2011-09-12 18 views

9枚のTic Tac Toeのバージョンを作成しています。 (それぞれの動きは相手プレイヤーが移動しなければならないでボードを決定する)クラスdraw()メソッドは直接呼び出されたときに機能しますが、別のオブジェクトによって呼び出されるとクラッシュします

私の標準Boardがで細かい描画します。 gameplay->board->draw(w, h, d);

しかし、私はSuperBoardた上で行うことBoard Sの3x3のグループを描画しようとすると、ゲーム全体がプレイされると、個人Boardはを提供します:gameplay->superBoard->drawBig(w, h, d);




struct Location { 
    int col; 
    int row; 
    int err; 

class Board { 
    // ctor 

    // func 
    void draw(float w, float h, float d); 
    void draw(float x, float y, float w, float h, float d); 
    int move(int col, int row, int player); 
    int getWinCount(int player); 
    bool isFull(); 

    int squares[3][3]; 

class SuperBoard { 
    // ctor 

    // func 
    void drawBig(float w, float h, float d); 
    int getWinCount(int player); 
    Location move(int col, int row, int player); 

    // vars 
    Board* boards[3][3]; 


#include "gameBoard.h" 
#import "ProjectHeader.h" 

Board::Board() { 
    // init vars 
    winCountPlayer1 = winCountPlayer2 = 0; 
    // init board 
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { 
    for (int j=0; j<3; j++) { 
     squares[i][j] = 0; 

Board::~Board() { 


void Board::draw(float x, float y, float w, float h, float d) { 
    ofTranslate(x, y); 
    // first, draw the basic board: 
    float border = SCREEN_BORDER * (w/ofGetWidth()); 
    // vert 
    ofLine(w/2 - d/6, h/2 - (d/2 - border), w/2 - d/6, h/2 + (d/2 - border)); 
    ofLine(w/2 + d/6, h/2 - (d/2 - border), w/2 + d/6, h/2 + (d/2 - border)); 

    // horiz 
    ofLine(w/2 - (d/2 - border), h/2 - d/6, w/2 + (d/2 - border), h/2 - d/6); 
    ofLine(w/2 - (d/2 - border), h/2 + d/6, w/2 + (d/2 - border), h/2 + d/6); 

    // then draw the moved moves: 
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { 
    for (int j=0; j<3; j++) { 
     if (squares[i][j] == 1) { // X 
     // descending stroke: 
     ofLine(i*d/3 + (w/2 - d/2), 
       j*d/3 + (h/2 - d/2), 
       i*d/3 + w/2 - d/2 + d/3, 
       j*d/3 + h/2 - d/2 + d/3); 
     // ascending stroke: 
     ofLine(i*d/3 + w/2 - d/2, 
       j*d/3 + h/2 - d/2 + d/3, 
       i*d/3 + w/2 - d/2 + d/3, 
       j*d/3 + h/2 - d/2); 
     } else if (squares[i][j] == 2) { // O 
     ofCircle(i*d/3 + w/2 - d/3, j*d/3 + h/2 - d/3, d/6); 

    // then draw a line through any wins: 
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { 
    // check rows 
    if (squares[i][0] == squares[i][1] && squares[i][1] == squares[i][2] && squares[i][2] != 0) { 
     ofSetColor(squares[i][0] == 1 ? player1win : player2win); 
     ofLine(w/2 - d/3 + i*(d/3), h/2 - d/2, w/2 - d/3 + i*(d/3), h/2 + d/2); 
    // check columns 
    if (squares[0][i] == squares[1][i] && squares[1][i] == squares[2][i] && squares[2][i] != 0) { 
     ofSetColor(squares[0][i] == 1 ? player1win : player2win); 
     ofLine(w/2 - d/2, h/2 - d/3 + i*(d/3), w/2 + d/2, h/2 - d/3 + i*(d/3)); 

    // check diagonals 
    if (squares[0][0] == squares[1][1] && squares[1][1] == squares[2][2] && squares[2][2] != 0) { 
     ofSetColor(squares[0][0] == 1 ? player1win : player2win); 
     ofLine(w/2 - d/2, h/2 - d/2, w/2 + d/2, h/2 + d/2); 
    if (squares[0][2] == squares[1][1] && squares[1][1] == squares[2][0] && squares[2][0] != 0) { 
     ofSetColor(squares[0][2] == 1 ? player1win : player2win); 
     ofLine(w/2 - d/2, h/2 + d/2, w/2 + d/2, h/2 - d/2); 

void Board::draw(float w, float h, float d) { 

    draw(0, 0, w, h, d); 

int Board::move(int _c, int _r, int player) { 
    // first, see if we can legally move here: 
    if (squares[_c][_r] == 0) { 
    squares[_c][_r] = player; 
    // then, see if the move caused a win: 
    int wincount = getWinCount(player); 
    // return the player who won, or zero if no win yet 
    if (wincount > 0) { 
     return player; 
    } else return GAME_STATE_NORMAL; 
    // otherwise return an error: 
    } else if (squares[_c][_r] == player) { 
    } else { 

int Board::getWinCount(int player) { 
    cout << "Board state:" << endl; 
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { 
    for (int j=0; j<3; j++) { 
     cout << squares[j][i] << " "; 
    cout << endl; 
    } cout << endl; 

    // For multi-board games this now handles more than one win per board. 
    int wincount = 0; 
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { 
    // check rows 
    if (squares[i][0] == squares[i][1] && 
     squares[i][1] == squares[i][2] && 
     squares[i][2] == player) wincount++; 
    // check columns 
    if (squares[0][i] == squares[1][i] && 
     squares[1][i] == squares[2][i] && 
     squares[2][i] == player) wincount++; 
    // check diagonals 
    if (squares[0][0] == squares[1][1] && 
     squares[1][1] == squares[2][2] && 
     squares[2][2] == player) wincount++; 
    if (squares[0][2] == squares[1][1] && 
     squares[1][1] == squares[2][0] && 
     squares[2][0] == player) wincount++; 

    return wincount; 

bool Board::isFull() { 
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { 
    for (int j=0; j<3; j++) { 
     if (squares[i][j] == 0) return false; 
    return true; 

// ---------------- ---------------------------- //スーパーボードコード: // ------------- -------------------------------

SuperBoard::SuperBoard() { 
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { 
    for (int j=0; j<3; j++) { 
     boards[j][i] = new Board(); 

SuperBoard::~SuperBoard() { 


void SuperBoard::drawBig(float w, float h, float d) { 
    // first, draw the big board dividing lines: 
    float border = SCREEN_BORDER; 
    // vert 
    ofLine(w/2 - d/6, h/2 - (d/2 - border), w/2 - d/6, h/2 + (d/2 - border)); 
    ofLine(w/2 + d/6, h/2 - (d/2 - border), w/2 + d/6, h/2 + (d/2 - border)); 

    // horiz 
    ofLine(w/2 - (d/2 - border), h/2 - d/6, w/2 + (d/2 - border), h/2 - d/6); 
    ofLine(w/2 - (d/2 - border), h/2 + d/6, w/2 + (d/2 - border), h/2 + d/6); 

    // then, draw each of our small boards in place: 
    float _d = d/3; 
    float _w = w/3; 
    float _h = h/3; 
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { 
    for (int j=0; i<3; j++) { 
     float _x = (w/2 - d/2) + i * _d; 
     float _y = (h/2 - d/2) + j * _d; 
     boards[i][j]->draw(_x, _y, _w, _h, _d); 

int SuperBoard::getWinCount(int player) { 
    int winCount; 
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { 
    for (int j=0; i<3; j++) { 
     winCount += boards[i][j]->getWinCount(player); 
    return winCount; 

Location SuperBoard::move(int col, int row, int player) { 
    int result; 
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { 
    for (int j=0; i<3; j++) { 
     if (boards[j][i]->isActive()) { 
     result = boards[j][i]->move(col, row, player); 
    Location loc; 
    if (result >= 0) { 
    loc.col = col; 
    loc.row = row; 
    loc.err = 0; 
    } else { 
    loc.err = result; 

    return loc; 

さて、どのようにまだ問題が発生する最小限のコードを抽出する_your_仕事をするでしょうか? –


作業中です!このスペースをご覧ください。 :) – buildsucceeded




for(int j = 0; i < 3; J ++)

多分それは(int型J = 0のため

でなければなりません; J < 3; J ++)


一口。ありがとう! 'You + = genius'。 「私はあなたにビールを負っています。 – buildsucceeded


SOエチケットのフォローアップに関する質問:この質問を閉じるために投票する必要があります。なぜなら、答えは私が説明する問題/コードとほとんど関係がないからです。 – buildsucceeded


ええ、元の質問、または答えが本当に他の人に役立つだろう、それはあなたを助けてうれしいだろう疑いがあります。 – PeskyGnat
