2017-03-08 5 views




interface IGame<T_move,T_matrix> 
    T_matrix[,] game_state { get; } 
    void MakeMove(Move mov); 
    List<Move> ListAllMoves(); 
    ...// some more irrelevant code 

class Tic_Tac_Toe : IGameble<Tuple<int,int>,int> 
    public int turn; 
    public int[,] game_state; 
    public List<Tuple<int,int>> ListAllMoves() {...} 
    public void MakeMove(Tuple<int,int> mov) {...} 
public Chess : IGameble <some other kind> //... 
// so on more classes which uses other kind in the generic. 

interface IAgent<Move> 
    Move MakeMove(); 
public RandomAgent<T_Move,T_Matrix> : IAgent 
    public IGameble<T_move> game; 
    public D(IGameble game_) {game = game_} 
    public T_Move MakeMove() {//randomly select a move} 
public UserAgent<T_Move,T_Matrix> : IAgent {get the move from the user} 








あなたTの目的は何ですか?私はあなたが達成しようとしていることを正確に理解できません。あなたのインターフェイスにいくつかのメソッドを置くことができますか?いくつかの実装を、より多くの問題を記述できるクラスに入れてください。 – kat1330


もっと現実的なコードを与えてください。 A B C Eのような名前は私の脳を燃やす。 – apocalypse


あなたの目標は何であるかはっきりしていません。おそらくあなたの汎用インターフェースはあなたが達成しようとしている目標に対して不適切に設計されており、不適切なデザインに言語を適合させるのに苦労しています –





using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 

namespace ConsoleApplication1 
    class Program 
     static void Main (string[] args) 
      var game = new TicTacToe (
       (x) => new UserAgent (x, "John"), 
       (x) => new RandomAgent (x)); 



    public interface IGame 
     IMove[] GetAvailableMoves(); 

    public interface IMove 
     void MakeMove(); 
     string Description { get; } 

    public interface IAgent 
     string Name { get; } 
     IMove SelectMove(); 

    public delegate IAgent AgentCreator (IGame game); 

    public class RandomAgent : IAgent 
     private readonly IGame game; 
     private readonly Random random = new Random(); 

     public RandomAgent (IGame game) 
      this.game = game; 

     public string Name => "Computer (random moves)"; 

     public IMove SelectMove() 
      var availableMoves = game.GetAvailableMoves(); 

      int moveIndex = random.Next (availableMoves.Length); 

      return availableMoves[moveIndex]; 

    public class UserAgent : IAgent 
     private readonly IGame game; 

     public UserAgent (IGame game, string playerName) 
      this.game = game; 
      Name = playerName; 

     public string Name { get; } 

     public IMove SelectMove() 
      var availableMoves = game.GetAvailableMoves(); 

      Console.WriteLine ("Choose your move:"); 

      for (int i = 0; i < availableMoves.Length; i++) 
       Console.WriteLine (i + " " + availableMoves[i].Description); 

      int selectedIndex = int.Parse (Console.ReadLine()); 

      return availableMoves[selectedIndex]; 

    public class TicTacToe : IGame 
     enum CellState { Empty = 0, Circle, Cross } 

     CellState[] board = new CellState[9]; // 3x3 board 
     int currentPlayer = 0; 

     private IAgent player1, player2; 

     public TicTacToe (AgentCreator createPlayer1, AgentCreator createPlayer2) 
      player1 = createPlayer1 (this); 
      player2 = createPlayer2 (this); 

     public void Play() 

      while (GetAvailableMoves().Length > 0) 
       IAgent agent = currentPlayer == 0 ? player1 : player2; 

       Console.WriteLine ($"{agent.Name} is doing a move..."); 

       var move = agent.SelectMove(); 

       Console.WriteLine ("Selected move: " + move.Description); 

       move.MakeMove(); // apply move 


       if (IsGameOver()) break; 

       currentPlayer = currentPlayer == 0 ? 1 : 0; 
      Console.Write ("Game over. Winner is = ..."); // some logic to determine winner 

     public bool IsGameOver() 
      return false; 

     public IMove[] GetAvailableMoves() 
      var result = new List<IMove>(); 

      for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) 
       var cell = board[i]; 

       if (cell != CellState.Empty) continue; 

       int index = i; 

       int xpos = (i % 3) + 1; 
       int ypos = (i/3) + 1; 

       var move = new Move ($"Set {CurrentPlayerSign} on ({xpos},{ypos})",() => 
        board[index] = currentPlayer == 0 ? CellState.Cross : CellState.Circle; 

       result.Add (move); 

      return result.ToArray(); 

     private char CurrentPlayerSign => currentPlayer == 0 ? 'X' : 'O'; 

     public void PrintBoard() 
      Console.WriteLine ("Current board state:"); 

      var b = board.Select (x => x == CellState.Empty ? "." : x == CellState.Cross ? "X" : "O").ToArray(); 

      Console.WriteLine ($"{b[0]}{b[1]}{b[2]}\r\n{b[3]}{b[4]}{b[5]}\r\n{b[6]}{b[7]}{b[8]}"); 

    public class Move : IMove // Generic move, you can also create more specified moves like ChessMove, TicTacToeMove etc. if required 
     private readonly Action moveLogic; 

     public Move (string moveDescription, Action moveLogic) 
      this.moveLogic = moveLogic; 
      Description = moveDescription; 

     public string Description { get; } 

     public void MakeMove() => moveLogic.Invoke(); 

これはまさに私が探していた種類のコードです!多くのthx:D – pio



public D(IA<T> a_) 
    if (a_ is B) 
     //do something 
    else if (a_ is C) 
     //do something else 



私は中間インターフェイスIMovableを設計することは、どんな種類のクラスであるかをいつでも尋ねるよりも良いと思う。 isキーワードについては分かっていませんが。 そんなにたくさん! – pio
