2017-07-13 3 views



Private Sub Outlook_VBA_Save_Attachment() 
    ''Variable declarions 
    Dim ns As NameSpace 
    Dim inb As Folder 
    Dim itm As MailItem 
    Dim atch As Attachment 

    ''Variables Initialization 
    Set ns = Outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI") 
    Set inb = ns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox) 
    File_Path = "H:\Notes\" 

    ''Loop Thru Each Mail Item 
    For Each itm In inb.Items 

    ''Loop Thru Each Attachment 
     For Each atch In itm.Attachments 
      If atch.Type = olByValue Then 
       atch.SaveAsFile File_Path & atch.FileName 
      End If 
     Next atch 
    Next itm 

    '''''Notify the Termination of Process 
    MsgBox "Attachments Extracted to: " & File_Path 
End Sub 




atch.SaveAsFile File_Path & itm.Subject 


Private Sub Outlook_VBA_Save_Attachment() 
    ''Variable declarions 
    Dim ns As Namespace 
    Dim inb As Folder 
    Dim itm As MailItem 
    Dim atch As Attachment 
    Dim fso As FileSystemObject 

    ''Variables Initialization 
    Set ns = Outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI") 
    Set inb = ns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox) 
    File_Path = "H:\Notes\" 
    Set fso = New FileSystemObject 

    ''Loop Thru Each Mail Item 
    For Each itm In inb.Items 

    ''Loop Thru Each Attachment 
     For Each atch In itm.Attachments 
      If atch.Type = olByValue Then 
       atch.SaveAsFile File_Path & itm.Subject & "." & fso.GetExtensionName(atch.Filename) 
      End If 
     Next atch 
    Next itm 

    '''''Notify the Termination of Process 
    MsgBox "Attachments Extracted to: " & File_Path 
End Sub 

これには、Microsoft Scripting Runtimeへの参照が必要です。


これはうまくいきますが、ファイル拡張子は削除されていますが、ありがとうございます。それを修正する方法はありますか? – BrettJ


ファイル拡張子を含むようにコードサンプルを変更しました。 –


美しい!助けてくれてありがとう。将来のユーザーにとって、これはMS Scripting Runtimeへの参照を有効にする方法です。 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3233203/how-do-i-use-filesystemobject-in-vba – BrettJ
