetManager assetManager = getAssets(); 
         try { 
          istr=new URL("https://s18.postimg.org/rnoymr5o9/andes.jpg").openStream(); 
          //istr = assetManager.open("andes.jpg"); 
          panoOptions = new Options(); 
          panoOptions.inputType = Options.TYPE_STEREO_OVER_UNDER; 
         } catch (IOException e) { 
          Log.e(TAG, "Could not decode default bitmap: " + e); 
          return false; 
         } else { 
         try { 
          istr = new FileInputStream(new File(fileInformation[0].first.getPath())); 
          panoOptions = fileInformation[0].second; 
         } catch (IOException e) { 
          Log.e(TAG, "Could not load file: " + e); 
          return false; 
         try { 
         } catch (IOException e) { 
         Log.e(TAG, "Could not close input stream: " + e); 
         return true; 
        protected void onPostExecute(Boolean aBoolean) { 
         panoWidgetView.loadImageFromBitmap(BitmapFactory.decodeStream(istr), panoOptions); 
        * Listen to the important events from widget. 
        private class ActivityEventListener extends VrPanoramaEventListener { 
        * Called by pano widget on the UI thread when it's done loading the image. 
        public void onLoadSuccess() { 
         loadImageSuccessful = true; 
        * Called by pano widget on the UI thread on any asynchronous error. 
        public void onLoadError(String errorMessage) { 
         loadImageSuccessful = false; 
          SimpleVrPanoramaActivity.this, "Error loading pano: " + errorMessage, Toast.LENGTH_LONG) 
         Log.e(TAG, "Error loading pano: " + errorMessage); 
  • +0

    あなたがどんな解決策を見つけますか? – Biswajit


    プロジェクトがキャンセルされました – Wardruna


    あなたは正しいと答えたので、解決したと思いました。私は画像ボタンを追加することに固執しています。ところでありがとう:) – Biswajit


    1. であるあなたの活動やフラグメントがSensorEventListener

    2. を盗んするベクトルを作成して実装してください回転値

      private float[] mHeadRotation = new float[2]; 
    3. onSensorChanged

      public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent sensorEvent) { 
    4. あなたが画面上にある場所に応じて何をしたいですか。例:

      private void updateReticule() { 
          if(mHeadRotation[1] > -20 && mHeadRotation[1] < 20 && mHeadRotation[0] > -15 && mHeadRotation[0] < 15){ 
          } else { 
    5. showButton()は、画面の中央に矢印(のImageButton)を表示または非表示にすることができます。その後、矢印上にOnClickListenerを設定します。ユーザーがクリックすると、次の画像に移動できます。



    こんにちは、VrPanoramaViewに画像ボタンを追加する方法を教えてください。前もって感謝します :) – Biswajit
