2017-03-09 5 views

ユーザーがPPTスライド上でGUIを実行すると、以下に示すユーザーフォームが表示されます。PowerPoint VBAで配列の中で最も低い値、2番目に低い値、最も高い値を見つける

enter image description here

彼らは、チェックボックスで3つの危険まで選択することができます。私は、そのタグの中で最も小さい数字のチェックボックスが "Hazard1"になるようにコードを書く方法を見つけようとしています。2番目に小さい番号のタグ(選択できる3つまで)がHazard2に入ります3番目に小さい番号のタグがHazard3に入ります。任意のチェックボックスの各Tagプロパティには、単一の数字だけが含まれています。これは私がランキングの優先順位に使うものです。ここで


Private Sub Hazards() 
    Call Dictionary.HazardsDict 

    'References the Dictionary for the Hazard Image options. 

    Dim chkboxes As Variant 
    Dim iCtrl As Long 

    Select Case CountSelectedCheckBoxes(chkboxes) 
     Case Is > 3 
      MsgBox "Too many selected checkboxes!" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "please select three checkboxes only!", vbCritical 
     Case Is = 1 'If only one checkbox is selected 
      For iCtrl = LBound(chkboxes) To UBound(chkboxes) 
       HazardList = Array(chkboxes(iCtrl).Caption) 
       Debug.Print chkboxes(iCtrl).Caption 
       'MsgBox chkboxes(iCtrl).Tag '<--| here you output each selected checkbox Tag. This is the "number" to use in the ranking 
      For Each Ky In HazardList 
       ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.Shapes("Hazard1").Fill.UserPicture (dict5.Item(Ky)(0)) 
       ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.Shapes("Hazard1Text").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = dict5.Item(Ky)(1) 
     Case Is = 2 'If exactly 2 checkboxes are selected 
      For iCtrl = LBound(chkboxes) To UBound(chkboxes) 
       HazardList = Array(chkboxes(iCtrl).Caption) 
       Debug.Print chkboxes(iCtrl).Caption 
      For Each Ky In HazardList 
       ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.Shapes("Hazard1").Fill.UserPicture (dict5.Item(Ky)(0)) 'The checkbox with the lowest number in its Tag would go here. 
       ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.Shapes("Hazard1Text").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = dict5.Item(Ky)(1) 
       ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.Shapes("Hazard2").Fill.UserPicture (dict5.Item(Ky)(0)) 'The checkbox with the second lowest tag number would go here 
       ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.Shapes("Hazard2Text").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = dict5.Item(Ky)(1) 
    End Select 

    Set dict5 = Nothing 

End Sub 


Public dict, dict2, dict3, dict4, dict5 As Object, Key, val 'Makes the dictionaries public so they can be accessed by other Modules. 

Sub MainImageDict() 

'This is the dictionary for the Main Image portion of the slides. 

Set dict3 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 

Key = "Day 1 High Temperatures": val = Array("URL_to_Image") 
dict3.Add Key, val 
Key = "Day 2 High Temperatures": val = Array("URL_to_Image") 
dict3.Add Key, val 

End Sub 

Function CountSelectedCheckBoxes(chkboxes As Variant) As Long 
    Dim ctrl As Control 
    ReDim chkboxes(1 To Me.Controls.count) 

    For Each ctrl In Me.Controls '<--| loop through userform controls 
     If TypeName(ctrl) = "CheckBox" Then '<--| check if current control is a "checkbox" one 
      If ctrl Then '<--| check if it's "checked" 
       CountSelectedCheckBoxes = CountSelectedCheckBoxes + 1 '<--| update checked checkboxes counter 
       Set chkboxes(CountSelectedCheckBoxes) = ctrl '<--| store it in the array 
      End If 
     End If 
    If CountSelectedCheckBoxes > 0 Then ReDim Preserve chkboxes(1 To CountSelectedCheckBoxes) '<--|size checkboxes array to actual checked checkboxes found 
End Function 



「CountSelectedCheckBoxes」のコードを表示して、チェックボックスオブジェクトの意味を知ることができますか? –


申し訳ありませんが、私はそれを含めることを意味しました!私は投稿を更新しました。 – hunter21188


私はファイルをアップロードする必要があると思います。私たちが解決するにはあまりにも多くのことがあります。 – brettdj






Public Type structChkBoxeses 
    selectedCount As Long 
    first   As CheckBox 
    second   As CheckBox 
    third   As CheckBox 
End Type 


Sub Hazards(structChkBoxes As structChkBoxeses) 

    For Each Ky In HazardList 
     With ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange 
      .Shapes("Hazard1").Fill.UserPicture (dict5.Item(structChkBoxes.first)(0)) 'The checkbox with the lowest number in its Tag would go here. 
      .Shapes("Hazard1Text").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = dict5.Item(Ky)(1) 
      .Shapes("Hazard2").Fill.UserPicture (dict5.Item(structChkBoxes.second)(0)) 'The checkbox with the second lowest tag number would go here 
      .Shapes("Hazard2Text").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = dict5.Item(Ky)(1) 
     End With 

End Sub 


Function GetSelectedChkBoxes(structChkBoxes As structChkBoxeses) As structChkBoxeses 

    Dim ctrl As Control 

    ReDim chkboxes(1 To Me.Controls.Count) 

    For Each ctrl In Me.Controls '<--| loop through userform controls 
     If TypeName(ctrl) = "CheckBox" Then '<--| check if current control is a "checkbox" one 
      If ctrl Then '<--| check if it's "checked" 

       With structChkBoxes 
        .selectedCount = .selectedCount + 1 '<--| update checked checkboxes counter 

        ' you need to add some logic here but 
        ' basically you want get all the checkboxes 
        ' assigned to the right variables 

        If .third Is Nothing Then 
         Set .third = ctrl 
         If .third.Tag > ctrl.Tag Then 
          Set .second = .third 
          Set .third = ctrl 
         End If 
        End If 
       End With 

      End If 
     End If 

    GetSelectedChkBoxes = structChkBoxes 

End Function 




よかった、素晴らしい。私はあなたがこれでどこに行くのかを間違いなく見ています。私は明日この方法を試すことができ、私はあなたに戻ってきます。ありがとう! – hunter21188
