2016-10-18 4 views



t1 = [1476369169.1, 1476369169.2, 1476369169.3, 1476369169.4, 1476369169.5]; 
TableA = table(t1', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]', 'VariableNames', {'Time', 'A'}); 

t2 = [1476369169.1, 1476369169.3, 1476369169.4, 1476369169.5]; 
PreciseTableB = table(t2', [1, 3, 4, 5]', 'VariableNames', {'Time', 'B'}); 

PreciseJoin = outerjoin(TableA,PreciseTableB, 'Keys', 'Time', 'MergeKeys', 1) 

t4 = t2 + rand(1, 4)/100; 
ErrorTableB = table(t4', [1, 3, 4, 5]', 'VariableNames', {'Time', 'B'}); 
ErrorJoin = outerjoin(TableA,ErrorTableB, 'Keys', 'Time', 'MergeKeys', 1) 

PreciseJoin = 

     Time  A  B 
    ____________ _ ___ 

    1476369169.1 1  1 
    1476369169.2 2 NaN 
    1476369169.3 3  3 
    1476369169.4 4  4 
    1476369169.5 5  5 

ErrorJoin = 

      Time   A  B 
    ________________ ___ ___ 

     1476369169.1  1 NaN 
    1476369169.1095 NaN  1 
     1476369169.2  2 NaN 
     1476369169.3  3 NaN 
    1476369169.30034 NaN  3 
     1476369169.4  4 NaN 
    1476369169.40439 NaN  4 
     1476369169.5  5 NaN 
    1476369169.50382 NaN  5 



[diff'](https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/diff.html)タイムスタンプを適用し、しきい値を下回る行を削除します。 – excaza


@excaza。これは、値をソートすると機能します。しかし、問題は、間に値がないことです。より直接的なアプローチはありますか? –


なぜ時系列データをソートしないのですか?値をマージする場合は、削除する前に欠落しているデータをチェックします。 – excaza




tbase = seconds([1476369169.1, 1476369169.2, 1476369169.3, 1476369169.4, 1476369169.5]); 
t1 = tbase + seconds(rand(size(tbase))/100); 
t2 = tbase + seconds(rand(size(tbase))/100); 

TimetableA = timetable((1:5)', 'VariableNames', {'A'}, 'RowTimes', t1); 
TimetableB = timetable((1:5)', 'VariableNames', {'B'}, 'RowTimes', t2); 

combined = synchronize(TimetableA, TimetableB, tbase, 'nearest') 


>> combined 
combined = 
      Time   A B 
    ________________ _ _ 
    1476369169.1 sec 1 1 
    1476369169.2 sec 2 2 
    1476369169.3 sec 3 3 
    1476369169.4 sec 4 4 
    1476369169.5 sec 5 5 

あはっは、コメントを次のように、私は私が "欠損値" の問題を逃した実現。これは、おそらくismembertolを使用してR2015a互換の解決策が推奨されることを意味します。

% Use a somewhat extended "base" time-scale 
tbase = 1476369169 + (0:0.1:1)'; 

% Add noise to t1 and t2, selecting different fundamental 
% elements from 'tbase' 
t1 = tbase(1:7) + (rand(size(tbase(1:7)))/100); 
t2 = tbase(2:2:end) + (rand(size(tbase(2:2:end)))/100); 

% Work out which elements of t1 and t2 are members of tbase, within 
% tolerance of 0.01. Use DataScale == 1 for absolute tolerance. 
% In each case, the '_lia' output tells us whether the time 
% vector is present in 'tbase'; and '_locB' tells us where 
% in 'tbase' each element exists (or 0 if the corresponding element 
% of '_lia' is false). 
[t1_lia, t1_locB] = ismembertol(t1, tbase, 0.01, 'DataScale', 1); 
[t2_lia, t2_locB] = ismembertol(t2, tbase, 0.01, 'DataScale', 1); 

% Build tables that we can join together. 
TA = table((1:numel(t1))', t1_locB, t1, 'VariableNames', {'A', 'locB', 'time'}) 
TB = table((1:numel(t2))', t2_locB, t2, 'VariableNames', {'B', 'locB', 'time'}) 

% Filter TA and TB to contain only rows which match 'tbase' 
TA = TA(t1_lia, :); 
TB = TB(t2_lia, :); 

% Join these by location in the common time-base 
TAB = outerjoin(TA, TB, 'Keys', {'locB'}, 'MergeKeys', true); 
TAB.time = tbase(TAB.locB); 
% Don't need the 'locB' variable in this table 
TAB.locB = []; 


TAB = 
    A   time_TA   B   time_TB    time  
    ___ ________________ ___ ________________ ____________ 
     1 1476369169.0NaN     NaN  1476369169 
     2 1476369169.10184  1 1476369169.10491 1476369169.1 
     3  1476369169.2024 NaN     NaN 1476369169.2 
     4 1476369169.30417  2 1476369169.30489 1476369169.3 
     5  1476369169.4005 NaN     NaN 1476369169.4 
     6 1476369169.50903  3 1476369169.50338 1476369169.5 
     7 1476369169.60945 NaN     NaN 1476369169.6 
    NaN     NaN  4  1476369169.709 1476369169.7 
    NaN     NaN  5 1476369169.90369 1476369169.9 



これはそうだね。残念ながら私は2015aです。このソリューションは欠損値も処理できますか? –


別の試みを追加しました。これはR2015aでもうまくいきます。 – Edric


パーフェクト。ちょうど私が探していたもの。 2015年版もありがとう。 –
