2017-11-16 4 views


私がプログラムを実行すると、プログラムは平均を計算しませんが、テストの数と負の不正な値を出力します。 ex。 2つのテストと2人の生徒がいる場合、最初の生徒は2回、2番目の生徒は2回、-9.25596e + 61が印刷されます。

#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> 
#include <conio.h> 

using namespace std; 

//constant declarations 
const int MAX_STUDENTS = 30; //maximum number of students 
const int MAX_TESTS = 10; //maximum number of tests 
          //function prototypes 
void intro(); 
void ReadScores(double[][MAX_TESTS], int&, int&); 
void PrintScores(const double[][MAX_TESTS], int, int); 
void AverageScores(const double[][MAX_TESTS], 

int main() 
    //variable declarations 
    double scores[MAX_STUDENTS][MAX_TESTS],//array of test scores 
    int numberOfStudents; //number of students in a class 
    int numberOfTests; //number of tests written 
    //read the each student’s test scores into an array scores 
    ReadScores(scores, numberOfStudents, numberOfTests); 
    //print each student’s scores 
    PrintScores(scores, numberOfStudents, numberOfTests); 
    AverageScores(scores, numberOfStudents, numberOfTests, studentAvgs); 

    return 0; 

void ReadScores(double scores[][MAX_TESTS], //array of test scores 
    int& numberOfStudents, //number of students read 
    int& numberOfTests) //number of tests read 
    int student; //row index used for students 
    int test; //column index used for tests 
       //prompt for and read the number of students and the number of tests 
    cout << "Enter the number of students(up to " << MAX_STUDENTS << ") :"; 
    cin >> numberOfStudents; 
    cout << "Enter the number of tests(up to " << MAX_TESTS << ") : "; 
    cin >> numberOfTests; 
    //read the test scores into the array scores 
    for (student = 0; student < numberOfStudents; student++) 
     cout << "Enter the " << numberOfTests 
      << " test scores for student# " << (student + 1) << endl; 
     for (test = 0; test < numberOfTests; test++) 
      cin >> scores[student][test]; 

void PrintScores(const double scores[][MAX_TESTS], 
    int numberOfStudents, 
    int numberOfTests) 
    int student; 
    int test; 
    for (student = 0; student < numberOfStudents; student++) 
     cout << "The test scores for student# " << (student + 1) 
      << " are: " << endl; 
     for (test = 0; test < numberOfTests; test++) 
      cout << setw(3) << scores[student][test]; 
     cout << endl << endl; 

void intro() { 
    cout << setw(46) << "Welcome\n\n"; 

void AverageScores(const double scores[][MAX_TESTS], 
    int numberOfStudents, 
    int numberOfTests, 
    double studentAvgs[]){ 

    int student, 
     accumilator = 0; 

    for (student = 0; student < numberOfStudents; student++) 
     cout << "The average test score for student# " << (student + 1) 
      << " is: " << endl; 
     for (test = 0; test < numberOfTests; test++) { 
      accumilator += scores[numberOfStudents][numberOfTests]; 
      studentAvgs[test] = accumilator/numberOfTests; 
      cout << studentAvgs[numberOfTests] << endl; 

'accumilator + =スコア[numberOfStudents] [numberOfTests];'ループインデックス変数を使用し、ループの最大値ではありません。 – user4581301


最小、完全、および検証可能な例の作成を検討してください。 https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve –




#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
#include <vector> 
#include <utility> 
#include <numeric> 

int main() 
    std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::vector<double>>> studentScores; 

    studentScores.push_back(std::make_pair(std::string("Bob"), std::vector<double>{ 1.23, 3.23, 0.55 })); 
    studentScores.push_back(std::make_pair(std::string("John"), std::vector<double>{ 2.09, 2.22, 4.55, 1.28, 4.99 })); 
    studentScores.push_back(std::make_pair(std::string("Mary"), std::vector<double>{ 4.11, 0.2, 0.55, 3.88})); 

    for (auto studentScore : studentScores) 
     std::cout << studentScore.first << "'s average score is: "; 
     std::cout << std::accumulate(studentScore.second.begin(), studentScore.second.end(), static_cast<double>(0))/static_cast<double>(studentScore.second.size()) << std::endl; 

    return 0; 


Bob's average score is: 1.67 
John's average score is: 3.026 
Mary's average score is: 2.185 