2017-12-04 14 views




import person.Person; 
import person.Student; 

public class Tester 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
     Person p = Person.builder("Jake", 18).interest("Soccer").build(); 
     // Student s = Student.builder(name, age) <-- It's weird that we still have access to pointless static method 
     // Student s = Student.builder("Johnny", 24, "Harvard", 3).address("199 Harvard Lane") <-- returns Person builder, not student 
     Student s = ((Student.Builder)Student.builder("Jack", 19, "NYU", 1).address("Dormitory")).build(); // really bad 


package person; 

import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.List; 

public class Person 
    // Required 
    protected String name; 
    protected int age; 

    // Optional 
    protected List<String> interests = new ArrayList<>(); 
    protected String address = ""; 

    protected Person(String name, int age) 
     this.name = name; 
     this.age = age; 

    public String getName() { return name; } 
    public int getAge() { return age; } 
    public List<String> getInterests() { return interests; } 
    public String getAddress() { return address; } 

    // person.person does not allow builder construction 
    // unless all required fields are provided 

    /* Problem: I have to repeat the constructor fields here, very annoying */ 
    public static Builder builder(String name, int age) 
     Person p = new Person(name, age); 
     return new Builder(p); 

    public static class Builder 
     Person reference; 

     protected Builder(Person reference) 
      this.reference = reference; 

     public Builder address(String address) 
      reference.address = address; 
      return this; 

     public Builder interest(String interest) 
      return this; 

     public Person build() 
      return reference; 


package person; 

import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.List; 

public class Student extends Person 
    // Required 
    protected String school; 
    protected int year; 

    // Optional 
    protected List<String> subjects = new ArrayList<>(); 

    // This looks good 
    public Student(final String name, final int age, final String school, final int year) 
     super(name, age); 
     this.school = school; 
     this.year = year; 

    public String getSchool() { return school; } 
    public int getYear() { return year; } 
    public List<String> getSubjects() { return subjects; } 

    /* Here's where my issues are: 

     * Override doesn't compile on static methods but how else can I describe that I want to 
     * override this functionality from the Person class? 
     * Extending 'Person' does not enforce that I need to provide 'name', 'age', etc like it would 
     * if this was a normal design pattern using the 'new' keyword. I have to manually drag fields 
     * from 'person' and place them here. This would get VERY messy with an additional class 
     * User can STILL call the Person builder on a Student object, which makes no sense. */ 
    /*@Override*/ public static Builder builder(String name, int age, String school, int year) 
     Student s = new Student(name, age, school, year); 
     return new Builder(s); 

    public static class Builder extends Person.Builder 
     // Student reference; <--- this should not be needed since we already 
     //      have a variable for this purpose from 'Person.Builder' 

     public Builder(final Student reference) 

     /* Things begins to get very messy here */ 
     public Builder subject(String subject) 
      // I guess I could replace the reference with a student one, but 
      // I feel like that infringes on calling super() builder since we do the work twice. 
      return this; 

     @Override public Student build() 
      // I can either cast here or 
      // rewrite 'return reference' every time. 
      // Seems to infringe a bit on subclassing. 
      return (Student)super.build(); 

[ビルダーは入れ子にする必要はありません](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19130876/builder-pattern-inside-vs-外部クラス)が、どの実装を返すかを示すコンテキストが必要です。基本クラスのコンストラクタは保持しますが、 'setSchool()'、 'setYear()'、 'addSubject()'が呼び出された場合は、Personの代わりにStudentを返します。 –


ビルダー・パターンの値の1つは、コンストラクター・パラメーターの束で終わらないということです。 – DwB




Student s = ((Student.Builder)Student.builder("Jack", 19, "NYU", 1).address("Dormitory")).build(); // really bad 


Student s = Student.builder("Jack", 19, "NYU", 1).address("Dormitory")).build(); 


/* Things begins to get very messy here */ 
    public Builder subject(String subject) { 
     return this; 

    @Override public Student build() {   
     return (Student)super.build(); 



Student.builder("Jack", 19, "NYU", 1).address("Dormitory").build(); 


@Override public Student build() { 
    return (Student)super.build(); 


public Builder address(String address){ 
    reference.address = address; 
    return this; 


public Person build(){ 
    return reference; 

そして、コンパイル時には、方法としてPerson.Builderに宣言されているとして宣言タイプPersonとして持つオブジェクトを返します。 a Studentとして

Student.builder("Jack", 19, "NYU", 1)Studentであり、Personではありません。


public static class Builder { 

    Person.Builder personBuilder; 
    private Student reference; 

    public Builder(final Student reference) { 
    this.reference = reference; 
    personBuilder = new Person.Builder(reference); 

    public Builder subject(String subject) { 
    return this; 

    // delegation to Person.Builder but return Student.Builder 
    public Builder interest(String interest) { 
    return this; 

    // delegation to Person.Builder but return Student.Builder 
    public Builder address(String address) { 
    return this; 

    public Student build() { 
    return (Student) personBuilder.build(); 



Student s = Student.builder("Jack", 19, "NYU", 1) 


Student s2 = Student.builder("Jack", 19, "NYU", 1) 

組成がジェネラル継承としてより多くのコードがありますが、コード はより堅牢で適応性があります。

The question and its answersがおすすめです。



  1. 静的メソッドなど、いくつかの考えは、彼らはユニットテストをより困難にする 、それほど大きくはありません。
  2. ビルダーを静的でネストされたクラスとして配置することはできますが、ビルダーを使用してクラスを構築する場合は、コンストラクターを非公開にする必要があります。
  3. 私は、ビルダーを同じパッケージ内の別のクラスにし、(ビルダーによって作成されたクラスの)コンストラクターをパッケージにアクセスさせることを好みます。
  4. ビルダーコンストラクターパラメーターを制限します。
  5. 私はビルダーのクラス階層を使用するファンではありません。
  6. PersonクラスとStudentクラスにはそれぞれビルダがあります。


public class PersonBuilder 
    private String address; 
    private int age; 
    private final List<String> interestList; 
    private String name; 

    public PersonBuilder() 
     interestList = new LinkedList<>(); 

    public void addInterest(
     final String newValue) 
     // StringUtils is an apache utility. 
     if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(newValue)) 

     return this; 

    public Person build() 
     // perform validation here. 
     // check for required values: age and name. 

     // send all parameters in the constructor. it's not public, so that is fine. 
     return new Person(address, age, interestList, name); 

    public PersonBuilder setAddress(
     final String newValue) 
     address = newValue; 

     return this; 

    public PersonBuilder setAge(
     final int newValue) 
     age = newValue; 

     return this; 

    public PersonBuilder setInterestList(
     final List<String> newValue) 

     if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(newValue)) 

     return this; 

    public PersonBuilder setName(
     final String newValue) 
     name = newValue; 

     return this; 

public class Person 
    private Person() 

     final String addressValue, 
     final int ageValue, 
     final List<String> interestListValue, 
     final String name) 
     // set stuff. 
     // handle null for optional parameters. 

    // create gets or the fields, but do not create sets. Only the builder can set values in the class. 