2016-12-03 11 views



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      Nathaniel D Alcedo Jr, 

     <h2 >aspiring web developer</h2> 
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     <h1>Projects Finished</h1> 
     <p>Free Code Camp <a href="./calculator"><u>Calculator</u></a></p> 


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     <h1>A little about me</h1> 
      Hello there! As the title suggests, I am an aspiring web developer. 
      I'm currently serving my time in the Singapore Armed Forces and in my free time, I like to muck 
      around on the computer. It ranges from making mock websites to thinking of my own implementations 
      of basic data structures. I find pleasure in breaking code and trying to fix them using stackoverflow.<br><br> 
      My first contact with a programming languges was in polytechnic during a module on c++. How I sucked terriby! 
      It wasn't until halfway through my time in national service did I take an interest in programming once again. I'm currently 
      doing Free Code Camp's course on web development in my free time. I turn operationally ready in may of 2017 and I intend to 
      look for a job in this wonderful field we call software development. 


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      <img src="http://placehold.it/20x20/000" alt=""> <span>Nathaniel D Alcedo Jr</span> 

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    <div class="container-fluid"> 
    <section id='home'> 
     <h1>Nathaniel D Alcedo Jr,</h1> 
     <h2>aspiring web developer</h2> 

    <section class="text-center" id="portfolio"> 
     <h1>Projects Finished</h1> 
     <p>Free Code Camp <a href="./calculator"><u>Calculator</u></a> 

    <section id="about"> 
     <h1>A little about me</h1> 
     Hello there! As the title suggests, I am an aspiring web developer. I'm currently serving my time in the Singapore Armed Forces and in my free time, I like to muck around on the computer. It ranges from making mock websites to thinking of my own implementations 
     of basic data structures. I find pleasure in breaking code and trying to fix them using stackoverflow. 
     <br>My first contact with a programming languges was in polytechnic during a module on c++. How I sucked terriby! It wasn't until halfway through my time in national service did I take an interest in programming once again. I'm currently doing Free 
     Code Camp's course on web development in my free time. I turn operationally ready in may of 2017 and I intend to look for a job in this wonderful field we call software development. 

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      <p>Something Nathaniel</p> 

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