2011-02-22 17 views


scala> implicit def listToAlternativeList[F,T](xs: List[F])(implicit conv: (F) => T) = xs map conv 
listToAlternativeList: [F,T](xs: List[F])(implicit conv: (F) => T)List[T] 

scala> implicit def int2string(i: Int) = i.toString 
int2string: (i: Int)java.lang.String 

scala> val l = List(1, 2, 3) 
l: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3) 

scala> val l2: List[String] = listToAlternativeList[Int,String](l) 
l2: List[String] = List(1, 2, 3) 

scala> val l2: List[String] = listToAlternativeList(l)    
l2: List[String] = List(1, 2, 3) 

scala> val l2: List[String] = l      
<console>:10: error: type mismatch; 
found : List[Int] 
required: scala.List[String] 
     val l2: List[String] = l 





scala> implicit def listToStringList[A](as: List[A])(implicit f: A => String) = as map f 
listToStringList: [A](as: List[A])(implicit f: (A) => String)List[String] 

scala> implicit def i2s(i: Int) = i.toString 
i2s: (i: Int)java.lang.String 

scala> val l = List(1) 
l: List[Int] = List(1) 

scala> l: List[String] 
res0: List[String] = List(1) 

あなたのケースではどうなりますか?さて、このスクリプトでscala -Ytyper-debug -Xlog-implicitsとカーテンの後ろを見てみましょう:

implicit def listToList[A, B](as: List[A])(implicit f: A => B): List[B] = as map f 
implicit def i2s(i: Int): String = i.toString 
val l = List(1) 
l: List[String] 


typing (l: List[String]), pt = ?, undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = true, silent = true 
    typing List[String], pt = ?, undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = true, silent = true 
     typing scala.package, pt = ?, undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = true, silent = true 
     typing scala, pt = ?, undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = true, silent = true 
     typed scala:type with underlying package scala, undetparams = List(), pt = ? 
     adapted scala:package scala to ?, List() 
     typed scala.package:type with underlying object package, undetparams = List(), pt = ? 
     adapted scala.package:object package to ?, List() 
     typing String, pt = ?, undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = true, silent = true 
     typed scala.this.Predef.String:String, undetparams = List(), pt = ? 
     adapted scala.this.Predef.String:String to ?, List() 
    typed List[String]:List[String], undetparams = List(), pt = ? 
    adapted List[String]:List[String] to ?, List() 
    typing l, pt = List[String], undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = true, silent = true 
    typed $anon.this.l:=> List[Int], undetparams = List(), pt = List[String] 
Beginning implicit search for $anon.this.l expecting (List[Int]) => List[String] looking for a view 
begin implicit search: ($anon.this.l,(List[Int]) => List[String],true,List()) 
typed impl for (List[Int]) => List[String]? listToList:(as: List[?])(implicit f: (?) => ?)List[?] orig info= [A,B](as: List[A])(implicit f: (A) => B)List[B]/List()/true/true/this.type/true 
typedImplicit0 typing$anon.this.listToList with wildpt = (List[Int]) => List[String] from implicit listToList:[A,B](as: List[A])(implicit f: (A) => B)List[B] 
    typing $anon.this.listToList, pt = ?, undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = false, silent = false 
    typing $anon.this, pt = ?, undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = false, silent = false 
    typed $anon.this:this.type with underlying java.lang.Object{}, undetparams = List(), pt = ? 
    adapted $anon.this:java.lang.Object{} to ?, List() 
    typed $anon.this.listToList:[A,B](as: List[A])(implicit f: (A) => B)List[B], undetparams = List(), pt = ? 
    adapted $anon.this.listToList:[A,B](as: List[A])(implicit f: (A) => B)List[B] to ?, List(type A, type B) 
    typing <argument>, pt = List[?], undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = false, silent = false 
    typed <argument>:List[Int], undetparams = List(), pt = List[?] 
    adapted <argument>:List[Int] to List[?], List() 
    typing <argument>, pt = List[Int], undetparams = List(), implicits-enabled = false, silent = false 
    typed <argument>:List[Int], undetparams = List(), pt = List[Int] 
    adapted <argument>:List[Int] to List[Int], List() 
typed implicit $anon.this.listToList[Int, B](<argument>):(implicit f: (Int) => B)List[B], pt = (List[Int]) => List[String] 
adapted implicit method listToList:(as: List[Int])(implicit f: (Int) => B)List[B] to (List[Int]) => List[String] 
incompatible: (as: List[Int])(implicit f: (Int) => B)List[B] does not match (List[Int]) => List[String] 
Implicit search yielded: SearchResult(<empty>, TreeTypeSubstituter(List(),List())) 

